Keno Spotting In Iowa City


Well-Known Member
Voice of the Hawkeyes tweeting that Keno has been spotted in Iowa City


Fiancee has a friend who just updated his Facebook status and says Keno Davis is in Iowa City. LET THE MELTDOWN COMMENCE!!!

There you go...if true he is at least under consideration
Voice of the Hawkeyes tweeting that Keno has been spotted in Iowa City


Fiancee has a friend who just updated his Facebook status and says Keno Davis is in Iowa City. LET THE MELTDOWN COMMENCE!!!

There you go...if true he is at least under consideration

You should be banned for pulling the fiancee, cousins, brother's sisters, aunts cousing bullcrap.
Don't dismiss the talk that Keno may just be on the Ped Mall in search of a good gyro.
It's not my fiancee's friend. It's Voice of the Hawkeyes - I just posted the tweet. Notice how I said "if this is true".............
Let's hope this is true! Man, it would be great to have a young, energetic coach, with major college coaching experience and assistant coaches who can flat out recruit leading the Hawks!
This falls under the official - DUH - category. Keno's season is over, I would expect him to go visit his family.
This falls under the official - DUH - category. Keno's season is over, I would expect him to go visit his family.

I haven't the slightest idea why Keno Davis is in Iowa City, but to completely dismiss the notion that he is here because of Iowa's coaching vacancy is either wishful thinking on your part, or plain ignorance.

As for myself, I would be excited if Keno was hired. He would be a major step up from Lick and would (I believe) inject some excitement into the fanbase. I would rather Iowa hired Pearl, but I think he is a pipe dream.
Why is it a mistake?

Because you don't like his dad?

Because he doesn't have a ton of experience?

You can either coach or you can't. You can either recruit or you can't. You can either excite a fanbase or you can't.

It's amazing... based on some of the posters here, everyone coaching at the D1 level ought to be 65 years old whose parents had nothing to do with the profession.

Yea, let's hire the Calapari disciple instead.
Why is it a mistake?

Because you don't like his dad?

Because he doesn't have a ton of experience?

You can either coach or you can't. You can either recruit or you can't. You can either excite a fanbase or you can't.

It's amazing... based on some of the posters here, everyone coaching at the D1 level ought to be 65 years old whose parents had nothing to do with the profession.

Yea, let's hire the Calapari disciple instead.

Keno hasn't proven that he can do either of these things on a consistent basis.

Barbee was with Cal for one year at UMass and one year at Memphis. Calm down.
So you think Mr. Davis was recruiting all those kids to Drake? Because he was known as quite the trailblazer on the recruiting trail when he was at Iowa.
So you think Mr. Davis was recruiting all those kids to Drake? Because he was known as quite the trailblazer on the recruiting trail when he was at Iowa.

I have no idea how good of a recruiter Keno is or isn't. I leave that to people who like to predict what decision a 17 or 18 year old kid is going to make.

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