Let it be remembered that the Clemson game...

Fran is a great coach. If he can't turn it around, no one will. I would give him a MINIMUM of 6 years. Just be patient!!

Also, Kirk Ferentz can coach at Iowa as long as he wants to coach. 10 bowls in 11 years is plenty good enough for me, and good enough for the vast majority of Iowa fans. The vocal minority on this message board is simply delusional.

If the Washington General act continues no way in hell does ANYBODY get to six years.

Not Wooden, not The General, not Coach Kyrewcxskiwecz, not Clair Bee, Aldoph Rupp..................
Lick was only given 3 because he was having major problems on and off the court. Boring style on the court and massive number of transfers made it so we were starting over every year.

Like most, I agree that we should give Fran several years, minimum 5 IMO.

However, I would really prefer not to hear any more posts about Lick's "boring style of play." If you didn't like Lick's style of play, fine, but that is no reason to get rid of a coach. I'm guessing that if he would have won with that style of play, then very few would have cared.

With Fran, it certainly is more up tempo. But from the game I watched last night, here is a very harsh conclusion:

Lick = no offense, decent defense
Fran = no offense, horrendous defense

That's just from the one game I have been able to watch this season. I'm hopeful this changes with better players that Fran is bringing in.
was the that the fans en masse began turning on Fran. You really wonder if Fran gets more than three years now since Lickliter was only given that long. Shoot, this day and age of athletics and fandom wanting an immediate winner I'm not sure he does get more than next year to turn it around. Guess the only thing he has going for him is the highly rated upcoming class but methinks that class is a bit overrated and even if it isn't, those guys are only going to be freshmen.

We've seen how some Hawk fans want Ferentz gone (or at least some of his staff) after a 7-5 season. We see Turner Gil only given two years (two!) to turn a pathetic Kansas football program around. We see Eagles fans calling for Andy Reid's head despite all of what he's done there. Now we're witnessing perhaps an unraveling of fan support for Fran after another debacle on the court.

Hope he gets at least four years total to turn it around but it's going to get ugly if we continue to play ball like we've played the last four games.

My bet would be he will get at least 2-3 years with Woodbury and if it is not changed by then...i believe he will be gone!
What ever happened to the days where fans actually supported their teams?

We lost a few games and now we are calling for the head of the coach who is taking on the task of turning around a terrible basketball program and is on the right track of doing so. He is recruiting good talent and is teaching them a system that is capable of producing a lot of points.

If you watch the games... You should know that we aren't dysfunctional like we were under lick. We are just not hitting our shots and we rarely have even 4 players on the court capable of playing good defense. As someone who knows the game if basketball... I can tell you that it only takes 1 or 2 weak links on defense to screw up the ENTIRE team defense. Fran's style relies on TEAM defense, which will create offense.

Fran's style isn't built for having 1 star and while that might be hurting us right now... Once he gets more talent in here and has a few years to get a ten full of players he wants... It will be hard to stop. I promise you that.

I'm sure most people can see that this program is headed in the right direction with fran. It just seems that the most ignorant are always the most vocal. ;)
Also, to add on to my post above.^^

If Fran fails and this team doesn't get better over the next few years...

I promise that it won't be because of Fran's inability to coach. It will have everything to do with the lack of support from the fans and students. If we don't start filling the arena... It is going to be really hard for fran to bring in top talent.

So if you are one of the people b*tching that we suck... You better be going to every game possible, otherwise you are just as much to blame as anyone right now.

You want us to be better? then get out there and support this team like a real fan and not a fair weather one.
Fran didn't just inherit the worst program in B1G men's basketball, he inherited perhaps the worst program in Division One College Basketball. It was literally impossible to attract elite recruits to the morgue that Carver had become.

Before Fran's second season strarted, he accomplished the impossible, getting a top twenty recruiting class that is talented, athletic and savvy. The way back is already in progress. It will not happen overnight. It Will take time. Fran is getting the players he wants that Can and Will play his style.

This season hasn't started very well, and is only a temporary bump in the road. It will get better. Mel and Bryce have not been playing to their ability, Bryce had a concussion and was ill. He seems to have recovered, but not completely. Mel needs to settle down and let the game come to him, not force the issue. He seemed to be better last night during his short time on the floor.

Oglesby is a bright light for the team, his energy and composure are good to see, and he can shoot the ball perhaps better than anyone on the team. White looked good with the intensity he gave last night. There guys will get better and the team will benefit from it. Everyone should try to relax and let the pieces fall into place. The talent and ability are there to have a good team, not the best, but a Good team that still has a chance to get to 500 ball with a break or two, although time is ticking.....

Before the season began, I thought that a 500 season would be a very good one, all things considered. Bottom line, this is another rebuilding season and the team and Fran need all the support they can get.....

At times, few as they are, one can see the potential of this team.....

What ever happened to the days where fans actually supported their teams?

We lost a few games and now we are calling for the head of the coach who is taking on the task of turning around a terrible basketball program and is on the right track of doing so. He is recruiting good talent and is teaching them a system that is capable of producing a lot of points.

