Lester Erb

Really, and the TEs should know how to block in Iowa's scheme, what routes to run. The LBS should know how to be LBS and cover in Iowa's scheme, the DBs they should know what they are doing as well. The receviers, yep, unless of course they're converted from a QB, they should know too. If a kid was an OL he should know how to block, same for the DL. etc. etc. Guess we don't need any coaches, just put these kids out there and let them go.

RBs coaches are necessary for teaching blocking, reading zone blocking etc. You do know that most of these kids in high school just ran through/by anyone they played, they actually do need a coach.
You beat me to it. I agree with you. A RB coach is important in the film room to show backs many things including being patient with the OL to get the maximum yards, or to see a blitz coming, or any number of things the coach knows and the athlete has the inexperience to see.
I have to say guys, there was never a coach who had to tell me to be patient, how to read/see holes, blitzes and etc. from day one. The only thing I needed was 4.4-4.5 speed and you don't teach that.
Actually the assessment was about YPC. Both were at the bottom of the list of top ten rushers in the conference. ARob had more carries in 10 games than most the other rushers in the Top 10 yardage list had in 13 games. Coker had more than any B1G rusher. ARob's YPC was way below all other top 10 yardage guys, and Coker only had a better YPC than one guy.

YPC is a much better measurement than total yards. And by that measurement both guys are not in the top 2/3 of the conference.

You can all ignore that and attack me for being negative, but it doesn't change the facts.

I don't need to attack you....I know that you simply don't know any facts at all about Erb. You have no idea if his players like/dislike him as a coach. You have no idea how much of a roll he played in the development of Greene, Robinson, Wegher, Cocker, or any other back. For all we know he could have worked miracles with them. All you do is point to YPC and say he is a bad coach?

If you want to talk about facts, how about you look at the players he coaches and the results they have had on the field....and not just cherry pick one single stat? Greene in '08...enough said. In '09 Erb took 2 FR RB and got almost 1400 yards out of them, 13 TD's and was it 0 or 1 fumbles, and oh yeah we won a BCS bowl game. In 2010 Erb had his RB amass about 1900 yards, 14 TD's. This year Coker had nearly 1400 yards and 15 Td's. in '08 Greene was the #2 ranked RB in Yards per game. In '09 Robinson was #59, in 2010 Robinson was #26, and in 2011 Coker is #11.

I think if you look at ALL the stats and facts, it tells a different story than you are asserting. While the YPC might not look all that great. Plenty of the others stats look just fine. Plus you want to place all the blame on him for any attrition, or players leaving the program, then at the same time you give him ZERO credit for taking an out of shape, hasn't played in 2 years RB, and coaching him into a Doak Walker winner???? That makes no sense at all.
I have to say guys, there was never a coach who had to tell me to be patient, how to read/see holes, blitzes and etc. from day one. The only thing I needed was 4.4-4.5 speed and you don't teach that.
I'm sure you were facing all B10 linebackers and DLine as well. How were your blocking skills? If you had this all figured out why are you on this message board and not out there making millions or taking it easy coaching running backs?
Erb has personally landed 4 of the Top 5 prospects in the entire state of Illinois in this class, and this is not the first time he has stolen numerous elite prospects from that state.

Anyone questioning his worth to the staff has completely invalidated any opinion or observation that they will ever make about Iowa's football program for the rest of their existence on this earth.
Sorry, but this is such a load of garbage. Put any decent B1G back behind Iowa's line and hand him the ball the amount of times Iowa hands him the ball and he is going to perform as well as Iowa's backs have performed during Erb's tenure.

With the exception of Greene, who was coached more by Jackson than Erb, these guys haven't been that great. And yes, that even means Coker. Of the top ten rushers in the conference only one TMart had a lower YPC than Coker. Also he got all the carries and powered the Hawks to the worst rushing offense in the conference. Beyond Coker, you have ARob, who again benefitted by getting all the carries, but still had BY FAR the lowest YPC of any B1G top ten yardage back. No way that dude sniffs another starting position in the conference, neither does Wegher come close.

Give Ball that many carries behind those Iowa lines and he is still running, or Royster, or Burkhead, or Redd, or Bell, or Toussaint, or Herron, or White, or LeShore, or Clay... Seriously dude, Iowa has succeeded despite their backs over the last few years, not because of them.
Wow. The notion that ypc is the whole story of what makes a successful back is strange and just plain wrong. On 3rd and 3, if you want to run the ball Coker is probably more likely to pick up that first down than most of those backs you mentioned. Why? Because he's a damn good back. He's extremely tough to bring down, always falls forward, and doesn't make many errors. He doesn't fumble much, picks up the blitz, and for a big back does a very good job receiving out of the backfield. As a sophomore. The guy has a great shot at becoming the all-time leading rusher after he's done. Let me guess, you're one of those great football minds that think McCall was better based n 9 carries against Middle Tenn St, right?

And this thread about the need to point out the obvius regaring Coker. It's about Erb. And the ability to get freshman to perform the way they have in the prior years is remarkable. The only thing saving you is that you aren't the guy asserting that RB's don't need coaches, so I'll give you credit for that, at least.

Erb's track record since he switched to RB coach should speak for itself. You either get that, or you don't get it. It's that simple. And that's without even getting into the recruits he's brought in lately. Just this year he's been the primary recruiter for J Johnson, R Wrd, F Ekakitie, M Fleming, and C Kornbrath.

He's a pretty damn valuable coach

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