Someone please explain this to me:
The first/original came out in 1977. I was 15. I went to see it. It was good. I went to see the next one. It, too, was good. I enjoyed both. When the thrid came out while I was in college, I watched--mainly because it had Carrie Fisher in a bikini--and thought it was good, but it certainly didn't "captivate" me.
Forty years later, men my age get dressed up in costume to go see the premier of the latest release. What am I missing?
I grew up with Star Wars, and the prequels came out during my childhood, but I see it as this. At the time of the original release, very few films had special effects to the level of Star Wars. I'd argue that a lot of them still stand up pretty well today. The plot was alright, and the score was pretty good, but the special effects were outstanding. And, in a period without VCR or replays on TV, the only way to experience it again was to buy another ticket and watch it at the theater another time. So, through word of mouth and people who wanted to see it again, ticket sales exploded, turning it into a unprecedented hit. Humorously, 20th Century Fox wrote it off as a summer filler movie, and allowed George Lucas to keep all of the merchandising rights to Star Wars, making him filthy, stinking rich.
But, as many sci-fi nerds do, the fans began to take ownership of the property. They begged for more, and thus began the Expanded Universe. Most casual fans wouldn't know about this, but the EU was any additional books, comics, video games, or other tales that fit into the Star Wars lore. With a whole galaxy to work with, it was quite untamed space for writers, and so the EU really exploded in the '90s after ROTJ had been out for some time, and people were still clamoring for more with the prequels still a few years away. This built into hype further, as when Star Wars did return in 1999, they set box office records again, and captured another generation of younger viewers. Sure, the prequels were bad, but as a Star Wars fan, I can't bring myself to hate them. I didn't discover the EU until about middle school, but as a huge nerd and Star Wars fan, I ate it up. Looking back, there was a lot of cliche, fanfic-tier crap in the EU, but when there is only 6 movies of such a popular franchise which (at the time) was thought to be over and done with, you take what you can get. Just my 2 cents.