Kirk On the Side Transcript

I still haven't received the main presser transcript from the gets over right before Kirk does the on the side, and I drove to a friend's office, transcribed and posted the On the it's not my fault the other is not here yet :)
So if I read that right, KF is NOT looking to play Rogers?? We all know what that means.........

Yea, that Wegher better get a good nights sleep Friday. Have a little faith in Paki. Guys react differently when given a second chance, maybe its fate? He'll be alright.
I must KF as down as the rest of hawkeyenation today? Sounds like he is depressed as a coach who is 8-0 can possibly be.
So if I read that right, KF is NOT looking to play Rogers?? We all know what that means.........

From what I got listening to the presser, Rogers will likely take off the redshirt and see action. That's my thoughts. If I was a betting man, I'd bet the house that he sees the field.
Sounded to me like as long as wegher can handle the load, he won't see the field. Thats how i read it. Said he didn't want to use Rogers.
When asked what it would take for him to see the field, Kirk said he hoped he wouldn't have to find out. That there, doesn't make it sound like he's in the gameplan. Then again, we didn't think Wegher was in the game plan against ISU and he ran for 100. Who knows. Kirk will be Kirk and we won't know until Saturday.
So if I read that right, KF is NOT looking to play Rogers?? We all know what that means.........

Sounded to me like as long as wegher can handle the load, he won't see the field. Thats how i read it. Said he didn't want to use Rogers.
If Wegher can be "the man" and Paki can be used to spell him/used as a 3rd down back on occassion, the redshirt will stay on. If Wegher can't, Paki isn't going to be able to split time with him. You'll have to look at Rogers. My thoughts with BW being a true frosh and already banged up, that the shirt will come off soon for Rogers.
I'm sure Paki is a great guy, works hard etc... but if we see a lot of Paki then Rick better have a HUGE day passing.
I think Rogers plays...he may not be needed this week, but he will be needed the final I think he plays
Good read. A couple things stood out to me...

* Brad Rogers - After listening to the chat transcripts from Stormin, it sounded like there was about a 75/25 chance Rogers would play. In this read, it almost sounds like something catastrophic would have to happen before he got in the game. Wegher at 100% might be able to make it through the rest of the season with minimal help...Wegher at less than 100% might not be so lucky. Maybe he's counting more on Paki than I think...

* Wegher potentially used on kickoff returns despite shouldering the rushing load - I can't imagine the staff would have him do both, would they?

* When asked if Wegher was banged up, Ferentz didn't really answer the question...he glossed it over into something about Wegher's toughness. Why not just say he is/isn't banged up? He didn't really 'dodge' any other questions...
I must KF as down as the rest of hawkeyenation today? Sounds like he is depressed as a coach who is 8-0 can possibly be.

KF is just like he always is. I guarantee he isnt depressed. he likes to stay grounded and keep expectations low. I was encouraged to read what he had to say about Rogers. Time to let BW loose
Good read. A couple things stood out to me...

* When asked if Wegher was banged up, Ferentz didn't really answer the question...he glossed it over into something about Wegher's toughness. Why not just say he is/isn't banged up? He didn't really 'dodge' any other questions...

No need to tip off the opposing team to any player weaknesses if you don't have to.
No need to tip off the opposing team to any player weaknesses if you don't have to.

Banged up doesn't mean he isn't going to play. Banged up, to me, simply means that he took a couple hard licks in the MSU game. I could definitely see where you are coming from, and I considered that before I posted, but 'banged up' is probably up to interpretation.
Banged up doesn't mean he isn't going to play. Banged up, to me, simply means that he took a couple hard licks in the MSU game. I could definitely see where you are coming from, and I considered that before I posted, but 'banged up' is probably up to interpretation.

Okay KF answers the question directly..."Wegher is having some tingling in his arm at times. When he takes hits his fingers get a little numb and he has a hard time feeling the ball. Then add that his ribs are a little sore and we've got one beat up RB"

So now if I am on the Indiana defense and didn't know what exactly was ailing Wegher, I'm am now completely informed and my game plan is attacking the ball and Wegher's arm a little more aggressively. Make sure I stand him up and get a second player making contact with Weghers mid section.

Should KF disclose Greenway's ailments too, just incase they want to know if it's okay to throw his way a little more?

This is the same reason's NFL coaches are tight with injury info. You don't want to help the other team game plan.
Okay KF answers the question directly..."Wegher is having some tingling in his arm at times. When he takes hits his fingers get a little numb and he has a hard time feeling the ball. Then add that his ribs are a little sore and we've got one beat up RB"

So now if I am on the Indiana defense and didn't know what exactly was ailing Wegher, I'm am now completely informed and my game plan is attacking the ball and Wegher's arm a little more aggressively. Make sure I stand him up and get a second player making contact with Weghers mid section.

Should KF disclose Greenway's ailments too, just incase they want to know if it's okay to throw his way a little more?

This is the same reason's NFL coaches are tight with injury info. You don't want to help the other team game plan.

I wouldn't expect him to reveal that much info. Just a simple "Yeah, he's a little dinged up because we played in a physical football game on Saturday." No insight as to what might be ailing him, just the overview that he is a little dinged up. I wouldn't expect any coach to go into that level of detail.

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