KF and HF QBs - Rate Them


Well-Known Member
Probably done before, but discussions change. My favorite Iowa QBs

1. Brad Banks - Should have had 2 years
2. Mark Vlasic - Maybe the best NFL career
3. Chuck Long - Great QB
4. Chuck Hartlieb - Under Rated. Sort of Montana like
5. Matt Rodgers - Solid non-flashy
6. Drew Tate - Drove me nuts
7. Matt Sherman
8. Pick Rick - Mr Excitement

Special Mention
Phil Suess. That was a memorable year and he did what he was asked. Maybe the perfect KF QB (according to KF's criterion)
Jim Hartleb - tough as nails
CJ Beathard - Could move to top or close, but too early.

What happened? Jake C. People that I know that played with him don't understand what happened to his arm strength which was there in HS and when at EIU where he torched Penn States defense. His arm was noticeably weak at Iowa.

John Wienke - What did Michigan see that KF didn't..and neither did we?
Probably done before, but discussions change. My favorite Iowa QBs
Special Mention
Phil Suess. That was a memorable year and he did what he was asked.

What year was that?

If you're referring to 1981 when IOWA had it's first winning season in 20 years and went to the Rose Bowl... Gordy Bohannon And Pete Gales split the QB duties with Bohannon getting most of the snaps.
Long time ago. Fry's first year. Fry called him "like a General". I think he was from Des Moines, but not sure.
Gotta throw Stanzi also in there.
Even though Long might own the top spot by virtue of stats accumulated over 5 years and heisman runnerup, KF's guys will compete well.
I would rank Long, Banks, CJ (even if he is a bust in 2016), Stanzi as the top 4.
Gotta throw Stanzi also in there.
Even though Long might own the top spot by virtue of stats accumulated over 5 years and heisman runnerup, KF's guys will compete well.
I would rank Long, Banks, CJ (even if he is a bust in 2016), Stanzi as the top 4.

I love CJ and he's the most complete QB we've had in quite awhile. But it's hard to put him above Tate...at this point.
1. Chuck Long. Hands down one of the best college quarterbacks of all time. The numbers tell you so. Virtual Heisman trophy winner without the presence of one of the best athletes in history edging him out. He could make all of the throws, and has a quick release and big enough arm. A winner.

2. Brad Banks. A lot of the things Chuck Long was throwing the ball plus athleticism. Imagine 3 years of Brad Banks, definite Heisman Trophy winner and Long's place in this list in jeopardy. You get judged on wins as a qb. Here you go history.

3. Drew Tate. Mr. Excitement. Think about winning, gutting it out. Put a little more talent on the field with Tate and look out. Maybe even one healthy RB. Impressive career, so much more missed because of missing talent around him.

4. Chuck Hartlieb. He just had it. You felt like we were going to win. Took command of the game, made the throws, also a tough qb. Perfect example of a HaydenFry era qb.

5. Matt Rodger. Rose Bowl qb. Solid if not flashy. He's from Walpole, MA. Enough said. Good big ten era qb. The last stand for a GREAT Fry era team.
Random thoughts:

There is no maybe to it of the group listed Vlasic has had the best NFL career.

I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career. He was just one of those guys that fell between Rodgers and Matt Sherman. Same category I put Paul Burmeister in. Besides there are like 18 Hartlieb brothers and I only remember Chuck. I think it was John(?) who had a solid career at DE.

I think Matt Sherman and Stanzi were similar QB(s) the huge difference was big game moments; Stanzi had several and Sherman really didn't have any. If Sherman had that one signature moment I think fans would look at his career totally different.

Chuck Long was/is clearly the best.....No brainer.

Other than Banks and Tate not a lot of dynamic playmakers in that group. All pretty solid and got the most out of their ability, they just weren't the type who could make something out of nothing. As of now I will put CJ in that group with Banks and Tate.

Phil Suess: I remember absolutely nothing about guy. My memory about Iowa QB(s) kicks in-in 1981 with Gordy Bohannon and the black dude he platooned with(name escape me at the moment). The stereotypes were reversed, especially for back then, Bohannon was the runner and the other guy was the thrower. I believe his name was Bell, but I need to go back and check the '81 roster
Random thoughts:

There is no maybe to it of the group listed Vlasic has had the best NFL career.

I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career. He was just one of those guys that fell between Rodgers and Matt Sherman. Same category I put Paul Burmeister in. Besides there are like 18 Hartlieb brothers and I only remember Chuck. I think it was John(?) who had a solid career at DE.

I think Matt Sherman and Stanzi were similar QB(s) the huge difference was big game moments; Stanzi had several and Sherman really didn't have any. If Sherman had that one signature moment I think fans would look at his career totally different.

Chuck Long was/is clearly the best.....No brainer.

Other than Banks and Tate not a lot of dynamic playmakers in that group. All pretty solid and got the most out of their ability, they just weren't the type who could make something out of nothing. As of now I will put CJ in that group with Banks and Tate.

Phil Suess: I remember absolutely nothing about guy. My memory about Iowa QB(s) kicks in-in 1981 with Gordy Bohannon and the black dude he platooned with(name escape me at the moment). The stereotypes were reversed, especially for back then, Bohannon was the runner and the other guy was the thrower. I believe his name was Bell, but I need to go back and check the '81 roster

The other QB was Pete Gales.

Bohannon was "main" QB in JHFs first season of 1979. Seuss took over in 1980, then got injured, whereupon Gales took over.

