Koeppel Video

7:30 in the morning, eastbound into the sun. Drivers don't often see motorcycles/mopeds/bikes. It can happen. To anyone. That's why it is called an accident. That's what he did - failed to yield. Without more facts, he's not deserving of another charge.
Have to agree to disagree

"Accident" is used in this case because the english language simply doesn't have another verb to describe what happened, which is unfortunate.

Accident is defined: Anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause.

I'm really not trying to nit pick or be a smart-a$$, but this "accident" was by no means without apparent cause IMO.
7:30 in the morning, eastbound into the sun. Drivers don't often see motorcycles/mopeds/bikes. It can happen. To anyone. That's why it is called an accident. That's what he did - failed to yield. Without more facts, he's not deserving of another charge.

This is just as likely (if not more) than him being on a cell phone. Let's not go all Cyclown here until we know the facts.
Jesus i thought we trained hard in Lincoln. You guys are runnin into trucks for god sakes. Seriously though glad hes ok.
Its only 4 seconds long so I've watched it 7 or 8 times now and each time I cringe when I see it. If that truck had been going just a tadbit faster, dude would have been a goner. Thank goodness he is alright.
So....I'll take the 1st week of picking the team up and driving them to class and practice so they dont have to ride those darn scooters inseason. Who's got next week?
Wow, KGAN video shows him just get right up. Can tell he is shaken up but still. Koeppel is a monster.
Was he wearing a helmet? This is the dumbest non-regulation on the roads today.

I agree.

Oh but don't bring that up to anyone in ABATE... They'll argue that awareness and education are far more protective than wearing helmets. BS, accidents happen regardless.
7:30 in the morning, eastbound into the sun. Drivers don't often see motorcycles/mopeds/bikes. It can happen. To anyone. That's why it is called an accident. That's what he did - failed to yield. Without more facts, he's not deserving of another charge.

I have to agree to disagree also, he was operating a four thousand + pound vehicle and was inarguably not paying attention to what the hell he was doing. It was negligent and almost cost that young man his life. They are both incredibly lucky.

That being said - wear a freaking helmet guys!
Koeppel is one tough S.O.B. I can't believe he got up so quickly from that impact. Simply amazing.
That's amazing he didn't get hurt more than he did. Also, you can see his sandle fly up in the air when he flips.
So thankful that Josh is alright. Incredible.

I do feel for the gentleman who hit him. I have turned left at that intersection at that particular time of day many times, just as he was doing in the video. The sun is unbearable.

God is good.
I'm really not trying to nit pick or be a smart-a$$, but this "accident" was by no means without apparent cause IMO.

Actually, that's exactly what you're doing. According to Webster's an accident is defined as "an unforeseen or unplanned event or circumstance" or alternatively, "an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance". So, I'm picking nits right back.

I just think it's a bit much for some to be so judgmental. It doesn't make it any worse because an Iowa football player was involved. Unless someone has some more facts to support that this driver was trying to hit Josh, then I would define this event as "unforeseen or unplanned", therefore, an "accident".
If you're familiar with that intersection, the way the driver was facing, Koeppel was coming up a slight hill. So the driver had the sun in his eyes, and probably just the top of Josh's head.

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