Let it be remembered that the Clemson game...

Kirk Ferentz was 4-19 in his first 2 seasons...

Fran has a great class coming in and is just starting to put his imprint on the program. It makes no sense to give up on him now. Lickliter was canned in 3 years because there was no light at the end of the tunnel, and everyone could see the program was just getting worse with absolute 0 hope.
No, what fans need to do is display some degree of patience and common sense. Fran has been successful at every stop in his career. You think they were quick turnarounds? No. It took time and effort. He is still getting guys to fit his style of play.

In this day and age, fans need to realize the deep hole the program was left in under Lickliter. Fran is not a magician folks - he can't simply snap his fingers and make everything better. Anyone who says the program is on the same path it was under Lick, going into a deeper hole, is a moron. A schmuck. So spare me the "the program is regressing, we've had a horrid start to the season, oh noes!?!!!!!" routine.

The program is fine under Fran. He is absolutely the guy for the monumental task of rescuing it from the depths of the Lickliter era. Fans wanted a winner, and they got one in Fran. Look at his resume for proof. And for god's sake, take a deep breath and step away from the ledge.

I echo these sentiments. Fran exudes way to many positive qualities for this even to be a thought at this point. I harken back to Kirk's second year at Iowa and how it all seemed so dismal until that win against Michigan State and then going on to win 3 games in the B1G. Kirk had to lay the groundwork just as Fran has to. Anything less than 5 years to turn this thing around is just crazy talk.

Fran is still the man. We've had very little turnover so the players are believing what he is preaching. With all the confidence he possesses with the knowledge to back it up, I would love to play for a coach like that. Not to mention his incredible work ethic. He will get it done. It's not a matter of if, but when. Carry on.
If we continue to suck this bad for the rest of the year, I will say dump him. You have to show basic improvment and this team is regressing to the point that they cannot make a simple basket. It is simply unbelievalbe how crappy this team has played. I will tell you who's seat should be heating up--Gary ******* Barta. That guy is presiding over a forest fire of the men's programs in IC right now.
If we continue to suck this bad for the rest of the year, I will say dump him. You have to show basic improvment and this team is regressing to the point that they cannot make a simple basket. It is simply unbelievalbe how crappy this team has played. I will tell you who's seat should be heating up--Gary ******* Barta. That guy is presiding over a forest fire of the men's programs in IC right now.

You don't go firing coaches after two years ; particularly in this situation . Explain to me what canning Fran after two seasons accomplishes ? Most likely will get you a couple of decommits from recruits and a short line for anyone wanting to touch the job if you aren't going to give the coach a fair amount of time to build a program. I'm sure glad you aren't doing the hiring and firing.
No, what fans need to do is display some degree of patience and common sense. Fran has been successful at every stop in his career. You think they were quick turnarounds? No. It took time and effort. He is still getting guys to fit his style of play.

In this day and age, fans need to realize the deep hole the program was left in under Lickliter. Fran is not a magician folks - he can't simply snap his fingers and make everything better. Anyone who says the program is on the same path it was under Lick, going into a deeper hole, is a moron. A schmuck. So spare me the "the program is regressing, we've had a horrid start to the season, oh noes!?!!!!!" routine.

The program is fine under Fran. He is absolutely the guy for the monumental task of rescuing it from the depths of the Lickliter era. Fans wanted a winner, and they got one in Fran. Look at his resume for proof. And for god's sake, take a deep breath and step away from the ledge.

I will agree that patience is needed, but I disagree with the importance of Fran's previous coaching stops.

IMO, turning around basement-level major conference program is considerably more difficult than turning the program at Siena or Lehigh (much more consistent resources and expectations for all the schools in a major conference).

Just because Fran McCaffery turned around several mid-majors is not a strong indicator that he will get the job done at Iowa. Turning the Iowa program around (that has become one of the worst in major college basketball) is a monumental task, and the ability of McCaffery to take Iowa out of its bottom-tier status is uncertain at this point.
This thread is stupid. I heard Barta say at an I-Club function that Caff will get as long as he needs to turn this around. Iowa can't become a revolving door for basketball coaches and he knows it. Our attendance is **** anyway and will be until we start winning so that will take care of itself.

