Katenda Drops Iowa

I just read where Iowa offered 70 plus kids in football to sign what a 20-25 class. Iowa has missed out on what 5 basketball recruits. The reason Iowa is missing on recruiting is Fran isn't settling he is in there swinging with the big boys. The fact of the matter is NOBODY besides a select few have idea who or what is going on with recruiting. The pure fact that people are fired up about this shows Fran is doing his job.
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The answer to our prayers......

The Recruitmeister, John Calipari......


the only downside is that the NCAA comes and takes our final Four banner 5 yrs later, plus every spring you need to bump his pay by a million so he doesnt bolt for the Nets or Knicks, other than that he is the recruiter we need
:rolleyes: Seriously - step back from the ledge.
We have already heard your rants about dismissing coaches for lack of connections, only to be proven wrong. We have had recruits visits just because of the connections that exist on this staff.
I liken our situation to John Beilien's at Michigan. Given the time he has been able to bring in quality recruits and implement the system he wants to play.
Result - serious Big10 contender next year. Did this happen in his first year? No. His second? No. His third? no. This will be year 5. Which seems to me realistic for polishing a turd.
However after a little after one year of being on the job you are already flagging signs for the end of McCaffery and his staff.
Wow. Its a wonder we have such a difficult time getting the Elite coaches and players.
Fran is definitely the right man for the job, not only because he is a great coach but because he has the right mentality and strength of his convictions to ignore the minority of Hawkeye Nation that is so vocal with their negativity.
Very similar to our football coach.
He has turned out to be pretty damn successful but of course that happened immediately (sarcasm).

I know some of you have a hard time with reading comprehension. So, why don't you look back at my comment and see where I say pretty much instant success with RECRUITING. This doesn't always pan out as wins right away. Look at Crean and watch his team this year. It will be a whole new ball game.

Beilein was able to keep Manny Harris as a result of retaining one of UM's key assistants. He also had 7 other key players signed by his second fall, which equates to this November for Fran. That sets the foundation for adding a couple of guys like Hardaway and Morris.

My statement was if Fran is still scrambling next spring to fill scholarships, he will be in serious trouble. I stand by this. By that point in his Michigan tenure, Belein was looking to add the final pieces, just like Crean is doing now. You can't be still trying to set the foundation. Because, you can see that even the guys that had early recruiting success struggle to turn those recruits into winners.
Caar can take clock ticking to doomsday approach to this if he wants to, but I think there are more reasonable angles. For starters, how many coaches inherit a program as jacked up as ours and turn it around in one year? McCaffrey's first month on the job consisted of dealing with the Barbie girls Larson and Brust, Fuller leaves, Cougill isn't eligible and he is building his staff. He snags Cartwright at the last minute, things are looking up, then Payne is out for the season, next Gatens gets hurt.

No doubt we need some help, but for the first time in a long time, we are returning basically our entire team. Granted, we don't have BJ, Horton, Marble, Gamble, etc. coming back, but the team will be better, as will individual players. With White, Oglesby and yet to be named players, we will have more depth, which will allow McCaffrey to be more aggressive on both ends.
I would 2nd this. For some odd reason I view Hubbard as the must get for this class. I know PG and a big man are pressing needs but I just think Hubbard can step right in next year and possibly start, be that slashing type scorer we need.

I think if Hubbard picks us Saturday, Glover will not be far behind and then we get Olesani just before the signing period ends as he does not get the OU offer. Kind of a crummy way to get him but we need a big guy and we need to upgrade our talent/depth and he would do that. Beggars cant be choosers.

This would be the perfect storm, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, all 3 players have had ample time to pick the Hawks and they are all waiting for better offers, If Fran can get this program turned around (similar to football and wrestling) we won't always be the ugly sister waiting for a prom date.
I know some of you have a hard time with reading comprehension. So, why don't you look back at my comment and see where I say pretty much instant success with RECRUITING. This doesn't always pan out as wins right away. Look at Crean and watch his team this year. It will be a whole new ball game.

Beilein was able to keep Manny Harris as a result of retaining one of UM's key assistants. He also had 7 other key players signed by his second fall, which equates to this November for Fran. That sets the foundation for adding a couple of guys like Hardaway and Morris.

My statement was if Fran is still scrambling next spring to fill scholarships, he will be in serious trouble. I stand by this. By that point in his Michigan tenure, Belein was looking to add the final pieces, just like Crean is doing now. You can't be still trying to set the foundation. Because, you can see that even the guys that had early recruiting success struggle to turn those recruits into winners.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I'm curious who would you rather have coaching the Hawkeyes basketball team now? Bruce Pearl, Keno Davis? Hawkeye basketball hit rock bottom in Licks 3rd yr, we understand the importance of recruiting and talent but I really feel that Fran is our best option to turning this around, I wish he would do it faster but without cheating( NCAA violations) it is going to take time, I know we are in better shape this spring than we were last spring and I hope I can say that next yr
I know some of you have a hard time with reading comprehension. So, why don't you look back at my comment and see where I say pretty much instant success with RECRUITING. This doesn't always pan out as wins right away. Look at Crean and watch his team this year. It will be a whole new ball game.

