Levels of grief - where are you at?

1) Denial
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance

Right now I am at the bargaining stage...trying to tell myself the season isnt over (which of course it isnt), we can still win the big ten title, we can still go to the Rose Bowl, etc.

If the Vikings manage to lose to the Dolphins today I will move to Level 4 very quickly

What level is everybody else at?

14-10 Dolphins. LOL. Rough weekend.
I was at level 5 shortly after the game. Same thing last year after Northwestern. I love me some Hawkeyes but at the end of the day it's still just a game.

The season is not a "total loss" or anything close. A "quality loss", if there is such a thing, this early in the season is not the end of the world. Even though the expectations in the state were so high they burned a hole in the Ozone Layer over Iowa there is still a lot to play for.

Looking forward to the rest of the season.
I was #4 right after the game, just crushed. I woke up on #5 the next morning, and the first thing I said was "Man, I feel so sorry for Ball St. next week."
i'm at #6, ready for next season! lol, kidding.

i was really mad right when the game was over. did the whole bargaining thing on my drive back home(i was pretty intoxicated and a sober buddy drove...perhaps you can learn from the MELROSEGUY). woke up sunday pretty sad and depressed. watched the colts game last night and feel a lot better(especially since my fantasy team has jahvid best).

but if i think iowa has a good shot at still having a better year than last year, am i back at bargaining or acceptance?
Meh. It was a football game!

I care, and yes was disappointed in the loss. But in the grand scheme of life it's not that big of a deal.

Besides, this is a very good football team. Just don't lose to frigging *ucky Badger. My wife doesn't know when to shut up after a *ucky win over Iowa - in any sport.
Good thread! I am still in AZ visiting my family and need to know how the rest of Hawkeye Nation is feeling. Listened to the podcast of soundoff today as well. I was angry Saturday night, but tried to get rid of it so I could still enjoy time with my family. I was in depression mode yesterday and working my way out of it today. It felt like we lost that game twice as I had prepared myself for a loss at half time. When they missed the PAT it felt like I was kicked in the gut. I am watching the game right now and seeing some things that I didn't see live at the game. I don't know how many games we will win this year, but I do know this. Iowa won't play that bad the rest of the year. We can still go after the B10 title and that is not a bad year. But like so many of you have said, if this wasn't the year to make the NC game, I don't know when we will.
#5 only because the Packers beat down the bills. It still hurts to even get on here and think what could have been!!

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