lebron is the greatest athlete ever


Well-Known Member
Anyone with a brain realizes hes the most athletic bball of all time, but I think its more. I think hes the greatest athlete in the history of professional sports. hes big enough to play den, fast enough to play wr. he can jump out of the gym. enjoy this while you can, you probably never see anything like it again.
Anyone with a brain realizes hes the most athletic bball of all time, but I think its more. I think hes the greatest athlete in the history of professional sports. hes big enough to play den, fast enough to play wr. he can jump out of the gym. enjoy this while you can, you probably never see anything like it again.
What is funny is that going into last night Lebron was considered overrated as a player and couldn't finish. Opinion's fly with the wind.

I saw on Sportscenter this morning they are now talking about Durrant being the best player in the league without a Championship. WOW...seriously? STFU!
I think Rose is better than Durant. No doubt Durant is the best scorer in the league, but really that's all he's got.
As much as I dislike Lebron, it's hard to argue that point. He's certainly not the best basketball player of all time, but I can't think of anyone that's really close to him in terms of athleticism.
Lebron is an amazing athlete but that is a really hard thing to prove. Best athlete ever. Especially when there are guys like Bo Jackson who excelled at two sports. What about Wilt Chamberlain who was also a college track and field star competing in the high jump and shot put, and also played volleyball. Jordan was a phenomanal athlete.
Best Abe Lincoln Chin Beard:

1. Abe Lincoln.
2. BRON.
3. _________________
Are we narrowing down athletes to running and jumping only? What about hitting a baseball for example????

Signed Bo Jackson....
I think Lebron is a better athlete than Bo Jackson. He may not play multiple sports like Jackson did, but he's certainly capable of it. It's just hard to quantify something like that because he only plays basketball. I know people will disagree with me, but I think if Lebron ever stepped onto a football field he would immediately make an impact. The guy doesn't tell people how much he weighs, but I don't think there is a player in the NFL that matches Lebron's combination of size, speed, strength, and athleticism. He's basically a bigger and stronger version of Terrell Owens, and he isn't half the headache.
From Bill Simmons' column on the series:

2. For three quarters, LeBron James played at the single highest level I have ever seen from him. (Yes, I went to Game 6 of last round's Boston series.) This was the greatest Bird impression ever attempted (and executed), something that could only be called "power point guard." He did whatever he wanted on the low post, crashed the boards, got his teammates involved, made the right play time and time again … it was like watching Bird 2.0, only if Bird was also one of the three best defenders in the league. To repeat: LeBron was playing like a rich man's version of the fifth-best basketball player of all time. I don't care how much you hated "The Decision" — if you can't appreciate what LeBron James is doing right now, you need to start following another sport. It's one of the greatest night-to-night athletic feats we have ever witnessed.

Thought it was a pretty good way to sum it up.

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