Koeppel involved in accident, Hundertmark leaving team

Yawn... the heart and head want what the heart and head want. I'd rather have him leave the team then continue to plow along if he wasn't really feeling it. Again the kids switched positions 4 times to try and get on the field so I doubt he came to this conclusion easily, maybe he decided he just didn't want it bad enough anymore.
I didn't factor in a vehicle accident into my 12-0 prediction.

It sounds like he is going to be OK, which is most important. Get well!
USBHawk has posted that Ferentz was mentioning Hundertmark as being "in the mix" for playing time ... and that was just recently.

Maybe we're jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly here. After all ... the info is coming from a HI tweet (LOL, I couldn't help myself there).
USBHawk has posted that Ferentz was mentioning Hundertmark as being "in the mix" for playing time ... and that was just recently.

Maybe we're jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly here. After all ... the info is coming from a HI tweet (LOL, I couldn't help myself there).

Sounds like Kirk talked about CH being in the mix this very AM at the MMQB in IC
Sounds like Kirk talked about CH being in the mix this very AM at the MMQB in IC

Yes, we got the text update about CH as we were walking out. We were all very surprised since coach had just talked about him. Hopefully, this is misinformation.
Koeppel is a great guy. Without knowing the extent of his injuries, other than they aren't life threatening, I hope for a full recovery. I hope he can return to the football field as well but one step at a time.

As to the rest of the BS being talked about, take it to a different thread. All the rumors don't do us any good. Next thing I'm going to hear is that Cody left the team because he is having Wegher's baby and Gettis slipped spraining his ankle when he was delivering it.
Just a guess, but just because you are listed as 2nd string RG doesn't mean you play if the starter gets hurt. They could move the 2nd string or first string left guard there. Or a backup tackle for that matter. He probably learned he truely wasn't next man in and decided he was done.
Just a guess, but just because you are listed as 2nd string RG doesn't mean you play if the starter gets hurt. They could move the 2nd string or first string left guard there. Or a backup tackle for that matter. He probably learned he truely wasn't next man in and decided he was done.

NObody seems to be looking at the other possibilities with soem recent players, i.e., KF/staff are telling them, "If your attitude keeps up, don't bother", then let said player(s) save face by "quitting". DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT STATING THIS AS FACT.

After the 2006/2007 fiascos and all the "fat cat" talk, it would stand to reason that KF and staff are doubly aware of anyone in the program who isn't 100% "on board".
Koeppel is a great guy. Without knowing the extent of his injuries, other than they aren't life threatening, I hope for a full recovery. I hope he can return to the football field as well but one step at a time.

I don't work at the Hospital & I don't have access to EPIC but when I told someone with intimate knowledge of his hospital treatment yesterday that the internet was worried about his playing status saturday, they said "I wouldn't worry about it". To quote Forrest Gump, "that's all I got to say about that"