Beilein was able to keep Manny Harris as a result of retaining one of UM's key assistants. He also had 7 other key players signed by his second fall, which equates to this November for Fran. That sets the foundation for adding a couple of guys like Hardaway and Morris.

My statement was if Fran is still scrambling next spring to fill scholarships, he will be in serious trouble. I stand by this. By that point in his Michigan tenure, Belein was looking to add the final pieces, just like Crean is doing now. You can't be still trying to set the foundation. Because, you can see that even the guys that had early recruiting success struggle to turn those recruits into winners.

No trouble comprehending what you are saying, just saying that your act is getting very old. Same posts, different thread, day in and day out.

We have no connections blah blah blah.
We need to find a new staff blah blah blah.
We are doomed blah blah blah.

Of course everyone would like a miracle turn around but ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN but it will happen in time.

I'm sure there is some Greek philosopher I can quote to prove my point unfortunately I lack your superior intellect but I do run a multi million dollar business that I took over when it was in the worst possible shape so I do have an understanding of the process involved in building something out of nothing. It takes time, some luck, the right people and hell of a lot of hard work.
No trouble comprehending what you are saying, just saying that your act is getting very old. Same posts, different thread, day in and day out.

We have no connections blah blah blah.
We need to find a new staff blah blah blah.
We are doomed blah blah blah.

Of course everyone would like a miracle turn around but ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN but it will happen in time.

I'm sure there is some Greek philosopher I can quote to prove my point unfortunately I lack your superior intellect but I do run a multi million dollar business that I took over when it was in the worst possible shape so I do have an understanding of the process involved in building something out of nothing. It takes time, some luck, the right people and hell of a lot of hard work.

Fran has already upgraded talent for this year's class. Cole was a good player, but not a great shooter. The two incoming recruits are both good shooters and IMO are an upgrade from Cully and Jared. So right there next year's team is ahead of last years. I also am confident that we will be getting at least one commit in the next week.

I agree with you somewhat. However, neither Oglesby or White bring the skill sets or abilities of of Cole and Cully. One is a space-eating rebounder and the other really was a PG. White and Ogles are neither.
I know some of you have a hard time with reading comprehension. So, why don't you look back at my comment and see where I say pretty much instant success with RECRUITING. This doesn't always pan out as wins right away. Look at Crean and watch his team this year. It will be a whole new ball game.

Beilein was able to keep Manny Harris as a result of retaining one of UM's key assistants. He also had 7 other key players signed by his second fall, which equates to this November for Fran. That sets the foundation for adding a couple of guys like Hardaway and Morris.

My statement was if Fran is still scrambling next spring to fill scholarships, he will be in serious trouble. I stand by this. By that point in his Michigan tenure, Belein was looking to add the final pieces, just like Crean is doing now. You can't be still trying to set the foundation. Because, you can see that even the guys that had early recruiting success struggle to turn those recruits into winners.

Lets take a look on how Beilein build this years NCAA team. If you are saying Beilein was some great recruiter his first couple years, you need to look at the data closer. He didn't bring in great classes by any stretch. He kept Harris, but he didn't recruit him and get him. His 2008 and 2009 classes where avg. at best. You say he set a foundation, with his 2007 and 2008 players, but that looks to be untrue when you look at the data. Look at why Michigan was successful this year. It wasn't because of his 2007, or 2008 recruits. It was because of his 2009 and 2010 players he brought in. It is Morris, Morgan, and Hardaway especially that are driving that team. Vogrich, Smotrycz are both contributors and they were part of the 2009 and 2010 classes. So 5 of the top 7 players were part of the 2009 or 2010 classes. The 2007 and 2008 contributors to this years NCAA team are Novak and Douglas (a 9 PPG and 8PPG players). The next two off the bench after the first 7 are McLimans (2009) and Horford (2010). So to say that 2007 and 2008 were "foundational" classes is just a myth. The major contributors and the role players to this NCAA team were 2009, 2010 players (7 of the top 9)

Right now you should be comparing Fran's 2010 & 2011 classes with the Beilein 2007 and 2008 classes. Basabe, Marble, and McCabe will be better "foundational" players than anything Beilein brought in for his first class that netted Novak & Douglas in essence. Now add onto that we got White and Oglesby this year, Fran blows away Beilein's 2007 & 2008 classes

All of this is looked at through a 4 year prism, instead of your immediate payoff scenario. Michigan's program looks to be on a VERY SOLID FOOTING after Beileins 4th full season. As I have shown he has done that with a much, much worse first two years of bringing in players than Fran has done so far. I am also not even talking about Cartwright, as he won't be a "foundational" player that is paying off in years 3 and 4 of Fran's program.

