Kirk probably didn't care for this McCall Facebook post

I personally liked this joke that was below the BHGP article. Maybe it's posted in the forums here somewhere...maybe not.

A Texas fan, a Nebraska fan, and an Iowa fan were out riding horses one day. At one point, the Texas fan pulled out a bottle of expensive bourbon, took a long swig, threw the bottle to the ground, pulled out a pistol and shot it. “What are you doing?†asked the Nebraska fan. “That was perfectly good whiskey.†“In Texas, we have more whiskey than we need,†said the Longhorn fan, “And bottles are cheap.†They rode along for a while, and the Nebraska fan pulled out a bottle of champagne, opened it, took a swig, threw down the bottle, pulled out his pistol and shot the bottle. “What are you doing?†asked the Iowa fan. “That was perfectly good champagne.†“In Nebraska,†said the Husker fan, “We have more champagne than we need, and the bottles are cheap.†They rode along for awhile, and then the Hawkeye fan pulled out a bottle of beer, drank the whole thing, put the bottle back in his saddlebag, pulled out his pistol and shot the Nebraska fan. “What are you doing?†asked the Texas fan. "In Iowa, " replied the Hawkeye fan, “we have more Husker fans than we need, but bottles are worth a nickel a piece.â€

And KF is quoted saying he didn't find out about it until after the Purdue game.

He was quoted that he didnt hear about McCall's upset facebook post until after the Purdue game?

I dont recall that quote but certainly couldve missed it. Please share
I personally liked this joke that was below the BHGP article. Maybe it's posted in the forums here somewhere...maybe not.

A Texas fan, a Nebraska fan, and an Iowa fan were out riding horses one day. At one point, the Texas fan pulled out a bottle of expensive bourbon, took a long swig, threw the bottle to the ground, pulled out a pistol and shot it. “What are you doing?†asked the Nebraska fan. “That was perfectly good whiskey.†“In Texas, we have more whiskey than we need,†said the Longhorn fan, “And bottles are cheap.†They rode along for a while, and the Nebraska fan pulled out a bottle of champagne, opened it, took a swig, threw down the bottle, pulled out his pistol and shot the bottle. “What are you doing?†asked the Iowa fan. “That was perfectly good champagne.†“In Nebraska,†said the Husker fan, “We have more champagne than we need, and the bottles are cheap.†They rode along for awhile, and then the Hawkeye fan pulled out a bottle of beer, drank the whole thing, put the bottle back in his saddlebag, pulled out his pistol and shot the Nebraska fan. “What are you doing?†asked the Texas fan. "In Iowa, " replied the Hawkeye fan, “we have more Husker fans than we need, but bottles are worth a nickel a piece.â€

Cracklin' good stuff, freak. :D
Posting stuff about your employer on Facebook can and has gotten people fired. It probably would be a good lesson for him to learn now.

I know I'm late to the thread, but I had to throw in a "DING-DING-DING...WINNER!" on this post.

Exactly...good life lesson for this kid. Rules are rules. If he has NFL aspirations (like a whole lot of D1 scholly athletes do), he's going to learn they have plenty of rules that need to be followed there, too.
I dont think it has to just be when you are young. My guess is if your boss read something like that, it might not go over well either ;)

Wow, if this is the case, I am really disappointed in Ferentz. I've had past bosses who have read/heard this kind of thing from me when I was older than McCall (at the time mid to upper 20s), but let it go because they knew it would blow over. They recognized my immaturity, but also understood I had initiative and passion and was frustrated that things weren't happening as quickly as I liked. Sometimes the best approach with young people in a hurry like this is to walk away and let it blow over.

This isn't missing mandatory study halls or smoking dope or sassing off to an assistant.

It smacks of being heavy-handed and a control freak.
McCall's facebook post is seriously concerning. The concerning part has nothing to due with his loyalty to Ferentz or whatever, though we've been down that pacifier-as-a-mouth-gaurd road before. The concerning part has to do with the academic standards, or lack thereof, McCall is being held to.
"Still didn't get in tho. Strait bullsh!t" Seriously?! He can't spell 'straight'? I mean, I understand that slang is the norm for facebook and twitter and such, and that is why I assume he knows absolutely how to spell 'though', but chooses to go with the much more hip, shortened version, 'tho'. Fine. But you can't tell me that 'strait' is slang, or text-type for 'straight'. C'mon, man. This is the University of Iowa we are talking about! Spell STRAIGHT.
Anyway, let's just hope McCall doesn't end up with a str8 bowl-sit.
Looks like I am in the minority but I think Ferentz has over reacted. He should have just asked for an apology from McCall and let it go at that. Ferentz has been saying McCall would play again but has not done so. Hard to justify keeping McCall out of the blowout loss to Michigan St. That would have been the perfect opportunity to get him game experience.
My bigger fear is that this all ties into the attrition problem we have had recently. Are we losing yet another player and for a very minor offence.
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They need to act their age. Complaining like he did doesn't show much for character. Play by the coaches rules, or suffer the consequences. It's really pretty simple, for most. I don't believe Ferentz overreacts as much as some say. He wants a tight lid on his team. He has usually maintained a tight lid on would-be drama mamas. But even with his strictness, things like the DJK fiasco develop. So yeah, I think he handles jackazz playas accordingly.... The spotlights on these young men. Would you rather remember your season as the one in which your coach punished you for being a brat? Or would you rather follow the rules and do all you're allowed to?
McCall's facebook post is seriously concerning. The concerning part has nothing to due with his loyalty to Ferentz or whatever, though we've been down that pacifier-as-a-mouth-gaurd road before. The concerning part has to do with the academic standards, or lack thereof, McCall is being held to.
"Still didn't get in tho. Strait bullsh!t" Seriously?! He can't spell 'straight'? I mean, I understand that slang is the norm for facebook and twitter and such, and that is why I assume he knows absolutely how to spell 'though', but chooses to go with the much more hip, shortened version, 'tho'. Fine. But you can't tell me that 'strait' is slang, or text-type for 'straight'. C'mon, man. This is the University of Iowa we are talking about! Spell STRAIGHT.
Anyway, let's just hope McCall doesn't end up with a str8 bowl-sit.

When did it become "hip" to sound so stupid? It's like people are trying to invent a cool lazy language of their own. Pretty much the equivalent of like middle-english to my ears. Are the hipsters just that lazy, or do they actually want their own dialect?
What an idiot! Yeah throw the ball at the defense on your second carry....."Put me in Coach, I'm ready".....grow up, and hang on to the ball.

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