LeShun Daniels, Jr. Good to Go for Bowl ?

So you're saying if Nebraska doesn't get 7 at the end of the half, it would have been impossible for them to win?

But I got a sneaky suspicion that Kirk has a plan in place. He's gonna send him out in style and run that fb 32 times for a bruising 74 yards in the bowl loss! Can't keep a teachers pet at bay...
Awesome. I can't wait to see him standing on the sidelines.....all game long.

Exactly. lol. Like it matters, in other news CJ is healthy as well.

This program has 99 problems but the health of Daniels for the bowl game ain't one.
Actually, just 1 more handoff to Mark Weisman at end of first half, WOULD
have secured an Iowa win.

Mark Weisman busted his A** for Hawkeye fans, yet he gets criticized by
Good grief

HI, I think you misunderstand the sentiment. There is no Iowa fan that doesn't appreciate what MW has done for Iowa. What we don't appreciate is kfootball using him (a fullback) as our primary tailback for the past 2+ seasons; making our running game and; therefore, our offense, the most predictable and slowest in the conference. Couple that with CJ not playing and kfootball did a fabulous job of putting both MW and JR in the crosshairs of the Iowa fans disappointment. Both MW and JR have dedicated themselves to Iowa, and we are grateful to them for that. But, they weren't the best player at their position, but they played as the primary player at their position. That is unforgivable.
Mark W was fine as a RB running inside zone and power runs. These run plays would be from TE to TE wide so not like he would always be running to the same hole.

It would be up to MW to bend or break one to the outside if that was open.

Terrible coaching by GD in my opinion to run him so so many times on the stretch play.

Yeah he's great if you like watching a fb turn what would be huge yardage runs for any other rb, into 2 yard carries. Great time.
So you're saying if Nebraska doesn't get 7 at the end of the half, it would have been impossible for them to win?

They don't go into half time with momentum. We go in with a better lead. Who knows what happens? Nebraska would have had to score at least one more touchdown in the second half to tie, wouldn't they?
HI, I think you misunderstand the sentiment. There is no Iowa fan that doesn't appreciate what MW has done for Iowa. What we don't appreciate is kfootball using him (a fullback) as our primary tailback for the past 2+ seasons; making our running game and; therefore, our offense, the most predictable and slowest in the conference. Couple that with CJ not playing and kfootball did a fabulous job of putting both MW and JR in the crosshairs of the Iowa fans disappointment. Both MW and JR have dedicated themselves to Iowa, and we are grateful to them for that. But, they weren't the best player at their position, but they played as the primary player at their position. That is unforgivable.

Yet it's Wiesman who is always mentioned here. Not "fullback".... "Wiesman". So many here complain endlessly about WEISMAN playing tailback when they are critical of Kirk's choice of tailback. I get it. Many are frustrated with the season we had. But to continuously criticize players when they are clearly frustrated with the coach is just.... well, dumb. Look at thread titles, look at posts. It's the players' names.

And yet everyone here is convinced that they know more than the entire coaching staff about all facets of Iowa football... without ever viewing a single practice. As a former coach (who also was constantly told what poor personnel choices I made) I can empathize with Kirk and staff. I went so far as to invite the complaining parents to attend practices to see how poorly their kids did in practice (none ever attended). I do know that as a coach you can only go on what you see in practice; you reward players' practice performance with game time. EVERY successful coach does this. The coaches that don't do this end up with a group of individuals and not a team. And the players practice about 15-16 hours per week vs. playing games about 2-3 hours per week.

I'm not defending Kirk and his staff. I'm saying we don't have access to the time that is used to evaluate the players and we make judgements on a few minutes of game time vs. hours of practice time.
Yet it's Wiesman who is always mentioned here. Not "fullback".... "Wiesman". So many here complain endlessly about WEISMAN playing tailback when they are critical of Kirk's choice of tailback. I get it. Many are frustrated with the season we had. But to continuously criticize players when they are clearly frustrated with the coach is just.... well, dumb. Look at thread titles, look at posts. It's the players' names.

And yet everyone here is convinced that they know more than the entire coaching staff about all facets of Iowa football... without ever viewing a single practice. As a former coach (who also was constantly told what poor personnel choices I made) I can empathize with Kirk and staff. I went so far as to invite the complaining parents to attend practices to see how poorly their kids did in practice (none ever attended). I do know that as a coach you can only go on what you see in practice; you reward players' practice performance with game time. EVERY successful coach does this. The coaches that don't do this end up with a group of individuals and not a team. And the players practice about 15-16 hours per week vs. playing games about 2-3 hours per week.

