KF utterly embarrassed on Natl TV - will resign next week

And what should we point to for an improved offense?...other than we are sitting on the bottom of a deep hole, looking up but, other than that, what hope?

Future NFL LT Scherff coming back to anchor a strong OL.
Fleming with game changing speed making his debut.
Future NFL LT Scherff coming back to anchor a strong OL.
Fleming with game changing speed making his debut.

Hmmmm well, we will see. Notes say that the Oline wasn't too hot before Scherff went down but it will be good to have him back. Probably comes down to the skills of the QB - although I'm anxious that even if the QB has skills the coaching staff will neuter them
I don't see a three way fight for the starting quarterback position. I see a 1 qb fight. Rudock is gone. Sokol will start and Beathard just doesn't give us the best chance to win.
and for the record Maxwells backup at MSU threw just 6 passes all season.
and Gardner for Michigan was a starting WR and didn't take a snap until DRob got hurt,,
taking meaningless snaps means nothing..
next spring we will have 3 fresh faces competing for the starting QB job, with none having the edge

I love the stream of consciousness,,just how fast does your brain work because its like your fingers can't keep up with the explosion of knowledge that is trying to escape your head

I'm going to compile your posts, set them to music, and put it on YouTube one of these days...
I took my BIL to the ISU game this afternoon and he is a huge sqwaker fan. When ISU ran that fake punt to get the first down in the 3rd quarter he screamed... HEY CAPN KIRK THIS IS WHAT A COACH WHO HAS A SACK DOES! Most everyone in my section chuckled.

I know kewl story brah.
I took my BIL to the ISU game this afternoon and he is a huge sqwaker fan. When ISU ran that fake punt to get the first down in the 3rd quarter he screamed... HEY CAPN KIRK THIS IS WHAT A COACH WHO HAS A SACK DOES! Most everyone in my section chuckled.

I know kewl story brah.

Not arguing your point, but didn't ISU lose to a 5-6 team today?
We can hope?

Wait... hwks1 is the dude that doesn't know if BF is qualified to be OL coach and wonders why he would be considered for the OC job when he was close to getting the Patriots OC job. I officially ban you from posting.
Wait... hwks1 is the dude that doesn't know if BF is qualified to be OL coach and wonders why he would be considered for the OC job when he was close to getting the Patriots OC job. I officially ban you from posting.

Is this possible??? If so I am going to start a **** storm of banning s this site has never seen!
We can hope?

You think people are frustrated now, if that would happen you might see crowds in the streets with torches and pitchforks. Think about it .....run the program into the ground and walk a way.

Iowa deserves to have the program built up and handed off in a well planned transition over a couple of years - see Wisconsin and Florida State.

That is how you keep a program going.

I hope that they fix what is wrong, build this thing back up and when he's ready to go he hands it off to a very capable coach.
Redhawk, I can read your posts without even looking at the username and instantly know it's you.

Iowa SHOULD HAVE WON this game. But that was the most pathetic offense I have ever seen. Absolutely gutless and conservative playcalling. Playing to lose. And yes, I do hate it, so feel free to call me a hater. Fire away, Mr. "True Hawk Fan". Glad these moral victories under year 14 of a $4million a year coach make you so happy.

Where is the sense of loyaty? None of us could ever truly know what goes on behind the scenes. The sidelines, the locker room, practice ect. These are all places where crucial events occur that determine what we see on game day. People can speculate all they want and I get that it is human nature to look for answers but lets not forget what this program has given us over the past decade and let's also not forget that this is Iowa football. Having realistic expectations is a crucial part of being a true fan. Believe me, I have been miserable this season just as much as the next fan but how can someone consider themselves a fan yet then call for the head of a guy who they more than likely ranted and raved about back when he was signing his so called ludicrous contract? Hater? No, I wouldnt use that term. I would just question your loyalty. Still with ya Redhawk.
Jesse Palmer's bearable when kept in the studio, but he sucks as a football analyst. His insight consists of a bunch of obvious generalizations that leave the viewer wishing he'd just shut up. He's window dressing....former star on "The Bachelor"...he's a talking parrot. He's a mouth breathing idiot and really hard to follow at times. There was 2:45 left on the clock when they started freaking on the time. We had plenty of time to score. Pretty sure we didn't want to leave time on the clock like we did at Purdue. Vandy threw the interception with 2 minutes left. Explain to me just how we moved down the field but didn't score because we ran out of time. Most teams don't even run there hurry up/2 minute drill offense until there's less than 2 minutes in the game. Spin some more hate haters...fff in idiots!! What's next...quoting something stupid Pam Ward said to support your arguments??
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Played the #14 team tough. Held them to their lowest offensive output of the year. A dropped touchdown pass & missed field goal away from upsetting them. Huskers slink back over the border. Who's embarrassed? Get over yourself hater. KF's not going anywhere. Hate hate hate.....oh wait...Hawk fan right?

If Iowa lost a hard-fought but well-played game, I think the masses would be more accepting. But the way Iowa lost was simply unacceptable.

This game was winnable. It was poorly executed in nearly every phase by the COACHES. If this was the lone stinker game of the year, it might be a little easier to stomach. But virtually every weakness that Iowa fans have seen week in and week out with Ferentz's Iowa program of the last few years was on full display on a national TV stage yesterday.

I do not think going forward you will hear many TV commentators or coaches call Kirk Ferentz a good coach, at least with a straight face. Because he is not.
Wait... hwks1 is the dude that doesn't know if BF is qualified to be OL coach and wonders why he would be considered for the OC job when he was close to getting the Patriots OC job. I officially ban you from posting.

BF has no resume - at all......and you want him to get a job from his daddy to be the OC of a major B1G program?

Name one D1 school that you could even imagine that would want BF?.... OSU, ne, Mich, KState, OU, OR, ISU?????

There isn't one. BF was an assistant to the assistant at NE and the job there was a favor to KF.

Do you really think BF would have left a super bowl NFL team if he had even the slightest hopes for being name as a coordinator?


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