If you watch the games... You should know that we aren't dysfunctional like we were under lick. We are just not hitting our shots and we rarely have even 4 players on the court capable of playing good defense. As someone who knows the game if basketball... I can tell you that it only takes 1 or 2 weak links on defense to screw up the ENTIRE team defense. Fran's style relies on TEAM defense, which will create offense.

Fran's style isn't built for having 1 star and while that might be hurting us right now... Once he gets more talent in here and has a few years to get a ten full of players he wants... It will be hard to stop. I promise you that.

I'm sure most people can see that this program is headed in the right direction with fran. It just seems that the most ignorant are always the most vocal. ;)

Classic, how about this one: The ones that pay the most attention are the most vocal.
The ones that pay the most attention are the most vocal. The correct and proper response. Its been disappointing so far this year, but I'm still 100% behind Fran.
Anyone thinking that firing Fran would improve the problem is an idiot. He has a great class coming in next year, firing him and losing that class will just set us back even more. Next year's class is Fran's meal ticket. He'll get all four years with them. They've got five guys who all will play right away and will be what Fran is judged on.
What ever happened to the days where fans actually supported their teams? We lost a few games and now we are calling for the head of the coach who is taking on the task of turning around a terrible basketball program and is on the right track of doing so. He is recruiting good talent and is teaching them a system that is capable of producing a lot of points. If you watch the games... You should know that we aren't dysfunctional like we were under lick. We are just not hitting our shots and we rarely have even 4 players on the court capable of playing good defense. As someone who knows the game if basketball... I can tell you that it only takes 1 or 2 weak links on defense to screw up the ENTIRE team defense. Fran's style relies on TEAM defense, which will create offense. Fran's style isn't built for having 1 star and while that might be hurting us right now... Once he gets more talent in here and has a few years to get a ten full of players he wants... It will be hard to stop. I promise you that. I'm sure most people can see that this program is headed in the right direction with fran. It just seems that the most ignorant are always the most vocal. ;)
Classic, how about this one: The ones that pay the most attention are the most vocal.

It's just a saying I heard, buddy.

If you pay attention and still want fran gone right now then you have bigger problems than ignorance.
The class Lick had coming in was not constructed from a TOP 50 Iowan. Fran gets next year, no matter what. But, he might want to really think about clearing more space on the roster and finding an immediate contributor.

That being said, with the lockout over, the league will drop off next year.

You touch on a good point...clearing more space on the roster. Fran needed to be doing more of this from Day 1. However, I'm not sure he would have the ability to bring in the necessary guys to replace those he pushed out. And that speaks to another problem with Fran...he needs more top flight recruiters on his staff. We're yet to get any non-Iowa guys that any other BCS schools wanted.

I'll gain more faith in Fran if he finds a way to have more open scholarships for the 2013 class...and then puts them to good use.
It's just a saying I heard, buddy.

If you pay attention and still want fran gone right now then you have bigger problems than ignorance.

Hey, don't call me buddy. Guy. I never said anything about the coach. I was more pointing out that I'm tired of the "The message board crowd doesn't represent the entire fanbase" thing is being twisted around in the media and by outsiders to meaning "the message board crowd doesn't know what they are talking about".
It's just a saying I heard, buddy.If you pay attention and still want fran gone right now then you have bigger problems than ignorance.
Hey, don't call me buddy. Guy. I never said anything about the coach. I was more pointing out that I'm tired of the "The message board crowd doesn't represent the entire fanbase" thing is being twisted around in the media and by outsiders to meaning "the message board crowd doesn't know what they are talking about".

That's not at all what I'm saying or trying to say. I think I'm fairly vocal on this topic, but I certainly wouldn't call myself ignorant. That's why I put a winky face. It was just supposed to be a small joke after a big rant.

And I'm not saying you personally called for our coach's head. That's just more of a general statement.
I hate some of our fanbase. I really, really do.

+1,000. The b!tching about the players, the program and Fran is like looking at the long-neglected house down the street that suddenly has a new, energetic owner who is in the process of ripping it apart, windows removed, siding off, dumpster in the drive full of old drywall, and decrying the sorry state of the property, ignoring the fact someone is rebuilding it and soon will be installing that beautiful new siding sitting in packs on the yard, new shingles and windows, as well as the classy new appliances and cabinets sitting in the garage.

Those who are lamenting last night's loss and calling for the coach's head are morons.
+1,000. The b!tching about the players, the program and Fran is like looking at the long-neglected house down the street that suddenly has a new, energetic owner who is in the process of ripping it apart, windows removed, siding off, dumpster in the drive full of old drywall, and decrying the sorry state of the property, ignoring the fact someone is rebuilding it and soon will be installing that beautiful new siding sitting in packs on the yard, new shingles and windows, as well as the classy new appliances and cabinets sitting in the garage.

Those who are lamenting last night's loss and calling for the coach's head are morons.
There it is....





Excellent analogy, Tweeter.....
I say give Fran at least 4 more years after this current season. That will give next years incoming nationally ranked class 4 full years in his system. If we are still conference bottom feeders at that point I will be the 1st 1 to sign the petition to fire Fran.


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