Levar Woods new DC???

If Parker is to be the new DC because he's got the most Norm Parker staff seniority, why hasn't that DC trigger been pulled by now, huh?

Maybe Norm Parker staff seniority isn't the most important criteria to Ferentz.
I'm just sayin', ankle, the decision to hire a DL coach (possibly L.Woods) doesn't appear to be as straightforword as some 'in the know' would make you believe the DC (P. Parker) is.

EDIT: If a DL coach is introduced before the DC, who would you guess would be in charge of the defense? The DC or Ferentz?

2nd EDIT: And what is Ferentz waiting for? Maybe a coach from LSU, 'Bama or the pros?
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That blows that parker will be the new dc....guess kf is ok with the program going into a free fall so he will keep e drything the same...what an utter joke the iowa head coach has become.
Get a clue. Parker is a good coach and his players would back me on that.
I want Aiken, but those of you bashing Parker are basically just afraid to bash Ferentz.

If you think that Iowa is suddenly going to run a man press blitzburgh defense, you would be disappointed if Bob Stoops was the DC.
you honestly think there will be "interviews?" my guess is the "interviews" have already taken place

I think this is the case exactly. My belief now the longer it is taking that it is either Parker or Aiken and either one I would be fine with. I will say I am pumped if Lavar did get the DL job. I think he will really help out getting the players prepared and the more I read about Kaz I think that is where some problems existed. In most cases people don't want to go to work for an A hole and it becomes contagious. At first I was a little down about the loss but I am way over it now. Ready for 2012!!!
...and the more I read about Kaz I think that is where some problems existed. In most cases people don't want to go to work for an A hole and it becomes contagious. At first I was a little down about the loss but I am way over it now. Ready for 2012!!!

You've gotta admit Coach K was the coach of Iowa's most important and most productive unit on defense - the DLine.

With Coach K. leaving, will the essense of Norm's defensive philosophy also leave?

Kameltoez? Are you a girl or do you like tight jeans? There's more than one of you?
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New Years resolution is to be more positive in all aspects of life. Although I don't agree with Parker for DC, I will no longer bash the guy because I really don't know anything about him. I just hope he is a dynamic recruiter because that is what this program needs, along with some more aggressive play calling on offense.
New Years resolution is to be more positive in all aspects of life. Although I don't agree with Parker for DC, I will no longer bash the guy because I really don't know anything about him. I just hope he is a dynamic recruiter because that is what this program needs, along with some more aggressive play calling on offense.

That's an excellent resolution, good luck to you!
Enter TCHawk with yet another lame disparaging post. Are you even a hawk fan or just a troll trying to make everyone else feel as miserable as you do? More importantly... Are you ever going to go away? Here's an idea, run to your mom's bathtub and fill it with water. Then do us all a favor and try to see if you can hold your breath for 5 minutes underwater. No quitting is allowed.

Wow you are such a tool, instead of saying why you do or don't like a post you rather just be a troll and attack the poster. You really need to grow up and stop acting like a 5 year old.
Great players do not always make great coaches. See Chuck Long. You also understand that there is no way possible Sanders comes in and is a position coach right off the bat. He would have to prove himself as an assistant the same way Levar has.
You need to stop now. Long was the Offensive Coordinator at Oklahoma when they were playing in National Title games. His offenses were unstoppable. He got the opportunity at SDSU because of the work he did at Oklahoma. SDSU was a major mess when he took it over...limited scholarships due to terrible academics, and a terrible strength and conditioning program. He rebuilt the pipeline of interior linemen and righted the ship as to getting kids to class. Unfortunately, he wasn't particularly good at managing the game, nor his staff...and the media did him in. Brady Hoke came in and truly owed some of his success to the work Long did. Kansas, well, I know Mangino left another mess there too. I'd take Chuck Long over Ken O'Keefe any day of the week.Are you serious...Sanders would have to earn the right to a position coach? If he was interested...KF would hire him on the spot to coach the secondary. Are you kidding me? Do you know what he could do on the recruiting trail? Bob "freaking" Sanders?

You need to stop now, because you're completely talking out of your ***. No, Ferentz would not hire Bob Sanders, who has no actual coaching experience at all, on the spot.
You are right...no coaching experience...although the 10 years experience in the NFL at an all pro level may be beneficial to actually knowing something about playing defensive back. You would also think playing at that high of a level would give him some insight into how to motivate guys to improve as he motivated himself to becoming the Defensive MVP of the NFL. Saying he had poor techique is ridiculous and it's even more ridiculous that because he may have relied on his athleticism, that somehow he couldn't teach the correct skills to a young CB or Safety.

Since he has never recruited players, I'm sure he would suck at that too. No one wants an all pro/NFL defensive player of the year in their living room telling them how to play defense or where to go to school and why.

He would be the get of the century for the Iowa coaching staff.

Get of the century?? Playing and coaching are very different. Some of you must not realize that. We all love B. Sanders. KF isn't handing out coaching positions to former players with no coaching experience.
Parker little change in recruiting; strategy will be seen after they play, in my opinion he did not show much by being the DC while Norm was in the hospital

Bradley if he leaves PSU, would bring new blood in, also would be a big influence in East Coast recruiting

Stoops new blood and a solid recruiting prescence in the SW
I have no idea who has the SW area, which includes Texas

Aiken brings a NFL experience to the table to be used by the D and will really help in recruiting as far as getting kids that want to move to the next level

any one of the outsiders bring new blood and new ideas to recruiting and ideas
this will be a big decision by KF that could go a long way in whether he is remebered as a great coach or just a coach that was accepted by the powers that be because he made them money

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