You folks are hilarious....I've told you over and over that CJ is slow on his reads, is not that accurate, etc.....And we saw it today. He made 'about' 4 plays and the rest of the day he totally sucked in his 'reads', his progressions, and his accuracy. They STACKED THE BOX betting that CJ couldn't beat them (because they saw what I saw) and he was embarrassing. WE DIDN'T GO 12-0 LAST YEAR BECAUSE OF CJ.....GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!! We won those games because we won the turnover battle (we split the TO battle, but they scored points off ours), we won because we dominated on the ground (see NW, etc....), we won because we stopped the run (we aren't this year and it ain't because of Bower...) etc.... 'Your' Heisman QB is not that 'good', in fact Stanley looked better than him (which is hard for me to say, because I said he should RS) and the 'ball' (plays) didn't 'bounce' are way today........When you folks come to 'terms' with how 'average' CJ is, then you will get realistic about what Iowa can do.. I called out to the people I was watching the game with what NDSU was doing and what Iowa 'needed' to do, and they did a couple times (that worked), but CJ was horrible in executing some of it.........Even his pick 6, Kittle 'signals' that he's 'hot' because they're blitzing off the edge (watch the replay), but CJ just stands around and STARES down a receiver and 'hands' the ball to a defender..........I expect everyone to stack the box but play 2 high, because CJ can't beat guys MAY get it by the end of the year.........