Anyone who turns on Caff after one game isn't a Hawk fan anyway. More likely, they are one of the idiots from the football board that have migrated their way over to the basketball board.

Bravo. Couldn't have said it better myself. Frankly, I couldn't have said it half as well as you did.
was the that the fans en masse began turning on Fran. You really wonder if Fran gets more than three years now since Lickliter was only given that long. Shoot, this day and age of athletics and fandom wanting an immediate winner I'm not sure he does get more than next year to turn it around. Guess the only thing he has going for him is the highly rated upcoming class but methinks that class is a bit overrated and even if it isn't, those guys are only going to be freshmen.

We've seen how some Hawk fans want Ferentz gone (or at least some of his staff) after a 7-5 season. We see Turner Gil only given two years (two!) to turn a pathetic Kansas football program around. We see Eagles fans calling for Andy Reid's head despite all of what he's done there. Now we're witnessing perhaps an unraveling of fan support for Fran after another debacle on the court.

Hope he gets at least four years total to turn it around but it's going to get ugly if we continue to play ball like we've played the last four games.

Fran just did something that hasn't been done in a very long time. Sign a Nationally ranked class.

I'm very serious with the video link below, I'm now dumber for having read this and that is a TRUE STATEMENT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7w64fbqYQY]Everyone Is Now Dumber - Billy Madison - YouTube[/ame]
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One only needs to listen to the post game pressers of Lickliter and Fran to know the difference between the two. Fran answers directly and in depth to questions with solutions as part of his response. Lick's post game comments made me question how the man was able to tie his shoes in the morning.

Remember that Lick took over for Thad Matta who basically built a powerhouse @ Butler before handing it over to Lick. He just needed to keep the same scheme rolling. His Butler record is deceiving.
the Clemson game made me sick to watch. By far the worst performance I've ever seen from a Hawkeye team.
but I still support FM 100%. I have full faith in him. He is the man to turn this thing around. I will give him as much time as he needs to do it.
You da man, Fran!
One thing to keep in mind for next year; Iowa will have a freshman at the point...so next year's team isn't going to the dance either. This wasn't going to be a short term fix.


This program needed to be built from the ground up and done the right way with the recruitment of 4 year players. Not with quick fixes that come and go in a year or 2. I'm not surprised that this message board is like this. Some Iowa fans just have expectations that are very unrealistic.
the Clemson game made me sick to watch. By far the worst performance I've ever seen from a Hawkeye team.
but I still support FM 100%. I have full faith in him. He is the man to turn this thing around. I will give him as much time as he needs to do it.
You da man, Fran!

This comment is just stupid. Sorry 1hawkeye1 but I watched game after game of that under Lick for to many season. Trust me don't even go there. How many games during Lick's era did we not score more than 50
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Fran just did something that hasn't been done in a very long time. Sign a Nationally ranked class.

I'm very serious with the video link below, I'm now dumber for having read this and that is a TRUE STATEMENT.

Everyone Is Now Dumber - Billy Madison - YouTube

So tell me how you really feel.

Look, let's give him a few more years. I'm for that. He does have a nationally ranked class coming in and when I said it might be overrated I didn't mean it wasn't any good, just not the #19 class.
This thread is one of the most ridiculous threads I've ever seen. We are 4-3 with more winnable games coming up. How about if we let the kids play the games and support them and the coaches.
This thread is one of the most ridiculous threads I've ever seen. We are 4-3 with more winnable games coming up. How about if we let the kids play the games and support them and the coaches.

And yet another person misunderstands the point of the thread.
Hey,Garvey: What constitutes ''hawk fan en masse''? 1%? On this thread there are two complete ignoramuses,hawkforlife9(LOL), and Neil Diamond.
The rest are rational,knowledgable Iowa bb fans who understand that truly rebuilding Iowa bb is at least a 4-6 year project and that we have exactly the right guy to do that in Fran.

