Knock Cooks block off...

I don't want MSU to lose I just want someone other then Cook to take them to the promised land. Him almost pushing Griffin out of the way to put himself in the spot light when he got the MVP award for the Championship. Then the lame apology didn't help out much. He just needs to get his ego pierced and let the air out of his very big head.
i have family - in laws - in bamer - please, please, please MSU win.....outside of this - does anyone not remember the sec bias and big ten loathing that is the national media? how could anyone wish for a big ten team to lose to the SEC??

I'd be good if they beat Alabama and lost to the Clemson / Oklahoma winner in the title game.
Can't get behind this line of thinking. To root for MSU to lose is to root for Saban and his current SEC program to beat a B10 program. I'm not an MSU fan any other time than bowl season. I wouldn't care if it was OJ Simpson playing QB, I would want to see Bama get lit up.

At some point folks need to draw a line on supporting B1G teams in bowl games. I'm rooting for every team Iowa beat or didn't play to win their bowl game. That makes Iowa look better. We need MSU to lose, regardless of who they're playing. We still go head-to-head with MSU in recruiting. They are actively trying to flip one of our commits, right now. So, MSU's success needs to stop. That's the functional reason. Dantonio being an azz is the emotional reason.
At some point folks need to draw a line on supporting B1G teams in bowl games. I'm rooting for every team Iowa beat or didn't play to win their bowl game. That makes Iowa look better. We need MSU to lose, regardless of who they're playing. We still go head-to-head with MSU in recruiting. They are actively trying to flip one of our commits, right now. So, MSU's success needs to stop. That's the functional reason. Dantonio being an azz is the emotional reason.

msu losing this game doesn't stop the train that is msu. they've got it going on. go msu/go big ten.
I'm sorry but if a kid picks his school based on a win or a loss then I'm not sure he has the mental fortitude to be an impact player regardless of talent.

Iowa and MSU were both NC contenders this year and look to be solid again next year.
msu losing this game doesn't stop the train that is msu. they've got it going on. go msu/go big ten.

So keep rooting for MSU to win National Championships and then try to recruit against them? We're talking about what we, as Iowa fans, should be rooting for to happen, to give Iowa the best chance to succeed.
I'm sorry but if a kid picks his school based on a win or a loss then I'm not sure he has the mental fortitude to be an impact player regardless of talent.

Iowa and MSU were both NC contenders this year and look to be solid again next year.

We lost Pierschbacher (spelling?) to Bama, likely because of wins and losses, and he's now starting on their line as an underclassmen - would he not have the "mental fortitude" to be an impact player at Iowa right now?

They're kids having to make a huge decision that will have a large impact on their lives. If everything else is even between two teams in a recruit's mind, and one wins a national title, how many would not consider that success at least a factor in a tough decision?
I'm sorry but if a kid picks his school based on a win or a loss then I'm not sure he has the mental fortitude to be an impact player regardless of talent.

Iowa and MSU were both NC contenders this year and look to be solid again next year.

The difference is that no one outside of Iowa knew that Iowa was a NC contender and everyone "knew" that OSU/MSU were. For MSU to actually go out and win it would not be good for Iowa in the recruiting arena. Iowa winning and MSU losing, helps Iowa. And to your point, winning is, in my opinion, the biggest factor in a kid choosing a school. Think A.J. Epenesa. He's a Hawkeye fan and loves the staff (by all reports), but he is also waiting to see if Iowa can win games. Recruiting isn't a "micro" thing; it isn't done in a vacuum, it is a "macro" thing. It all adds up.
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I think we need a decent Iowa win (obviously) vs Stanford........need to see 2 blowout wins in the Semis and another blowout in Championship game. Get Iowa ranked as high as possible to end the year.

Personally, I would like to see Alabama make Cook cry. But, then again, if MSU does well and it furthers the case (if Iowa beats Stanford) that Iowa is a legit top 5 team to end the year. To bad someone has to win the Bama/Sparty game. Wish they could both lose.
We lost Pierschbacher (spelling?) to Bama, likely because of wins and losses, and he's now starting on their line as an underclassmen - would he not have the "mental fortitude" to be an impact player at Iowa right now?

They're kids having to make a huge decision that will have a large impact on their lives. If everything else is even between two teams in a recruit's mind, and one wins a national title, how many would not consider that success at least a factor in a tough decision?[/QUOTE

Ok so was everything else even between Iowa and Alabama last year when he made his decision? I don't recall which single game his decision would have been based on.

I stand by what I said. If 1 (one) game, is the deciding factor I question fortitude. I prefer a guy with a little less natural talent with something to prove or the onsite and sense to make a decision based on things like best fit, best school, best chemistry, major, ect. Vs "they won head to head this year
I dont get it I am looking forward to the MSU game and have no problem pulling for them. I pull for every big10 team adds to the big10 being legit across the board.
I think to use wins and loses in regards to Pierschbacher (sp?) signing with Bama is comparing apples to oranges. We're not simply talking about wins and loses, but National Championships. One program that was content with playing in a New Years day bowl game and one team set on playing for another national championship. Sorry but I'll never believe that his decision was simply about W's and L's. It was about the opportunity to play on one of the greatest dynasties in recent sports. He got the opportunity and the rest is history.

I'll never be one to view it as a BIG Vs. SEC and will never ride the coattails of a conference. While it would be nice for the conference to look good I still see all conferences foes as rivals both on the field and in recruiting. I'd rather see us win and them lose.
Didn't our old d-coordinater Norm Parker become friends with both Dan-phony-o and Ferentz and basically said they were the same guy personality wise. So when the Hawks knock out a quarterback or give a guy a concussion its because they are Bullies of the Big Ten and play physical and tough football, but when the Spartans do it its because they play dirty and have no class?
^^My opinion of the playing dirty and having no class stems from faking injuries and the style of physical play. Targeting a defenseless player no matter who does it isn't physical football its dirty.
Wow. Alabama v. MSU. Can they both lose??? Battle of the d...bags. Really rooting for Oklahoma to win this little "playoff"
I'm with you. I'm pulling for OU to win it all. It just makes me sick that the Vols had OU beat until Butch forgot how to coach to win, instead of coaching not to lose! As bad as I hate it, Go Sooners! Lol
I don't like a lot of MSU's crap....dirty plays...feigning injuries...etc.

However, Cook is one of the good guys.

Am I the only one who has seen enough of this MSU a--hat and would like to see him knocked the f out? His head is just swelled to much and the new ESPN the mag(crap) cover has him flirting around with Sparty. Oh he has done so much with him only having one arm due to his injury and if it hadn't been for him Sparty would have been 6-6...gag, gag, gag. This guy is another of the MSU qbs that go on and become dbags. Look at Kirk Cousins after the last Skins game and he screwed up right before half. Just cant support MSU and their brand of crap.
^^My opinion of the playing dirty and having no class stems from faking injuries and the style of physical play. Targeting a defenseless player no matter who does it isn't physical football its dirty.

Any time your head coach picks up a player from jail and takes him directly to's dirty.
Any time your team fakes injuries..........its dirty.
Any time you have a player that assaults another scholarship athlete, to the point of severe brain injury and your head coach allows the player to remain on the team and play...........its dirty.
Any time your head coach encourages illegal contact.......its dirty.
Any time your head coach has the above issues associated with him and his program.....he's a scumbag.
Having said that..........I don't care if they win or lose. I'd rather see them win instead of Bama but not enough to matter.