Let's Start a New Tradition at Iowa Games


Well-Known Member
I attended the Orange Bowl and all of the Iowa home games this season. Iowa fans are booing the opposing team when they come out of the tunnel. I suppose the theory is that it somehow creates a "hostile" environment for the opposing team.

I think it creates the opposite result: It fires up the other team.

It also shows a total lack of class by the Iowa fans. I have been guilty of this practice myself, so i share in the responsibility.

Let's start a new tradition: When the other team comes out of their tunnel, respond with: SILENCE. TOTAL AND COMPLETE SILENCE.

I think that would put them on their heels a little bit.
I'm all for it. There's no way you can make 70,000 people shut up though..

I also think being loud during the game at times doesn't do any good. For instance, right after the snap if it went silent, or right before the QB released the ball.. that would get into a player's head.. they're used to hearing the noise, so all of a sudden nothing could make em screw up...... Or right before a punt returner was about to catch the ball, just enough to make him possibly muff...
I attended the Orange Bowl and all of the Iowa home games this season. Iowa fans are booing the opposing team when they come out of the tunnel. I suppose the theory is that it somehow creates a "hostile" environment for the opposing team.

I think it creates the opposite result: It fires up the other team.

It also shows a total lack of class by the Iowa fans. I have been guilty of this practice myself, so i share in the responsibility.

Let's start a new tradition: When the other team comes out of their tunnel, respond with: SILENCE. TOTAL AND COMPLETE SILENCE.

I think that would put them on their heels a little bit.

Good luck with that. I can't get son to stay quite for 10 second imagine trying to get 70,000 people to shut up.
It does not show a total lack of class to boo opponents coming out of the tunnel. That is good natured booing if I ever heard it. You don't boo because you hate the other team. No one is supplementing their boos with middle fingers or f-bombs. It is just a token gesture that all fans do to let another team know they are in for trouble when they step on our turf.
I'm all for it. There's no way you can make 70,000 people shut up though..

I also think being loud during the game at times doesn't do any good. For instance, right after the snap if it went silent, or right before the QB released the ball.. that would get into a player's head.. they're used to hearing the noise, so all of a sudden nothing could make em screw up...... Or right before a punt returner was about to catch the ball, just enough to make him possibly muff...

I used to have season tickets to the LA Clippers when they played in the old LA Sports Arena. That place was so quiet that we used to get guys to brick free throws by shouting things out from the stands.

You would be amazed by the impact of a quick, "Hey Mike," just as a player is about to release the ball. The best was when Walt Williams and his knee socks came to town. As Williams set up to shoot his first foul shot someone yelled, "Hey Walt, do those socks come in a plastic egg?" He literally stopped in mid-motion and looked over and started laughing himself.
I agree. booing is lame. Heck we even have people booing the other teams band. Its a freaking band!! Booing after the game of the other team as Jared Clauss noted was absolutely uncalled for. Players and coaches congratulate the other team for a well fought game after the game. The fans could learn something from them . I was at the game and I for one never boo either our team or the other. I do cheer like hell through out the game to help our team with the home field advantage.
Eh, booing is an all too common 'introduction' in sports.

In the NLL, the Philadelphia Wings have a tradition where after each opposing player is announced, the fans yell "Sucks!". Classy. :rolleyes:

Here in Denver for Colorado Mammoth games, the Tar Pit is trying to get it going where, when they go to announce the opposing team's roster, they just stand and turn their backs in silence. Unfortunately, it is not catching on with the other 16k fans in attendance. Hopefully we can get more people to start doing it this season.
Sorry but I don't have a problem with people booing the other team when they come out.The screaming when they have the ball should be stopped to, they need complete silence.Let's also applaud them when they score that would really blow there minds.Let's just tell Ricky to throw a interception right away so he get's it out of his system.
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I'm all for it. There's no way you can make 70,000 people shut up though..

I also think being loud during the game at times doesn't do any good. For instance, right after the snap if it went silent, or right before the QB released the ball.. that would get into a player's head.. they're used to hearing the noise, so all of a sudden nothing could make em screw up...... Or right before a punt returner was about to catch the ball, just enough to make him possibly muff...

Heh....muff :D
I'm all for booing I love it. Being silent is a terrible idea. We're talking bout a football game here, come on. Lame!
I attended the Orange Bowl and all of the Iowa home games this season. Iowa fans are booing the opposing team when they come out of the tunnel. I suppose the theory is that it somehow creates a "hostile" environment for the opposing team.

I think it creates the opposite result: It fires up the other team.

It also shows a total lack of class by the Iowa fans. I have been guilty of this practice myself, so i share in the responsibility.

Let's start a new tradition: When the other team comes out of their tunnel, respond with: SILENCE. TOTAL AND COMPLETE SILENCE.

I think that would put them on their heels a little bit.

I agree with you, but many of the fans that sit around me don't have a high football IQ, and they are totally manic, so they overreact to every single event that happens on the field. This one person comes unglued after every play and doesn't know diddly squat about football. So, I agree with you, but I don't think that it will change anything.
I agree that booing teams shows no class. I only get to a couple of games each year as I live out of state but when I hear fans around me booing the other team, I say something. You should see the amazed look on their faces. They usually do stop but I think they feel like I am "weird" for saying anything.

These teams that we boo are young men, 18-22, that for the most part are doing positive things with their lives. Even if there is nothing wrong with booing, I think it shows no class on our part. Being a fan at a game should be about celebrating our team, not being negative to other teams.

As Hawkeyes, I would like to think that we are educated, social and decent folk. IMHO, we don't need to act like some other school fans that spew hate and negativism.

Besides, Ignoring someone is the ultimate insult.
Isn't it Duke Basketball where the fans bring newspapers and mock read them when the opposing team is introduced?
I think the entire stadium should moon the opposing team as they take the field. Just imagine 140,000 cheeks....:eek:

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