The only thing "memorable" about Seuss was that he fell down a lot, contact or no contact.
Random thoughts:

There is no maybe to it of the group listed Vlasic has had the best NFL career.

I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career. He was just one of those guys that fell between Rodgers and Matt Sherman. Same category I put Paul Burmeister in. Besides there are like 18 Hartlieb brothers and I only remember Chuck. I think it was John(?) who had a solid career at DE.

I think Matt Sherman and Stanzi were similar QB(s) the huge difference was big game moments; Stanzi had several and Sherman really didn't have any. If Sherman had that one signature moment I think fans would look at his career totally different.

Chuck Long was/is clearly the best.....No brainer.

Other than Banks and Tate not a lot of dynamic playmakers in that group. All pretty solid and got the most out of their ability, they just weren't the type who could make something out of nothing. As of now I will put CJ in that group with Banks and Tate.

Phil Suess: I remember absolutely nothing about guy. My memory about Iowa QB(s) kicks in-in 1981 with Gordy Bohannon and the black dude he platooned with(name escape me at the moment). The stereotypes were reversed, especially for back then, Bohannon was the runner and the other guy was the thrower. I believe his name was Bell, but I need to go back and check the '81 roster

<<I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career>>

Did good job subbing for an injured Rodgers AT OSU in 1991. Took over in 1992. Hawks had brutal early schedule, then Hartlieb actually led them to several wins before getting a season/career-ending shoulder injury against Illinois. He actually received a Heisman vote that season.
Bohannon was "main" QB in JHFs first season of 1979. Seuss took over in 1980, then got injured, whereupon Gales took over.

The only thing "memorable" about Seuss was that he fell down a lot, contact or no contact.

I don't believe Bohanon was on the roster in 1979. It was Hayden's first year and Suess and Gales were the QB's. Bohanon came in as a JUCO transfer, I think his first year was 1980. He was the primary QB during the 1981 Rose Bowl season. I am saying this from memory so fact checking may prove me wrong. But in '79 I was a freshman and just getting into Hawkeye FB and those days are seared into my mind. :)
I might be wrong, but GB was on the roster for 3 years and was first at a Juco. I thought about listing GB, but there were just so many. Also, they did mix things with Gales. By the end of the season not so much. Suess did fall down a lot. Maybe footwork, maybe the turf. I was on it (high school band day) then and it was almost like ice.
<<I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career>>

Did good job subbing for an injured Rodgers AT OSU in 1991. Took over in 1992. Hawks had brutal early schedule, then Hartlieb actually led them to several wins before getting a season/career-ending shoulder injury against Illinois. He actually received a Heisman vote that season.

He was one of those guys that took a lot of hits and fans would wince. Like a stronger CJ.
Bohannon was "main" QB in JHFs first season of 1979. Seuss took over in 1980, then got injured, whereupon Gales took over.

The only thing "memorable" about Seuss was that he fell down a lot, contact or no contact.

Suess: http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/phil-suess-1.html

Bohanon: http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/gordy-bohannon-1.html

Bohanon started and got hurt then Suess took over in 79.

Suess apparently got hurt in 80 Gales took over. Bohanon returned in 81.
<<I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career>>

Did good job subbing for an injured Rodgers AT OSU in 1991. Took over in 1992. Hawks had brutal early schedule, then Hartlieb actually led them to several wins before getting a season/career-ending shoulder injury against Illinois. He actually received a Heisman vote that season.

Hartlieb played in the Gang Lu -no decal game? Ahhh, yes, some of this is coming back to me now. 1992 was the Miami night game. Gino Torreta basically won a heisman that year throwing slant passes to Lamar Thomas and Horace Copeland and watching them run for big yardage after the catch.
Random thoughts:

There is no maybe to it of the group listed Vlasic has had the best NFL career.

I do not remember much of Jim Hartlieb's career. He was just one of those guys that fell between Rodgers and Matt Sherman. Same category I put Paul Burmeister in. Besides there are like 18 Hartlieb brothers and I only remember Chuck. I think it was John(?) who had a solid career at DE.

I think Matt Sherman and Stanzi were similar QB(s) the huge difference was big game moments; Stanzi had several and Sherman really didn't have any. If Sherman had that one signature moment I think fans would look at his career totally different.

Chuck Long was/is clearly the best.....No brainer.

Other than Banks and Tate not a lot of dynamic playmakers in that group. All pretty solid and got the most out of their ability, they just weren't the type who could make something out of nothing. As of now I will put CJ in that group with Banks and Tate.

Phil Suess: I remember absolutely nothing about guy. My memory about Iowa QB(s) kicks in-in 1981 with Gordy Bohannon and the black dude he platooned with(name escape me at the moment). The stereotypes were reversed, especially for back then, Bohannon was the runner and the other guy was the thrower. I believe his name was Bell, but I need to go back and check the '81 roster

Vlasic was a back up and starter when being a back up meant something. His injuries were a problem. I personally thought he was better than Long, but wow, what a problem to have as coach. Long fit HFs system better I guess. It really was a ball control offense. Vlasic's game against MN was classic at Minny.

Tate and Stanzi in a lot of ways had similar careers. No one could throw TDs for touchdowns like Stanzi (to the other team). I'm waiting and seeing about CJ. If he can stay healthy.... However, his style doesn't tend toward that. He is gutsy for sure. Like Jim Hartlieb.
Chuck Long was the QB when I was in HS. He is my all time favorite Hawkeye. Not just QB, but Hawkeye. See avatar.

I loved those 8 yard outs. Those things were killer to a defense.

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