Levels of grief - where are you at?

I guess I am at acceptance....what are ya going to do about it, right? Like I tell my kids...crying doesn't get you anywhere. Anger can be both beneficial and detrimental. Denial, Depression and bargaining don't get you very far....the Virgin wasn't hearing my prayers...probably cause the AZ crowd was so loud!

I went through all the stages quickly last night and was forcing myself into the acceptance stage. Frankly, it's hard to do when you are watching on TV at home. If you are at Kinnick ,you can scream your head off and release some of that energy, but at home with kids in bed you have to suck it up. I am surprised that they didn't wake up when I cheered over Binns TD. :). I went to bed with a horrible gut ache and chest pain....grief...and I woke up early thinking about the Hawks as usual and here I am. Sharing the pain.:(

I totally identify with what you are saying about having an outlet for your emotion. When I was an actual athlete in HS/college I never lost my cool, never really got mad at a teammate or ref. Might be upset with myself momentarily for a bad play, but I'd move on within seconds because the next play is coming. If we lost, I'd stew for maybe a night and be over it by the time I hit the weightroom in the morning. Watching someone else play, especially on TV, is an entirely different animal. You've got no control and there's nothing you can do about it. I always find myself yelling about blown assignments, officiating, terrible luck, etc.. Totally sucks, but one thing it does remind me is that it's not a good idea to let your happiness depend on something you can't control. I always try to remind myself to let the Hawks bring me joy, but don't let them bum me out (at least not too badly). Easier said than done, as I've been bouncing around between denial, anger, and depression since last night. Time to flush that s**t though. I'm considering it a mental challenge to myself.
The better team didn't win, but unfortunately for us that is what is usually pretty great about college football.
You're going to pull that card? "the better team" doesn't allow six sacks, give up a kick return, get a punt blocked, miss a PAT, let the other team march up and down the field, etc etc. We've got a good team, but last night AZ was the better team.
First let me say, oustanding thread.

Now I can't tell if I am in acceptance or denial. I keep thinking it is just one game, it is early and against a team that has a chance to run off some wins. I think Iowa made some uncharacteristic mistakes that might have just been the result of nerves, or lack of concentration associated with the late start. I think it is a valuable lesson that the team will learn from and the fact that the team doesn't really have the type of elite athlete on offense that you need for a NC. In a nutshell the acceptance that the ceiling was always the Big Ten title at best.

That being said, I might just be in denial because this team might no be that good. The young, light O-line might not be good enough this year to compete for a Big Ten title and our lack of an elite back might mean a 2004 type running game.

I guess I'll take none of the above. Really my stage is probably best labeled "Who freaking knows?"
You're going to pull that card? "the better team" doesn't allow six sacks, give up a kick return, get a punt blocked, miss a PAT, let the other team march up and down the field, etc etc. We've got a good team, but last night AZ was the better team.

The better O definitely won. That is really indisputable. Don't know if I would pick one of our offensive players over any of theirs. Seriously. And I am not a Stanzi hater.
The guy at Nebraska Game and Parks had to give me crap about wearing an Iowa shirt today. It is going to be a long week!
Nope, I'm over it now. Can't do anything else about it and it's not like we (football fans) ever could anyway. I always get mad when the Hawks lose games but then before you know it, it's time for the next one.
There can be no "acceptance". Acceptance is for hawk fans that are satisfied with a 10 win season. 99 seasons out of 100, 10 wins is great. But one season, we need to win it all. One. This had the potential for that. So no acceptance. Another reason for no acceptance, is the way we played. Iowa football is about one thing: fundamentals, and simple straight up football executed by fundamentals. We failed in all facets of fundamental football. Running the ball, special teams, pressure on the lines, etc. When Iowa doesn't execute its simple fundamentals, it becomes one thing: simple to beat.

The only thing that can bring us close to acceptance would be a rose bowl, which means running the table.
Acceptance. .........Realization that it is going to take a perfect storm for Iowa to win a NC. I predicted 10-2 before the year started and I am sticking to it.
I was frustrated as heck while watching the game but today is a new day. I don't let a loss stick with me for as long as i used to. I think that comes with me getting older and realizing there are a lot more tragic events that take place in life than your favorite team losing a football game.

This is still a very good iowa team. We will learn from the mistakes and will move forward to have a nice season. Arizona brought its "A" game and we did not. But, the sun still comes up. Life will move forward. And be thankful that we have a program that even allows us to be this passionate. The hawks will do just fine. :)

Will you cuddle and snuggle me? Be there for me.

There, there son. I just patted your post on my phone. Feel better? Now put down your pocket knife or whatever it is you're using to cut your self and do what normal people do to feel better....have a couple of beers, eat some comfort food or call your mom....or all three. I prefer fries and ice cream as my comfort food but whatever you want.
Angry...frickin angry.

Once...just once..I was hoping Iowa was a for-real national contender, and I could honestly believe in the pre-season hype just how good we could be.

I never mind losing when we get outplayed...I'll never accept defeat, ever, when we poop down our leg with this level of supposed talent.
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Turned the phone off when the clock hit 0:00 because of #2, which lasted until I finally fell asleep. #4 lasted well into the afternoon today. But enough is enough. Time to flush it. Def at #5 now. It's still Iowa foobtall. We'll rebound for a solid season just like we rebounded last night against all odds. You dont nearly go ahead in games where you give up 3 TD's on special teams and we did. Who knows, this still may be a great season. Here's hoping the team responds with ferocity. I know it's unlikely, but a 50-something to 0 win next week would be refreshing.

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