Lee Kemp


Well-Known Member
Did you watch the B10 network delayed broadcast of the Iowa PennSt meet? Was it just me or did it feel like Lee Kemp absolutly did not want Iowa to win this dual. I felt like he was constantly giving props to Penn St wrestlers and down playing Iowa. Even went as far as to say at the beginning of the broadcast that Iowa didn't stand a chance. Then in the middle of the broadcast changed his stance to the way iowa was wrestling, anything can happen. Later in the broadcast he claimed that "as he said at the start of the night that given the way iowa was wrestling, anything was possible. That is not what he said at the start of the broadcast. It was almost as bad as listening to Jim Gibbons do the iowa - iowa state meets.:confused:
Did you watch the B10 network delayed broadcast of the Iowa PennSt meet? Was it just me or did it feel like Lee Kemp absolutly did not want Iowa to win this dual. I felt like he was constantly giving props to Penn St wrestlers and down playing Iowa. Even went as far as to say at the beginning of the broadcast that Iowa didn't stand a chance. Then in the middle of the broadcast changed his stance to the way iowa was wrestling, anything can happen. Later in the broadcast he claimed that "as he said at the start of the night that given the way iowa was wrestling, anything was possible. That is not what he said at the start of the broadcast. It was almost as bad as listening to Jim Gibbons do the iowa - iowa state meets.:confused:

I don't mind Gibbons at all. He's about as impartial as he can be. Lee Kemp does kind of bug me on the other hand.

Outside of Hawkeye fans, the rest of the world was cheering against us. AND they thought they had us yesterday. :) You should have seen some of the posts on themat.com forums and PSU's board. It was in the bag already. Never bet against the Hawks.
Before the meet Kemp said "Iowa doesn't have a chance to win this on paper". At intermission he said "You can throw away the paper the way Iowa is wrestling".

To be fair, not very many people gave Iowa a chance of winning that dual though. But, now they know.
He did say before the meet "on paper". That was a correct statement as on paper Long and Wright were favored and who would have thought Marion could come out and take Alton in his first action of the season. He was gushing about Taylor but everybody is raving about that kid

I thought Kemp was pretty in the middle which was nice for a change after being used to Gibbons (ISU homer) and Gable (Huge Iowa homer).
Kemp is pretty open and honest about how he had was on some great teams that just could not beat the hawks. I think it was last years Wisky/Hawks dual on BTN where he said it bothered him that his teammate never really got to give it back to the hawks.

I often think networks promote a bit of partiality, or is it just coincidence that Fox has Aikman do EVERY cowboys game?
I thought he was partial to Penn State and it annoyed me. He didn't seem to know anything about the Iowa wrestlers but talked incessantly about the PSU wrestlers.
Whem was the last time any anouncers other than Gable to said they like the Iowa team and want them to win. Iowa llikes it when others root against them.

I purchase the Des Moines Register yesterday to see what they had to say about the meet. Not one word. I can't believe you have a meet with the #1 team against Iowas' #8 team - especially the former Iowa State coach on the other side. Plus Iowa has a 73 meet unbeaten streak. Not one single word. Shame on the Register.

Bring on the next team. I think the Hawks are ready.
Did you watch the B10 network delayed broadcast of the Iowa PennSt meet? Was it just me or did it feel like Lee Kemp absolutly did not want Iowa to win this dual. I felt like he was constantly giving props to Penn St wrestlers and down playing Iowa. Even went as far as to say at the beginning of the broadcast that Iowa didn't stand a chance. Then in the middle of the broadcast changed his stance to the way iowa was wrestling, anything can happen. Later in the broadcast he claimed that "as he said at the start of the night that given the way iowa was wrestling, anything was possible. That is not what he said at the start of the broadcast. It was almost as bad as listening to Jim Gibbons do the iowa - iowa state meets.:confused:

He did say at the beginning that Iowa didn't stand a chance ON PAPER, and he was correct, PSU was favored in 7 matches and Iowa got upsets at 133 and 184 and not really an upset at 141 with Marion over Alton but if Ballweg was going then PSU would have been favored there as well.

He did go on to say anything can happen if Brands gets his guys motivated and has them come out agressive which they did. But maybe you missed that part and only wanted to hear the negative stuff.

He gave props to Iowa at the end or after LL sealed the deal with his major and he said Iowa should be ranked #1 now until someone actually beats them but Tim Johnson didn't think Iowa would move up that much.
Whem was the last time any anouncers other than Gable to said they like the Iowa team and want them to win. Iowa llikes it when others root against them.

I purchase the Des Moines Register yesterday to see what they had to say about the meet. Not one word. I can't believe you have a meet with the #1 team against Iowas' #8 team - especially the former Iowa State coach on the other side. Plus Iowa has a 73 meet unbeaten streak. Not one single word. Shame on the Register.

Bring on the next team. I think the Hawks are ready.

This is the problem with this state it has drove me nuts ever since I can remember...how many bball articles were there??

This is a wrestling state and we need to embrace it. Our young kids need to be in wrestling programs not basketball...let's be real here how many white kids on an iowa team are gonna play bball in D1...the tall ones I understand but when I see these HUGE and very small kids playing bball in junior high it makes me want to puke
There is no better team of broadcaster than Gibbons and Anderson.

I thought Kemp did a nice job, except he does get annoying when he repeats 3 times a match who should win 'on paper'.
yeah I was fine with Kemp too. Fans always think the announcers are against their teams mostly just because they are so biased for their team. So if they say anything the least bit critical, it's like they hate their team or something.

His other favorite saying from last night was, "this guy wrestles like a light weight" said that probably 10 times
Kemp bothers me too..and not because of this one meet. He was a GREAT wrestler and is now a BAD commentator.
I thought Kemp was very complementary toward Iowa. Didn't notice bias one way or the other at all.
okay, points well taken in regards to kemp. Maybe i had my kool-aid goggles on to tight. i will agree with the poor coverage from the Des Moines Red Star...i mean the Des Moines Register. Their coverage of wrestling in this state is so weak unless it is during high school state and nationals. i don't even bother to look at it for wrestling news. I turn to the CR Gazette.
okay, points well taken in regards to kemp. Maybe i had my kool-aid goggles on to tight. i will agree with the poor coverage from the Des Moines Red Star...i mean the Des Moines Register. Their coverage of wrestling in this state is so weak unless it is during high school state and nationals. i don't even bother to look at it for wrestling news. I turn to the CR Gazette.

Don't worry, all newspapers will be bankrupt in the next decade
Who isn't embracing wrestling?

This is the problem with this state it has drove me nuts ever since I can remember...how many bball articles were there??

This is a wrestling state and we need to embrace it. Our young kids need to be in wrestling programs not basketball...let's be real here how many white kids on an iowa team are gonna play bball in D1...the tall ones I understand but when I see these HUGE and very small kids playing bball in junior high it makes me want to puke

the media in Iowa gives wrestling 1,000 times the coverage it gets anywhere else. Wrestling isn't for everyone (it wasn't for me). Doesn't mean I don't love watching it and cheering for the Hawks every chance I get. I would venture a guess that the level of participation in wrestling at the youth and high school level is much greater in Iowa than just about any other place in the U.S.

Good luck trying to convince the masses to give up basketball. Like it or not, basketball/football/baseball are much more popular than wrestling. I'm happy I grew up in a state where wrestling was valued and that our state universities value the sport enough to offer it at the collegiate level when so many other colleges have cut it.
I didn't see online what the Register did or didn't have as far as coverage, but the print edition had it on the front page with a big headline, not the actual headline but you couldn't miss the article as it was right above the main headline. The print edition did give good coverage to the meet.

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