Lack of wins

Uh, we've won the last three national titles in wrestling. The team will take a big step back this year, but c'mon, that's pretty hard to top.
Look around... our teams are struggling to in almost every sport but football. What is the reason? Does any one care?

What are you talking about? The wrestling team won their 3rd straight National Title last March, the women are coming off an NCAA tournament appearance and are ranked in the top 25 to start this year.

I don't know how the rowing or field hockey team is doing, the baseball team damn near won the Big Ten tournament last year, the softball team is successful as well, so other than volleyball and men's basketball what sport is Iowa struggling in?
Ok, check the team records of the sports this year... other than football we are bottom feeders in almost every sport. Sure wrestling and another sport or two will be good but overall we don't do as well as you might assume within the big ten. Check out soccer, volleyball, cross country, field hockey, rowing, when it comes to conference play. Baseball? decent prospects but only in a weak league. Mens basketball, ouch...
Someone please post a facepalm picture for me.

I'll do you one better.

Based upon the foregoing, I am left to conclude that :1) ignorance truly is bliss and 2) no one cares! The last couple years Iowa was the lowest rated Big Ten team in the Director's Cup and this year looks like more of the same. I follow most of the Hawkeye teams and if this is the state of sports in Iowa City it looks like I can expect my Hawkeyes to continue to lose to the likes of the Buckeyes, Gophers and Wildcats in everything but wrestling, win most of the time in football and suffer in the others. Closing "shout out" to Bluder's Bunch for bucking the trend!
Based upon the foregoing, I am left to conclude that :1) ignorance truly is bliss and 2) no one cares! The last couple years Iowa was the lowest rated Big Ten team in the Director's Cup and this year looks like more of the same. I follow most of the Hawkeye teams and if this is the state of sports in Iowa City it looks like I can expect my Hawkeyes to continue to lose to the likes of the Buckeyes, Gophers and Wildcats in everything but wrestling, win most of the time in football and suffer in the others. Closing "shout out" to Bluder's Bunch for bucking the trend!

Ah, the director's cup standings comes up again. Now that is just a dead giveaway you are a Clone troll.

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