KF Sideline Meltdown


The no-call was incredibly unfair to the defense. KF saw it right away.

Also, how do you get an unsportsmanlike penalty for throwing a soft, fluffy cotton stocking cap? I'm guessing that someone's mother was insulted as well...

According to my severely hearing impaired friend who is a proficient lip reader not only was someone's mother placed in jeopardy by someone possibly wanting to have sex with her there was also prominent mention of a large steaming pile of male bovine excrement. My guess is that's what prompted the flag.
According to my severely hearing impaired friend who is a proficient lip reader not only was someone's mother placed in jeopardy by someone possibly wanting to have sex with her there was also prominent mention of a large steaming pile of male bovine excrement. My guess is that's what prompted the flag.

I'm not hearing-impaired but I read his lips perfectly well, and I'd say your "friend" got it exactly right. Football coaches scream things all the time and never get flagged. My guess is that it was the act of throwing an object -- irregardless of what it was -- that drew the penalty. Officials don't like it and if you think about it that should never be tolerated of bench personnel. Even if it was just KF's soft stocking cap, hard as that might be to believe.
We really wondered what had KF so worked up on the sideline. I figured maybe it was a cheap shot on one of the players like the last trip to Lincoln.

I recorded the game so I watched that sequence again.

Turns out the line judge missed an illegal touch. The TE (#11) that caught the pass for the first down was covered by a WR on the LOS. The WR was out of position and that made the TE an ineligible receiver.

Later I heard that this was the same officiating crew that was in Madison last week. A bad call there lost the game for the Badgers. I don't think this fact was lost on KF.

So what you had on display there was a rookie level officiating mistake and then the dissing of the greatest developer of offensive linemen and tight ends in our time. Even though their wireless mics didn't work for much of the game, you could hear one of the refs saying "I warned him twice" through the other official's mic just before he announced the penalty.

Kirk Ferentz is who he is. Had the WR lined up a step back I'm sure KF would have said, if asked about it, "That's football". Say what you will about him this year - one thing is for certain - he is invested in his team.
The reason for Kirk's tirade was discussed by the TV crew at length later on in the game.
I think it is Nebraska. Two years ago, Kirk went ballastic on a cheap hit by the Huskers. He was on the field and was screaming at the official. Remember how the Nebraska fans went nuts. Then, Pellini got a penalty when he went a little crazy on the sidelines himself.

It's amazing that simple of call can be missed at this level of football. Then he tops it off by throwing an unsportsmanlike penalty. As another said, amateur hour
Yeah big missed call. Luckily didn't ultimately matter.

Why didnt the color guy on ABC point that out? Easy to see.
Yeah big missed call. Luckily didn't ultimately matter.

Why didnt the color guy on ABC point that out? Easy to see.

They did talk about it later. I believe the sideline reporter mentioned what Kirk was angry about and then they discussed it.
Pretty simple to review, no? I know this may fall into the "not reviewable" category, but this seems exactly the type of thing to use it for, ya know, game changing plays.

This is an agregiously bad miss by the refs. A simple call really.

Oh well, didn't matter. But I understand why something like this would incense a coach as its not a subjective thing, it's fact based.
I will say 2 things on this play:

1.) I saw less egregious illegal formations called in my son's Pee Wee league this year.

2.) KF's reaction did not warrant a 15 yard penalty.

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