I'm not defending Kirk and his staff. I'm saying we don't have access to the time that is used to evaluate the players and we make judgements on a few minutes of game time vs. hours of practice time.

All valid points. An easy rebuttal being Kirk makes 4 million a year to bring in mediocre talent and go 7-5 with the weakest schedule in the history of football. Either he doesn't know personnel ie paki omeara starting over Shaun green, or the talent just isn't there. Either way, his fault and he's embarrassed our program. 4 straight years of being a joke. Anything changing next year? Nope didn't think so.Year 5 of being a joke. We going to at least beat the clowns? Doubtful. Making Kirk the second best team in the state for the 10th time in his 17 years.
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You mean Davis should have tried to run the Weisman stretch play a few more times against Nebraska, because it worked so well???

LOL as a matter of fact running the SAME lame stretch play into the short side may NOT have actually yielded positive yards this year. I would actually like to see the stat for TFL on that play. We should have been doing exactly what OSU did last night to Wisconsin run the pigskin up the middle between the guards not using our slow FB who can't cut run the stretch.
LOL as a matter of fact running the SAME lame stretch play into the short side may NOT have actually yielded positive yards this year. I would actually like to see the stat for TFL on that play. We should have been doing exactly what OSU did last night to Wisconsin run the pigskin up the middle between the guards not using our slow FB who can't cut run the stretch.

Exactly. For as much as people have talked about how bad our OL was, they opened plenty of holes this year. Unfortunately this did not result in a very good running game because we had a FB as our featured tailback who just could not hit the cut back lanes and we had a coaching staff that did not call plays to take advantage of our strengths.
I believe they are planning to apply for a medical redshift for him still. He was one give over the limit, but he played very little in the last game so there is still a chance. So playing in the bowl would not be a good idea.

When will the NCAA provide an answer? Certainly, it needs to be prior the bowl game or that wouldn't be fair to LD to not play in a bowl game if he is NOT given a MRS.
Exactly. For as much as people have talked about how bad our OL was, they opened plenty of holes this year. Unfortunately this did not result in a very good running game because we had a FB as our featured tailback who just could not hit the cut back lanes and we had a coaching staff that did not call plays to take advantage of our strengths.

I agree about the OL and the rb's missing cutback lanes. Our most consistent back did this consistently.
Mark Weisman deserves EVERY da** carry he gets.
Mark Weisman should have carried the ball more in 2014.

In fact, IOWA would have 2 more wins, if Weisman had it more.
IOWA would have beaten Nebraska and Maryland, had GD given MW the ball a few more times in
those games.

Not every da** carry.

But you're right about Maryland (4th quarter), probably wrong about Nebraska.
Not every da** carry.

But you're right about Maryland (4th quarter), probably wrong about Nebraska.

Again, this is our coaching staff being totally inept at their job. Maryland was one of the worst rush defenses in the county. We jumped out to a 14-0 lead by running the ball. So what does our coaching staff decide to do against one of the worst run defenses in the country? They decide to throw the ball 60 times. This is not rocket science and I expect more out of any D1 coaching staff to recognize these type of details, especially one as highly paid as ours. If a team can't stop the run, then run the ball. Don't throw 60 times. Just yet another game day fail by this staff.
Again, this is our coaching staff being totally inept at their job. Maryland was one of the worst rush defenses in the county. We jumped out to a 14-0 lead by running the ball. So what does our coaching staff decide to do against one of the worst run defenses in the country? They decide to throw the ball 60 times. This is not rocket science and I expect more out of any D1 coaching staff to recognize these type of details, especially one as highly paid as ours. If a team can't stop the run, then run the ball. Don't throw 60 times. Just yet another game day fail by this staff.

Your points make too much sense and should not be allowed on this board. KF IS A GOD!
Totally inept staff. Just unreal how bad they are, yet they continue to get a pass. Rudock should have been on the bench before the Maryland game, but definitely should have been after throwing not one pass over 4 yards during what was supposed to be a two minute drill at the end of the game. Unforgivable.
So you're saying if Nebraska doesn't get 7 at the end of the half, it would have been impossible for them to win?

Well, I wasn't a Math major, but if they had 7 less points at the end of the game,
IOWA would have had 7 more than your Cornholers.

Good grief people

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