Let's get real here

Look guy, we're a middle of the pack B10 program that had 3 good years in a row nearly a decade ago and we had a 6-2 season 2 years ago. Back those out and we're a very pedestrian program, half a game a year better than Northwestern, to be exact. I'm tempering expectations here.

back out three great years? really? You said back out three good years? OMG. Back out three good years (four actually) for any program in the last 10 years and their will be very very few programs left with good records. And "guy" take a step back with that.
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back out three great years? really? You said back out three good years? OMG. Back out three good years (four actually) for any program in the last 10 years and their will be very very few programs left with good records.
And "guy" take a step back with that. Unless you want to trade addresses with me don't make it personal with me and I won't with you. I didnt start it with that, you did.

Uh oh we got a tough guy here.
back out three great years? really? You said back out three good years? OMG. Back out three good years (four actually) for any program in the last 10 years and their will be very very few programs left with good records.
And "guy" take a step back with that. Unless you want to trade addresses with me don't make it personal with me and I won't with you. I didnt start it with that, you did.

Look, tough man, at some point relying on a string of 8-0, 5-3 and 7-1 reaches its statute of limitations. It was awesome, I loved it, it was totally great. But it ended SEVEN YEARS AGO. And every year the fanbase clings to it like their collective blanky to justify the relevance of Hawkeye football. If that run was a missing person, it would be declared dead come this November 20th, the 7th anniversary of Kurt hoisting the B10 trophy.
you dont even like Iowa, you're really an ISU fan anyway... just make it official and go to their board instead

Negatory, guy. You like Iowa State. I like Iowa. Sorry if my pointing out the obvious to you hurts your feelings. The truth can sting, but one day you will come to accept that Iowa's got a cute little program that can, on occasion, show flashes of brilliance. I've known it for years, which is why I am not susceptible to meltdowns after losses and I am always the voice of reason on this board.
The most telling statistic about Kurt Ferentz is that he is 21-20 in B10 bince 2006, Pat Fitzgerald, who is dealing with drastically inferior facilities, a home stadium that never really has home field advantage, being thrust into the head coaching role well before he was ready, academic standards that are the tops in the conference and an athletic director who wouldn't tolerate double digit annual arrests is sitting just behind Kurt at 18-24 in that time frame. And Pat's making a lot less money, too. Given the advantages Iowa has over NU, I think this is a travesty.

Here is something...

Between 01 and 05 five different teams (Ill, fOSU, scUM, PSU, Iowa) won at least a share of the B10 title. OSU only won two shared titles and didn't win any back to back titles.

Between 06 and 10 OSU won at least a share of the B10 title every year and won three outright. Until 2010 when they MSU and Wisky all went 7-1 the only other team to claim a share of the title was PSU in 08.

Basically in the latter half of the decade fOSU was a truly dominant force with everyone else simply trying to tread water, where in the first half of the decade they along with scUM and Iowa were all roughly equal.

I don't think fOSU gets enough credit for keeping everyone in the B10 down between 06 and 10.
No ****. move on homeboy. The clowns need fans, if our program is so bad, join them, or NWU, or Indiana, or Purdue, since never beat them.

Look pal, I havent said anything negative about Kirk in this thread. My side was to point out that what duff was cherry picking. Im not the only one to see that.

So Im glad for you that you are completely happy with the program that prolly makes you the ultra fan(at least in your basement).
Look pal, I havent said anything negative about Kirk in this thread. My side was to point out that what duff was cherry picking. Im not the only one to see that.

So Im glad for you that you are completely happy with the program that prolly makes you the ultra fan(at least in your basement).

I still don't see why using the last ten years to judge where Iowa is as a program is cherry picking. It's not like I'm not counting years in the middle. I'm using the last ten because I feel they are most relevent to where this program is now. Does it help KF's record in this instance? Sure. But it's not like that was a determining factor in why I used the last ten years. It just sort of worked out that way.
I still don't see why using the last ten years to judge where Iowa is as a program is cherry picking. It's not like I'm not counting years in the middle. I'm using the last ten because I feel they are most relevent to where this program is now. Does it help KF's record in this instance? Sure. But it's not like that was a determining factor in why I used the last ten years. It just sort of worked out that way.

The big thing is Iowa and Mi. In the middle of that ten years they are bad and that the point that your trying to prove... Hey look were better than Mi. Yes you are using 10 years but you even stated that the first two years werent fair because Kirk was just getting started.
I still don't see why using the last ten years to judge where Iowa is as a program is cherry picking. It's not like I'm not counting years in the middle. I'm using the last ten because I feel they are most relevent to where this program is now. Does it help KF's record in this instance? Sure. But it's not like that was a determining factor in why I used the last ten years. It just sort of worked out that way.

