Kirk is a fat cat...


Well-Known Member
After he signed that huge extension to 2020 he no longer had any motivation. Guy is set for life. A 1 percenter if you will.
He doesnt look like he cares he doesnt act like it. His gameplan suggest that he is one of the dumbest game day coaches ever to coach D1.
I've always thought he's a classy man and a good representative of the university. But this is big-time college football. being nice shouldn't provide job security. winning does.
The "Lunatic Fringe" doesn't look so crazy now. Anyone who watches Iowa football and doesn't have an agenda understands the quality of football out our school is a joke. Ferentz was given a life time contract and is the most over paid coach in the history of football. Bottom line.
After he signed that huge extension to 2020 he no longer had any motivation. Guy is set for life. A 1 percenter if you will.

Actually, I'm tempted to think that Kirk hasn't been quite the same coach since he got his first big pay day after the 2004 season was over. Other than a blip in the 2nd half of 2008, and the 2009 team, things really haven't been the same at all.

At this point, does KF have his eyes set on retirement? Hard to keep your edge when you've been at the same school for so long, made your millions, have guaranteed money through 2020, and don't have many more (if any) sons in the pipeline that you will be coaching. Makes me wonder..
Actually, I'm tempted to think that Kirk hasn't been quite the same coach since he got his first big pay day after the 2004 season was over. Other than a blip in the 2nd half of 2008, and the 2009 team, things really haven't been the same at all.

At this point, does KF have his eyes set on retirement? Hard to keep your edge when you've been at the same school for so long, made your millions, have guaranteed money through 2020, and don't have many more (if any) sons in the pipeline that you will be coaching. Makes me wonder..

One more time. This is NOT out of the normal cycle! READ MY SIG! Don't understand why people are surprised. It is the ONLY CONSTANT across KF's tenure.

One more time. This is NOT out of the normal cycle! READ MY SIG! Don't understand why people are surprised. It is the ONLY CONSTANT across KF's tenure.

I need more than that to give me faith that the program is about to bounce back soon and repeat 2002-04, etc.
Kirk is an average coach. He is good if he has the talent on the field. An average coach will do well with good talent. But he is struggling and always will with players that are not that great. You can't win with just one or two good players. You have to have players that can work the plan and they can't.
One more time. This is NOT out of the normal cycle! READ MY SIG! Don't understand why people are surprised. It is the ONLY CONSTANT across KF's tenure.

CAAR I hear you and don't disagree about the cycle thing but holy F'ing hell we don't pay a coach $4M a year for coaching cycles that peak every 4 or 5 years.
Kirk is an average coach. He is good if he has the talent on the field. An average coach will do well with good talent. But he is struggling and always will with players that are not that great. You can't win with just one or two good players. You have to have players that can work the plan and they can't.

ferentz isn't what he once was because he doesn't have Norm Parker anymore. The only great thing about any of ferentz teams were the defense when Parker was healthy. I think he owes Parker about forty million dollars.
ferentz isn't what he once was because he doesn't have Norm Parker anymore. The only great thing about any of ferentz teams were the defense when Parker was healthy. I think he owes Parker about forty million dollars.

Right on!
Caar always thinks that because there was a cycle at one time is will automatically return to that cycle. It's stupid reasoning.

Even if it were the case, we shouldn't be regressing in this point of the cycle. We shouldn't be committing penalties, and turning the ball over, and lining up in wrong formations, and running away from onside kicks like a bunch of pansies. At this point, we should be winning the games we are suppose to and losing to teams on the road.

This is a whole new cycle. And it's an ugly one.

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