"Ken O'Keefe makes you a better person, better player"

Whats he gonna say. KOK got him more field goals, and eventually money, than any other OC could have possibly done. Good luck with your new jobby job KOK.
Whats he gonna say. KOK got him more field goals, and eventually money, than any other OC could have possibly done. Good luck with your new jobby job KOK.
O'keefe was very well liked. I wouldnt expect you to get that. Amazing the lack of class some have....clueless really. Just shows how little this poor knows about iowa fball.
I will admit that I spent quite a few Saturday's questioning the play calling. At the end of the day(tenure at Iowa) I think comments like Nate's and I am sure others to come tell us more about the man as well.

In the end, he was part of one of the biggest turnarounds in Iowa history.

Good luck to Coach O'Keefe and now let's see who is next............
i guess i've never questioned his ability to coach his players up. i'm sure KF wouldn't have kept him around if he was terrible at helping develop players. and i'm sure KF wouldn't have kept him around if he was a jerk that no one liked. i'm sure he's a great guy and nate's sentiments are common for many of the players KOK coached.

that said, i don't think he was the right fit for OC in the pro-style system at iowa. we know what he did with the wide open offense before coming to iowa. we know what other schools are able to accomplish running the same system iowa does. why didn't it work at iowa under KOK? we have all beat our heads against the wall on saturdays questioning the play calling.

i wish KOK all the best in miami and his future endeavors and eagerly look forward to the future of the iowa football program
People fail to recognize that our offensive stats are partially a result of our team football strategy. Our offense was risk adverse, at KF's command. KF surely believes a punt is often not a terrible outcome. KF fears turnovers, negative plays like the boogieman. Our defense, especially our scoring defense, was predicated on the offense not turning the ball over and having good field position.

When our offense was successful, we often preferred long time-consuming drives. When teams scored on our defense we required them to execute a long-time consuming game.

We play the football equivalent of Bo Ryan Basketball. We play a style of game that is going to limit points, both offensive and defensively. With than in mind, I don't think its fair to judge KOK based solely on stats. His stats were never going to like a team that has a poor defense, or a more wide-open offense. He had to operate the offense inside the parameters of the team strategy.
Calm down, I wrote that half heartedly. To say I have noe clue about Ia football cause I wished him luck on his new job is just insane. Have you watched any KOK called games in the last five years or looked at where IA finished nationally offesnively. You are the one with no clue then, or offense with Coker, McNutt, a good line and on and on-did not win us games like it was supposed to do. Reality check here guys, our offense was not and has not been good_ to think that had nothing to do with him leaving is ignoring the obvious. He may be one heck of a guy ans he probably is, but I am not sad to see him go. It gives me hope that we could now win some games where out defense does not have to hold the other team under 20 points. Read Jon's article and get a grip on the sentimental b.s.
People fail to recognize that our offensive stats are partially a result of our team football strategy. Our offense was risk adverse, at KF's command. KF surely believes a punt is often not a terrible outcome. KF fears turnovers, negative plays like the boogieman. Our defense, especially our scoring defense, was predicated on the offense not turning the ball over and having good field position.

When our offense was successful, we often preferred long time-consuming drives. When teams scored on our defense we required them to execute a long-time consuming game.

We play the football equivalent of Bo Ryan Basketball. We play a style of game that is going to limit points, both offensive and defensively. With than in mind, I don't think its fair to judge KOK based solely on stats. His stats were never going to like a team that has a poor defense, or a more wide-open offense. He had to operate the offense inside the parameters of the team strategy.

Articulate and accurate.
People fail to recognize that our offensive stats are partially a result of our team football strategy. Our offense was risk adverse, at KF's command. KF surely believes a punt is often not a terrible outcome. KF fears turnovers, negative plays like the boogieman. Our defense, especially our scoring defense, was predicated on the offense not turning the ball over and having good field position.