Because the people that want to complain are going to find a way to complain no matter what. No amount of facts, statistics, or logic will change their minds
Here is something...

Between 01 and 05 five different teams (Ill, fOSU, scUM, PSU, Iowa) won at least a share of the B10 title. OSU only won two shared titles and didn't win any back to back titles.

Between 06 and 10 OSU won at least a share of the B10 title every year and won three outright. Until 2010 when they MSU and Wisky all went 7-1 the only other team to claim a share of the title was PSU in 08.

Basically in the latter half of the decade fOSU was a truly dominant force with everyone else simply trying to tread water, where in the first half of the decade they along with scUM and Iowa were all roughly equal.

I don't think fOSU gets enough credit for keeping everyone in the B10 down between 06 and 10.
That's because they were cheating...
The big thing is Iowa and Mi. In the middle of that ten years they are bad and that the point that your trying to prove... Hey look were better than Mi. Yes you are using 10 years but you even stated that the first two years werent fair because Kirk was just getting started.

I guess the fact that Michigan had a couple of down years (and that's really all it was) compared to where they have been traditionally doesn't really change my opinion of the job KF has done. If Iowa can go through a decade with the 3rd best winning percentage in the B10 and a couple of titles I think KF is worth every penny they pay him.
I guess the fact that Michigan had a couple of down years (and that's really all it was) compared to where they have been traditionally doesn't really change my opinion of the job KF has done. If Iowa can go through a decade with the 3rd best winning percentage in the B10 and a couple of titles I think KF is worth every penny they pay him.

I dont disagree with this for the most part.

Here is where I will put my opinion on KF(because I have not done so in this thread yet, it was not what I was not arguement to start with).

I like Kirk. I think he has done some very good things for Iowa.

I dont like a lot of his gameday choices. I would like to see him change a little time to time. This is not from this last week. I would say other than gameday he is one of the best coaches in college football. He puts all these things together and then I dont think we get to see all of what Iowa football can do on saturdays. He plays not to lose more often then to win. We see streaks of what he can do when fired up(MSU last year).
This is the smallest population state in B1G, one of the four toughest conferences in America, yet we have had consistent winning teams since 1981. Small population means small natural recruiting base, something to continually overcome.

Amongst our B1G brethren, would IU, PU, Minnie, Illini, and even MSU and NW trade their records for last 10 years with Hawk fans? Most of those schools are still living under the curse of having successful coaches (Mallory, Perles, Saban, Tiller, Mason - see other thread) either retire ... or get run out of town because fan bases and AD's got greedy and wanted the "next level" beyond 7-8 wins a year.

Well, next level more often means guys like Zook, Brewster, John L Smith, and DiNardo instead of BB or KF. We've seen what "next level" means in MBB when TD stepped aside.

As for my vote, stick with KF.
I appreciate all that KF has done for Iowa football. The 02-04 year was so fun to watch. Since that time, Iowa has been good, but not great. We have by far the highest paid coach (Hoke may be close) so although we are in a small market, should Iowa fans expect to be one of the top 3 teams in a 5 year period? I don't know. Here are the Big 10 winning %s from 2005-2010

Ohio State- 86%
Wisconsin- 76%
Penn State- 75%
Iowa- 62% (Big Drop)
Michigan- 56% (in the middle of the worst stretch in their history)
Michigan State- 56%
Northwestern- 55%
Purdue- 46%
Minnesota- 40%
Indiana- 39%
Illinois- 38% (shocking isn't it?)

So it could be a lot worse, but I wish it were a little better, that's all.
Here is something...

Between 01 and 05 five different teams (Ill, fOSU, scUM, PSU, Iowa) won at least a share of the B10 title. OSU only won two shared titles and didn't win any back to back titles.

Between 06 and 10 OSU won at least a share of the B10 title every year and won three outright. Until 2010 when they MSU and Wisky all went 7-1 the only other team to claim a share of the title was PSU in 08.

Basically in the latter half of the decade fOSU was a truly dominant force with everyone else simply trying to tread water, where in the first half of the decade they along with scUM and Iowa were all roughly equal.

I don't think fOSU gets enough credit for keeping everyone in the B10 down between 06 and 10.

Good post...but it also works against your original post and stats. Recall that Iowa did not play OSU in 2 of those years and also did not play MI in two of those years. It is quite likely that Iowa would not have beaten OSU in '07 & '08. And it's not like MI is an easy out for Iowa.
Take Iowa's record in the whole of the Ferentz era and he is barely over .500 against all FBS schools. But hasn't this been the Iowa program for the last 30 years! A couple of good years, some periods of poor results, and mostly mediocre years.

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