Kirk probably didn't care for this McCall Facebook post

Kirk Ferentz isn't well-versed with the "interwebs". He doesn't even know how to text. It is reasonable to believe that this was brought to his attention just recently and suspended McCall as soon as he found out.

People do think this still? I say that is straight bull____. Just not buying this anymore. Someone in that KF household is versed in it. My guess is all of them.
Maybe, since everyone is speculating, MM, intentionally fumbled to get even with coach for reprimanding him in locker room for whatever. KF, while tolerant of most things, just had to come up with a punishment even in spite of an effort by an individual to stay within the team gameplan of "just keeping it close" to keep opponent in game.
I imagine McCall is now the new DJK in Ferentz's book. Ferentz will have to break him like a wild stallion so that he is meek and conservative. Iowa does not have sizzle... Maybe the staff can run another talented running back off>>>
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What an idiot! Yeah throw the ball at the defense on your second carry....."Put me in Coach, I'm ready".....grow up, and hang on to the ball.

Exactly, nice way to prove yourself there by not handling a simple handoff. At least a couple of Coker's fumbles earlier in the year were legit.
When did it become "hip" to sound so stupid? It's like people are trying to invent a cool lazy language of their own. Pretty much the equivalent of like middle-english to my ears. Are the hipsters just that lazy, or do they actually want their own dialect?
They grew tired of ebonics.
So.. us fans can get frustrated but not the players? Hmm..

of course players can get frustrated and they can do all the ******** they home, with friends, with family, but not in a public setting like facebook. You talk bad about the boss for the public and other co-workers to see and you are undermining him....not so good....tell your wife, tell your friend, tell your dog, dont tell facebook.
He is telling the truth that it was total BS but he shouldn't have put that out to be read by everyone. Kirk is an old dog that needs to learn some new tricks or his method will keep getting a lot of our talent to want to leave.

Posting stuff about your employer on Facebook can and has gotten people fired. It probably would be a good lesson for him to learn now.
So it's okay for all of us to call out the coaches for not playing MM, but the man himself isn't allowed to share his thoughts without people wishing him to leave the team?!! Are you kidding me? I don't condone his actions and I am sure he regrets it now, but saying "good riddance" seems like a double standard. I certainly hope he learns from his mistake and comes back hungrier than ever.
So it's okay for all of us to call out the coaches for not playing MM, but the man himself isn't allowed to share his thoughts without people wishing him to leave the team?!! Are you kidding me? I don't condone his actions and I am sure he regrets it now, but saying "good riddance" seems like a double standard. I certainly hope he learns from his mistake and comes back hungrier than ever.

I hope he learns to support his teamates, his coaches, his team with a positive, team approached attitude even if he doesn't get a call in a game...

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