When our offense was successful, we often preferred long time-consuming drives. When teams scored on our defense we required them to execute a long-time consuming game.

We play the football equivalent of Bo Ryan Basketball. We play a style of game that is going to limit points, both offensive and defensively. With than in mind, I don't think its fair to judge KOK based solely on stats. His stats were never going to like a team that has a poor defense, or a more wide-open offense. He had to operate the offense inside the parameters of the team strategy.

If you broke down Iowa's scoring numbers as points per possession they will still be middle of the road. In fact Iowa's offensive scoring numbers were average or below in several key categories using advanced stats.
People fail to recognize that our offensive stats are partially a result of our team football strategy. Our offense was risk adverse, at KF's command. KF surely believes a punt is often not a terrible outcome. KF fears turnovers, negative plays like the boogieman. Our defense, especially our scoring defense, was predicated on the offense not turning the ball over and having good field position.

When our offense was successful, we often preferred long time-consuming drives. When teams scored on our defense we required them to execute a long-time consuming game.

We play the football equivalent of Bo Ryan Basketball. We play a style of game that is going to limit points, both offensive and defensively. With than in mind, I don't think its fair to judge KOK based solely on stats. His stats were never going to like a team that has a poor defense, or a more wide-open offense. He had to operate the offense inside the parameters of the team strategy.

KOK is a good coach, but not a good fit in a pro-style offense. Ferentz will want to stick with the same basic scheme, but the next guy may be a pro-set guy rather than a spread coach (KOK). KOK's best work always came when he was unleashed to do more of what he's best at. I want the next guy to be someone who's at his best when running the kind of offense Kirk prefers. The round peg for the round hole, if you will.
If you broke down Iowa's scoring numbers as points per possession they will still be middle of the road. In fact Iowa's offensive scoring numbers were average or below in several key categories using advanced stats.

Point per possession doesn't take into account all team strategy. It's not just that we have less possessions in a football game than other teams, it's that KF is often satisfied taking a very risk-adverse approach to scoring. This risk-aversion is reflected in points per possession.

In this respect, football and basketball are very different sports. In basketball, you almost always try to score when you have possession, not necessarily in true in football (at the very least each possession has different scoring urgency).
Whats he gonna say. KOK got him more field goals, and eventually money, than any other OC could have possibly done. Good luck with your new jobby job KOK.

Typical troll by Hawkcrush. He writes something defamatory or inflammatory & comes back saying he was being sarcastic. Just ignore his posts & he will go away.
No offense I mean I Like Nate - but let me here some people that play offense come out and give lavish praise then I'll believe it.

In the modern day of football this team's offensive production is prehistoric and determental to winning.

Is it all Ken Keefe's fault? Of course not - but he is the OC.
Too late good or bad. Personally glad to see him go. A lot of people can be good guys but I think we can do better. Hopefully we will add someone who can get Ferentz to listen about changing things up. I think that will be the deciding factor.
No offense I mean I Like Nate - but let me here some people that play offense come out and give lavish praise then I'll believe it.

In the modern day of football this team's offensive production is prehistoric and determental to winning.

Is it all Ken Keefe's fault? Of course not - but he is the OC.

Have you ever heard a former player bad mouth KOK, even the one's who transferred or flamed out?
Have you ever heard a former player bad mouth KOK, even the one's who transferred or flamed out?

Have you ever heard them say anything good?

I haven't - what are they going to just trash their ex coaches? Of course not.

However along that line I have heard Drew Tate and DJK criticize the offensive system in round about ways.

When ever I here praise for the Iowa staff - mostly it's Ferentz and some about Parker

I never hear anything about Keefe ever.

C'mon now.
Isn't that the job of a coach to make his players better? KOK was a streak shooter. We'd all see it at times where he'd get hot with the play calling, but the problem is those streaks were far and few in between. His play calling lacked value for a fresh set of downs. Down and distance play calling decisions drove me nuts.

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