Kinnick - who was there?

I stayed until the bitter end. It was loud and fun raucous before/as the game started. It wasn't as loud as OSU or Wiscy in 2010, but still noisy.
It calmed down when they scored and were up 14, then just got progressively quieter.
The fans that stuck around were making noise for the last few drives.
And after Cotton's return, it got as loud as roughly 35,000 can be.
I stayed until the bitter end. It was loud and fun raucous before/as the game started. It wasn't as loud as OSU or Wiscy in 2010, but still noisy.
It calmed down when they scored and were up 14, then just got progressively quieter.
The fans that stuck around were making noise for the last few drives.
And after Cotton's return, it got as loud as roughly 35,000 can be.

I stayed until the end too. I never leave early. I'm hard core baby. When the Hawks scored the fans that were there did cheer pretty loudly.
Watching on tv I got some goosebumps right at the beginning and wishing I was there, then after the half I remembered why I stopped spending several hundred dollars to travel and attend.

The only reason I kept watching was to see JR get some snaps but nooooo.
I stayed until the bitter end. It was loud and fun raucous before/as the game started. It wasn't as loud as OSU or Wiscy in 2010, but still noisy.
It calmed down when they scored and were up 14, then just got progressively quieter.
The fans that stuck around were making noise for the last few drives.
And after Cotton's return, it got as loud as roughly 35,000 can be.

I admire you for sticking it out, it's hard to sit in the stadium and watch your team get rolled, something I don't have the stomach for.

A little venting,

The first time a little piece of my faith in Ferentz disappeared was when I sat through the entire Western Mich vs Iowa game with a bowl trip on the line. Well what happened, we got absolutely rolled by a crappy MAC team. It was unreal, I kept sitting there thinking to myself there is no way this is happening we are Iowa this never happens to Iowa. Well it did and it has continued to happen more often then not under this coach, its been a long process that has chipped away at my love for Iowa football, but until Ferentz is gone and hope is restored, for me at least, Iowa football will not be the same.
The crowd was pretty good until it got to 14-0. Then for obvious reasons, we went dead.

And for the record, Kinnick hasn't been the same since 2005. When they moved the students to the corner it severely diminished the home field advantage we once had. Remember we won like 22 straight home games from 2001-2005 including 3 straight undefeated seasons at home from 2002-2004. We have not been undefeated at home since. The students used to occupy the 35 yard line back to the end zone. Now the furthest the students get to is about the 2 yard line. They simply are not nearly the factor they once were. It's unfortunate.
The crowd was pretty good until it got to 14-0. Then for obvious reasons, we went dead.

And for the record, Kinnick hasn't been the same since 2005. When they moved the students to the corner it severely diminished the home field advantage we once had. Remember we won like 22 straight home games from 2001-2005 including 3 straight undefeated seasons at home from 2002-2004. We have not been undefeated at home since. The students used to occupy the 35 yard line back to the end zone. Now the furthest the students get to is about the 2 yard line. They simply are not nearly the factor they once were. It's unfortunate.

yeah but the students were the first to go.
I stayed until the end too. I never leave early. I'm hard core baby. When the Hawks scored the fans that were there did cheer pretty loudly.

I cheered too...from the truck as we were driving to the motel. Love the Cotton man. Whar he been all these years?

BTW...freak is messing around with this guy...fieri.
I got there just a couple minutes after the opening kick. I can't speak for the pregame atmosphere, but I just didn't feel excited about being there. I've never had that problem before.
I cheered too...from the truck as we were driving to the motel. Love the Cotton man. Whar he been all these years?

BTW...freak is messing around with this guy...fieri.

HAHA! That's kind of the look he was going for, although he probably needs to put on a few more pounds to match Fieri! ...and maybe an earring.
About average until 1/2 way through the 1st quarter then pretty quiet. Got totally sick of hearing "Pass completed by McGloin to..." over the PA. Very annoying. Was pretty loud when Cotton ran the kick back. Making an educated guess I'd say it didn't get much over 105 dB at any point including the kick return. When Kinnick is really loud you can add 5 or 6 dB to that which is noticeably louder. What was different is that sometimes when the Hawks are on defense it is really loud and there isn't much let off, drops to 90 dB or so until they line up, then peaks again. Saturday it got really quiet, sometimes before the play was over. Super noticeable at times which was kind of strange. Then there was the gasp, and muttering and cussing, when McGloin extended plays and turned them into big gains.
The crowd was pretty good until it got to 14-0. Then for obvious reasons, we went dead.

And for the record, Kinnick hasn't been the same since 2005. When they moved the students to the corner it severely diminished the home field advantage we once had. Remember we won like 22 straight home games from 2001-2005 including 3 straight undefeated seasons at home from 2002-2004. We have not been undefeated at home since. The students used to occupy the 35 yard line back to the end zone. Now the furthest the students get to is about the 2 yard line. They simply are not nearly the factor they once were. It's unfortunate.
The '10 Wisconsin game was the loudest I have ever heard Kinnick. I was not at the '85 Michigan game, but have been to over 100 games at Iowa. The fact that Iowa has only had a couple of good teams since '05 probably has a lot more to with losing more home games.
I thought the atmosphere was great before the game. Loud, bright, and colorful. Then, the team took the field...Iowa v psu.jpg
This game reminded me of the early 70's and PSU would come to town and totally hand us our butts. First time I can remember leaving early, long drive home.

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