I know that we all hate to wait, but the jury is far from out on this, the proof will be in the pudding 2013, in 4 years, just like Michigan made the tourney in the 4th year.
I know some of you have a hard time with reading comprehension. So, why don't you look back at my comment and see where I say pretty much instant success with RECRUITING. This doesn't always pan out as wins right away. Look at Crean and watch his team this year. It will be a whole new ball game.

Beilein was able to keep Manny Harris as a result of retaining one of UM's key assistants. He also had 7 other key players signed by his second fall, which equates to this November for Fran. That sets the foundation for adding a couple of guys like Hardaway and Morris.

My statement was if Fran is still scrambling next spring to fill scholarships, he will be in serious trouble. I stand by this. By that point in his Michigan tenure, Belein was looking to add the final pieces, just like Crean is doing now. You can't be still trying to set the foundation. Because, you can see that even the guys that had early recruiting success struggle to turn those recruits into winners.

You sure of that timeline with Beilein?
He has been at Michigan for 4 full seasons now.
He arrived,and not sure if he added anything immediately,like Fran did with Basabe and Cartwright.
His first true class was Novack and Douglas,which equates to Frans class of White,Oglesby and whoever he pulls in this spring.
His second class was Morris,Morgan and who?
His third class was Hardaway,Horford,Smotryx
His 4th class is Burke,Brundridge ect.

So, on Beileins timeline, Fran has to sign a class in November that equates to Morris and Morgan ect....I think he can do that if he pulls Woodbury,Gesell,Staten...ect...they are all top 100 players vs only Morris for Beilein in that class.

I do not think Fran is behind Beileins schedule,other than not inheriting two NBA players in Sims and Harris.
You sure of that timeline with Beilein?
He has been at Michigan for 4 full seasons now.
He arrived,and not sure if he added anything immediately,like Fran did with Basabe and Cartwright.
His first true class was Novack and Douglas,which equates to Frans class of White,Oglesby and whoever he pulls in this spring.
His second class was Morris,Morgan and who?
His third class was Hardaway,Horford,Smotryx
His 4th class is Burke,Brundridge ect.

So, on Beileins timeline, Fran has to sign a class in November that equates to Morris and Morgan ect....I think he can do that if he pulls Woodbury,Gesell,Staten...ect...they are all top 100 players vs only Morris for Beilein in that class.

I do not think Fran is behind Beileins schedule,other than not inheriting two NBA players in Sims and Harris.


Something that everyone seems to be missing is that I was responding to Jon's comment that he would be concerned if we were in the same situation NEXT SPRING!. I did not say that Fran wouldn't be able to pull a group together between now and then. In fact, that is the point I am trying to make.

The time is NOW!

Reread my comment. I said that IF Fran is still scrambling to fill scholarships next spring, he is in trouble. That is a BIG IF, and something that I in no way see as an inevitable situation. A couple of strong signings now and a few more in fall and he is set.

In fact, if he was able to pull together a group like UM (even sans the three 4 star players) that would keep the team competitive while still looking for the difference makers, he would be fine.
I just pointed out that there is a pretty reasonable expectation that Fran will match Beileins timeline for securing recruits....did not accuse anyone of anything.

Lets see how it plays out.
Any previous reports of Katenda eliminating Iowa are false. He is still down to Iowa, WF and ND per his coach.
Any previous reports of Katenda eliminating Iowa are false. He is still down to Iowa, WF and ND per his coach.

Why does everything need to be based off a link?
I knew this was misinformation floating around there already and Tom Kakert confirmed it today.

Your post two or three above was a pretty bold refutation of the OP, especially for someone with 80-something posts and apparently based in DC. It would be helpful to know where you're getting your info. No offense intended.
Why does everything need to be based off a link?
I knew this was misinformation floating around there already and Tom Kakert confirmed it today.

No one has demanded a link. But attribution = credibility. It's human nature. It's not that no one believes or wants to read what you have to say you when you don't post a link, it's just people want to know where the info comes from before they decide for themselves how credible the info is. I would bet my bottom dollar that you are the same way.
Your post two or three above was a pretty bold refutation of the OP, especially for someone with 80-something posts and apparently based in DC. It would be helpful to know where you're getting your info. No offense intended.

I didn't know post count on a this site equaled credibility. You can take or leave my information. I've been around long enough that posters know I don't just spout off. And, I have no idea what living in DC matters whatsoever. You get your information from many sources. No offense taken.

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