Levels of grief - where are you at?


Well-Known Member
1) Denial
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance

Right now I am at the bargaining stage...trying to tell myself the season isnt over (which of course it isnt), we can still win the big ten title, we can still go to the Rose Bowl, etc.

If the Vikings manage to lose to the Dolphins today I will move to Level 4 very quickly

What level is everybody else at?
I suppose this depends on your perspective. I feel like I progressed pretty quickly. Not sure if there really is a bargaining stage. First I couldn't believe it, then I was p***ed as all get out. That lasted 30 minutes or so after the game. Then I got sad for awhile. But I've accepted the loss, and moved on. The season is far from over, and if the coverage teams maintain their level of play that they had in the second half, we should be alright. I honestly think that muffed punt, while a break, wasn't as big as it seemed. Prater would have gone Tim Dwight on that guy, and he probably fumbles anyway. The kickoff coverage was very good in the second half. They may have needed to get punked in order to step it up. Sucks that that's what it took, but now that it's happened I'm hoping the effects stick in their minds.
'Bout an hour after waking up this morning I hit a 5. Alot of this loss was the perfect storm (hitting hard and fast).
We'll move on.
Right now, I'm at Stage 4.....sorta moping around the house right now. I hit "Denial" pretty early. In fact, I hit denial right around the time Foles hit that big bomb right after we scored. You could pretty much see what was coming after that point.

I stayed pi$$ed for the next couple hours and woke up still fairly ticked off. Got to the point where I figure if we can get some things cleaned up in our kicking game and the blocking schemes on blitzes, then we can still have a heckuva season.

Right now, I'm just depressed that another "what if" season is staring us in the face. Being in the depression stage allows me to look back at all the other seasons we had an opportunity and laid the "turd".......1985 at OSU, 1997 at Michigan, 2002 against ISU, 2009 against NW.....which then gets me wondering if I'll live long enough to see the Hawks in a NC game, which of course does nothing but get me more depressed. I'll hit "Acceptance" sometime tonight.....hopefully.
Depression, bus. Special Teams have been the hallmark of past Iowa teams and to have a showing like that...Man. We have too many talented athletes for that type of performance. This one was tough. I thought the missed PAT was the key play of the fourth. Instead of protecting a lead we're protecting a tie. Different mindset. Where I watched the game (the Sports Column in IC) a lot of folks were too busy celebrating and didn't know we missed it. The air went out of the place when they realized we did.
"Right now, I'm just depressed that another "what if" season is staring us in the face. Being in the depression stage allows me to look back at all the other seasons we had an opportunity and laid the "turd".......1985 at OSU, 1997 at Michigan, 2002 against ISU, 2009 against NW.....which then gets me wondering if I'll live long enough to see the Hawks in a NC game, which of course does nothing but get me more depressed. I'll hit "Acceptance" sometime tonight.....hopefully."

+1 in a very big way. 100% where I am.
I was in denial the whole first quarter. Then I left the stages of grief altogether. Then I went to anger until about an hour after I woke up. Now, I'm somewhere between bargaining and depression - I am bargaining because I'm saying "Hey, we're still ranked higher than we were at this time last year, and if we lose, it's better to lose early, and all the BCS teams are probably going to have a loss." Then, I think about Boise and TCU and I hit depression a little and then I think about how we'll probably finish 8-4 and the depression hits a little harder, but then I think "maybe we'll make adjustments and this is the wake up call we need." Then I think about O'Keefe not calling a single freaking screen into the teeth of that blitz and I regress back to anger.
I dont really know where i fit, i am certainly disappointed we lost. Frankly i slept terrible after the loss. With that being said, i wont dwell on it anymore. Prior to having kids i would be a crab for a day or two...now i just move on in my head and enjoy the next day with my family/friends. The Hawks will get it back together and hopefully win us a big 10 title!
Absolutely nothing. I honestly don't know how anybody expected us to get through @Arizona, Penn State, @Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan State, Ohio State without losing one. At least we don't have to hear the questions about when we're going to lose now.
Definately #2. I'm still mad several hours after it ended. I could deal with a loss if the Hawks had played well and fell short. Blocked punt, pick six for a TD, horrible kickoff coverage. And yet we still had a great shot to win the game...then our supposed great D gave up the game winning drive. Very disappointed.
You people need to cheer up. If we run the table and Arizona runs the table, we will have a rematch for the national championship. I think this will happen, we are the best ever.
1) Denial
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance

Right now I am at the bargaining stage...trying to tell myself the season isnt over (which of course it isnt), we can still win the big ten title, we can still go to the Rose Bowl, etc.

If the Vikings manage to lose to the Dolphins today I will move to Level 4 very quickly

What level is everybody else at?

Ya more like, its a wake up call. I think Iowa is still a very good team with a shot at the Rose Bowl.
I would say I am at the acceptance, move on stage. I trust the Iowa coaching staff to have these guys ready by October.
Im at the same bargaining level, woke up feeling alright about it. But Im also extremely angry at ESPN for their coverage, or lake there of. And the fact that my cable went out during the 4th quarter so I missed the entire comeback.
I've moved to acceptance...but that game has me really worried...they exposed some BIG question marks on special teams and offense...I am really worried where this season is heading. If they get to 10-11 wins they are exceeding my expectations now.
I didn't go through the stages in the right order. I was angry first for about 30 minutes. Then I was shifting between denial and severe depression for about 1 hour, which gave way to severe depression when I went to bed, and that has not changed yet. Currently I'm so very very sad :(
But I'm gonna have to say "GO HAWKS!" anyway, because it feels good just a little bit.
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I guess I am at acceptance....what are ya going to do about it, right? Like I tell my kids...crying doesn't get you anywhere. Anger can be both beneficial and detrimental. Denial, Depression and bargaining don't get you very far....the Virgin wasn't hearing my prayers...probably cause the AZ crowd was so loud!

I went through all the stages quickly last night and was forcing myself into the acceptance stage. Frankly, it's hard to do when you are watching on TV at home. If you are at Kinnick ,you can scream your head off and release some of that energy, but at home with kids in bed you have to suck it up. I am surprised that they didn't wake up when I cheered over Binns TD. :). I went to bed with a horrible gut ache and chest pain....grief...and I woke up early thinking about the Hawks as usual and here I am. Sharing the pain.:(
I think I'm in the acceptance stage. It is what it is. The better team didn't win, but unfortunately for us that is what is usually pretty great about college football.

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