LaFrentz - Martin?

Every day programs like Alabama, Michigan, Clemson "discover" underrated players, 2 star types, already signed to lesser name programs and when the new offers come these players immediately rise 1-3 stars... So you are certain that this wouldn't have happened to Martin, when he signed with Iowa, when he evidently is highly talented? How would you know that when it happens to hundreds if not thousands of 2 star players every year?
How did you destroy my point? You said martin would have been a 2* had not gone to camps. That is an unknown. Thus you stated your opinion. My opinion is he still would have bumped up due to his skill and potential, but you think you're a genious.

I don't know what a genious is, but I do know you asked me to I did. Then you get mad at me for elaborating.....

You have yet to explain why you think that Rivals would have re evaluated Martin any higher if he got an offer to Iowa, committed on the spot, and didn't' camp anywhere this summer? I was simply trying to explain to you how Rivals evaluates. For instance Rivals didn't bump AJ up to a 5* start until they saw him at the Army AA camp. As a matter of fact, every evaluation period AJ would slip just a little, as kid who were camping were passing him, as they didn't have anything to re-evaluate him with.....and no they didn't bump him up on dominating HS Sr. film.

That is the way it works. Please tell me why you think it would have been different for Oliver?
I am well aware of how these services rank kids. Rarely do they get bumped up until late their senior year. Obviously the more offers and attention they get the higher ranked they will be. But it all the attention in the world doesnt matter if you don't have the talent, skill, speed, size, etc. Oliver had all of those so whether he played in iowa or Texas he would have been noticed. Actually playing in lowly ole iowa probably helped him more. Example would be Allan lazard.
I am well aware of how these services rank kids. Rarely do they get bumped up until late their senior year. Obviously the more offers and attention they get the higher ranked they will be. But it all the attention in the world doesnt matter if you don't have the talent, skill, speed, size, etc. Oliver had all of those so whether he played in iowa or Texas he would have been noticed. Actually playing in lowly ole iowa probably helped him more. Example would be Allan lazard.

Cool, then say that, don't just cry because I voice my opinion on the subject and it differs from yours.....especially when you asked me to elaborate.
How did you destroy my point? You said martin would have been a 2* had not gone to camps. That is an unknown. Thus you stated your opinion. My opinion is he still would have bumped up due to his skill and potential, but you think you're a genious.
Dude, there's no arguing with dean...he's always right. He's also always a huge tool.
Sure, call it what you will. I think what he did was just improve sooooo much from his Jr year to his Sr year, that he earned all of this. Iowa had him in to camp his Jr year, and I think in an early interview with Martin he said he didn't perform well his Jr. year at camp. He trained with McNutt and KMM I think after football season so he could go to camps and earn offers this year. Lets just say, that worked. I think he just improved so much, that there really wasn't anything to "miss" last year, he just wasn't a D1 WR last year, and now he is.

I think this post. Contradicts your other one that I agree with. I'm sure he improved some in a year. But no way he went from an average one not worthy of an Iowa offer to one of the best in the country in that short of time.

If he lived in Ann Arbor and Michigan didn't offer him 8 months ago, that's one thing. Michigan is the kind of school that doesn't need to settle for pretty good. Iowa hopes gr pretty good at receiver. And there is no way Martin wasn't good enough for a scholarship before he got an offer. They either slow played him or mis evaluated him. He didn't go from average to a stud over a few months.
Maybe, I am thinking of Collison.

It was Collison, although I don't know that anyone has ever said he was a silent commit. It was a given, though, that if we had a coach in place for the next season at the time of his commitment, Collison would have been at Iowa. If they had let Davis go and brought someone in before the start of the 1998 season, we would have had Collison once he set foot on a college campus.

As a matter of fact, Heinrich would have been at ISU if they hadn't been going through something similar with their coaching situation. At commitment time, as I recall, no one knew who ISU's coach was going to be.

Should we call you El-Deanvogs from now on? ...or just Roberto

How do you think Rivals evaluated prospects? They do it mostly with camps and offers. Oliver had ZERO offers based off his Jr. year camps and high school film, that means he is completely off the Rivals radar at that point. They have ratings out already for 2019 kids, so Oliver had gone through his So and Jr. years unranked and unnoticed.

If he gets an offer from Iowa in Feb. and commits in Feb., he never goes to the camps in the summer. End of story, he never gets another offer, never goes to another team camp, never goes to Rivals camp.

Instead since he didn't have an offer, and didn't commit he went out to EARN OFFERS last summer. He went to Iowa's camp, and I believe a camp at Wisconsin. His performance at those camps netted him offers form, Wisconsin and Iowa. He then went to a Rivals camp and CRUSHED it there. From that point he was on the Rival radar, and got bumped from a 2* to a 3* recruit, and got a MSU offer I believe. Because of that performance he was invited to the Elite Rivals camp in Oregon, where we CRUSHED it yet again. More schools took notice then and he got his Oregon, ND, and Michigan offers. He was then invited to the Army AA game, where he CRUSHED it yet again during the week of practice, and Rivals then bumped him up to a 4* recruit. He now has OSU, Florida and other recruiting him as well.

If you think that Rivals is gonna just slap this kid with a 4* label based on Sr. Iowa High School film, then you don't understand recruiting.

You really think he would have stayed a 2* had he accepted Iowa offer after Jr. year?
You really think he would have stayed a 2* had he accepted Iowa offer after Jr. year?

Yeah if he didn't camp anywhere, he doesn't get a bump up to 3* because of the elite Rivals camp, doesn't make the Army AA game and never gets the 4* ranking there.

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