I ignore the post-game comments of fans for at least 12-24 hours,tho. We are all emotional in that period,and make stupid comments. Then,when the insanity fades a bit,we become rational again,and can discuss the game,and the program with some semblance of lucidity.

Let the record show: This Iowa fan is more confident that Fran is the guy to lead Iowa bb out of the wildnerness today than on the day he was hired.
With Lick,my confidence in him to get the job done started fading on the day he was hired and Tyler Smith came out of the meeting with his eyes rolling....downhill from there.
Lick never even got it.
Fran gets it.
Now,can Fran get it done? No guarantee,but if he does not even get it,he never has a chance of getting it done....so we are way ahead of the game with Fran.
Hey,Garvey: What constitutes ''hawk fan en masse''? 1%? On this thread there are two complete ignoramuses,hawkforlife9(LOL), and Neil Diamond.
The rest are rational,knowledgable Iowa bb fans who understand that truly rebuilding Iowa bb is at least a 4-6 year project and that we have exactly the right guy to do that in Fran.

I ignore the post-game comments of fans for at least 12-24 hours,tho. We are all emotional in that period,and make stupid comments. Then,when the insanity fades a bit,we become rational again,and can discuss the game,and the program with some semblance of lucidity.

Let the record show: This Iowa fan is more confident that Fran is the guy to lead Iowa bb out of the wildnerness today than on the day he was hired.
With Lick,my confidence in him to get the job done started fading on the day he was hired and Tyler Smith came out of the meeting with his eyes rolling....downhill from there.
Lick never even got it.
Fran gets it.
Now,can Fran get it done? No guarantee,but if he does not even get it,he never has a chance of getting it done....so we are way ahead of the game with Fran.

Probably more than 1% but point well taken.
was the that the fans en masse began turning on Fran. You really wonder if Fran gets more than three years now since Lickliter was only given that long. Shoot, this day and age of athletics and fandom wanting an immediate winner I'm not sure he does get more than next year to turn it around. Guess the only thing he has going for him is the highly rated upcoming class but methinks that class is a bit overrated and even if it isn't, those guys are only going to be freshmen.

We've seen how some Hawk fans want Ferentz gone (or at least some of his staff) after a 7-5 season. We see Turner Gil only given two years (two!) to turn a pathetic Kansas football program around. We see Eagles fans calling for Andy Reid's head despite all of what he's done there. Now we're witnessing perhaps an unraveling of fan support for Fran after another debacle on the court.

Hope he gets at least four years total to turn it around but it's going to get ugly if we continue to play ball like we've played the last four games.

I find it a joke that many on this message board believe they represent the majority of Hawkeye fans. So fans are turning on Fran "en masse"? Really? Who, you and two more message board tools? Once again the OPs topic is an example of the extremely vocal minority believing that they represent the majority. Same goes for the vocal minority Fire Ferentz crowd. The worst part of it is that the traditional media outlets (radio, newspaper) use the vocal minorities' opinions as a sample of the pulse of Hawkeye fans, which in most cases is not.
Probably more than 1% but point well taken.

Good. As long as you realize you are in the delusional minority.

We are exactly what most fans thought we would be right now. Considering the recruiting Fran has done vs. what Lick did, this hire has already been a resounding success IMO. Nobody we had any chance of hiring could have done any more with this team. Fran had less than nothing to work with when he got here, and he certainly has us headed in the right direction. He will get at least 3 more years to turn it around. Expecting someone to right this ship in two years is utter insanity.
You really wonder if Fran gets more than three years now since Lickliter was only given that long.

He'll get atleast 4. He'll get atleast 2 seasons with the Recruiting class he just signed. I'd be surprised if he doesn't get atleast 3 with that class.

Lick was only given 3 because he was having major problems on and off the court. Boring style on the court and massive number of transfers made it so we were starting over every year.

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