Well-Known Member
No, but in furthering the discussion, it is an interesting analogy (looking at it). Commins did some impressive stuff, but in the end couldn't beat the "equal" teams. Also, a good chunk of HF's early teams including the Rose Bowl were recruited by Commins. KF after being here quite a long time has put together back to back seasons himself that were much different that KF if you gave KF the OOC schedule.
The guy probably deserved more time, sort of like Rhodes in some ways. In the end, I was very thankful for HF though.
It's easy to bash Commins without looking at the schedule and results carefully. He had some big wins and terrible losses. He did not have a cupcake schedule at all. The guy was incredibly enthusiastic and pro Iowa for sure.
So as to keep things from being twisted. I am not saying KF is as bad as BC. Nor am I saying HF shouldn't have been hired. I am saying in the analysis, there are some comparisons if the OOC schedules are compared. Fry with a lesser OOC schedule his first year easily would have been bowl eligible in today's world. Commins would have had a couple of bowl games.
WhoTF is "Commins"?!