Katenda Drops Iowa

This really is not a surprise or a big deal. Katenda himself said last week that WF was ahead of us and depending upon how his trip to ND went would likely determine where he went. I also think that the writing was on the wall due to Katenda's coaches comments. He seems dead set on steering both bigs away from Iowa. Again another sign...
Not a huge loss for Iowa fans... players this late in the game are usually of really similar talent. Very few players this late are going to offer a full skill set. You might lose out on a great rebounder/shot blocker, but gain a better shooter/scorer.

If I am Fran, Im going the JUCO route. You can't afford a 'miss' on a 4 year kid.
This really is not a surprise or a big deal. Katenda himself said last week that WF was ahead of us and depending upon how his trip to ND went would likely determine where he went. I also think that the writing was on the wall due to Katenda's coaches comments. He seems dead set on steering both bigs away from Iowa. Again another sign...

Maybe we didn't pay the coach enough? :cool:
I'm as big a Fran fan as anyone, but the last thing this program needs is a fanbase that's willing to turn a blind eye to recruiting failures. In fact, this program needs just the opposite...a fanbase that demands improved recruiting and better athletes. If Fran can't get it done with the current staff, then he needs to make changes to his staff ASAP...or it will be he, along with Gary Barta, that gets a pink slip two years from now.
I'm as big a Fran fan as anyone, but the last thing this program needs is a fanbase that's willing to turn a blind eye to recruiting failures. In fact, this program needs just the opposite...a fanbase that demands improved recruiting and better athletes. If Fran can't get it done with the current staff, then he needs to make changes to his staff ASAP...or it will be he, along with Gary Barta, that gets a pink slip two years from now.
What a rediculous post. You have no idea who Fran is recruiting outside of comments on this board. I fans are the biggest whiners in the country. If I were a recruit and read these boards I would cross off Iowa just because of the moronic opinions of its posters.
Fran has already upgraded talent for this year's class. Cole was a good player, but not a great shooter. The two incoming recruits are both good shooters and IMO are an upgrade from Cully and Jared. So right there next year's team is ahead of last years. I also am confident that we will be getting at least one commit in the next week.
I'm as big a Fran fan as anyone, but the last thing this program needs is a fanbase that's willing to turn a blind eye to recruiting failures. In fact, this program needs just the opposite...a fanbase that demands improved recruiting and better athletes. If Fran can't get it done with the current staff, then he needs to make changes to his staff ASAP...or it will be he, along with Gary Barta, that gets a pink slip two years from now.

Sorry, but I don't want to extend the Lick years any further. I remember posters trying to justify his lackluster recruiting early on as well.

In Frans first year he brought in Cartwright, and Basabe. Is that ok with you ? So far this year he has Josh, and Aaron that is all we know. Is this not up to your standard ? What you know about Coach McCaffery and his recruiting is zero. If you can't tell this difference between what McCaffery is doing and what Lick did. What you know about basketball is zero.
The sky isn't falling! This guy isn't a world beater. Next year's recruiting class is the important one. Give Fran a little time.
So we don't get Katenda. No big deal. If Fran's recruits so far are a clue, we will be alright. He will find the players he needs. Not only that, but players that want to be Hawkeyes. I saw some video of White on YouTube. Hard to find much, but he looks very good inside. He should compliment Basabe very well. I have a feeling that Fran knows what he is doing. Here is a link to the video with Aaron White. He shows up about one minute in. He looks bigger that 6'8 for some reason. He looks quick and attacks the basket. No reason to panic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7zHEGDVGJE]YouTube - Ohio's Top 15 Seniors of 2011 - Trey Burke, Stevie Taylor, Trey Lewis, Pat Forsythe, Aaron Thomas[/ame]
I think this is one of those rare cases where everyone is right.

Disappointing so far-check
Staff needs more time-check
Record / recent history a negative-check
Iowa not easy to recruit to-check
Kids getting lots of attention at the last minute inflating stock-check
Staff talking to players we aren't aware of-check

McCaffrey is actually recruiting legit D1 players with other offers vs. the kids Lickliter went after that had no business playing in the big ten / high D1 ball. Much easier to beat out Fordham, Minnesota State, South Dakota, etc. It took Crean what, 3-4 years to land his first solid class at Indiana.....
Fran overall has done a good job thus far. I think we will get some good players before it's all said and done. I've never had a strong feeling that we had a shot at this kid. I think he just visited Iowa out of courtesy to Fran. Boy would I love to be wrong though. I would be happy to have him if he chose Iowa.
Jon is right about being concerned if the team is scrambling to fill schollies next Spring. That would basically signal the end for this staff. If you don't agree, then...

Please tell me one coach in the last ten years at a major conference that was able to turn around a losing program without rather immediate recruiting success. Seriously, one.

You won't be able to do it, because it doesn't happen. Fran would be setting a precedent that goes against a decade of statistics. This is not a knock on Fran, it is historic record.

Yes, relationships are important. That is why you hire a D1 coach or assistant with relationships already established. Starting from scratch with a losing program is just a really hard road.

Also, to the person who said Aaron and Josh were upgrades from Jared and Cully, not at the post and point positions. This team is one injury or a few fouls away from having to play without a key position on the court.
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I think this is one of those rare cases where everyone is right.

Disappointing so far-check
Staff needs more time-check
Record / recent history a negative-check
Iowa not easy to recruit to-check
Kids getting lots of attention at the last minute inflating stock-check
Staff talking to players we aren't aware of-check

McCaffrey is actually recruiting legit D1 players with other offers vs. the kids Lickliter went after that had no business playing in the big ten / high D1 ball. Much easier to beat out Fordham, Minnesota State, South Dakota, etc. It took Crean what, 3-4 years to land his first solid class at Indiana.....

post of the day, maybe the month.
Jon is right about being concerned if the team is scrambling to fill schollies next Spring. That would basically signal the end for this staff. If you don't agree, then...

Please tell me one coach in the last ten years at a major conference that was able to turn around a losing program without rather immediate recruiting success. Seriously, one.

You won't be able to do it, because it doesn't happen. Fran would be setting a precedent that goes against a decade of statistics. This is not a knock on Fran, it is historic record.

Yes, relationships are important. That is why you hire a D1 coach or assistant with relationships already established. Starting from scratch with a losing program is just a really hard road.

Also, to the person who said Aaron and Josh were upgrades from Jared and Cully, not at the post and point positions. This team is one injury or a few fouls away from having to play without a key position on the court.

Agreed. Katenda was not exactly make-or-break for Fran, but his decision cannot be viewed as anything but a disappointment. If this staff keeps losing out on targets, we -- and they -- are in trouble.
Jon is right about being concerned if the team is scrambling to fill schollies next Spring. That would basically signal the end for this staff. If you don't agree, then...

Please tell me one coach in the last ten years at a major conference that was able to turn around a losing program without rather immediate recruiting success. Seriously, one.

You won't be able to do it, because it doesn't happen. Fran would be setting a precedent that goes against a decade of statistics. This is not a knock on Fran, it is historic record.

Yes, relationships are important. That is why you hire a D1 coach or assistant with relationships already established. Starting from scratch with a losing program is just a really hard road.

Also, to the person who said Aaron and Josh were upgrades from Jared and Cully, not at the post and point positions. This team is one injury or a few fouls away from having to play without a key position on the court.

:rolleyes: Seriously - step back from the ledge.
We have already heard your rants about dismissing coaches for lack of connections, only to be proven wrong. We have had recruits visits just because of the connections that exist on this staff.
I liken our situation to John Beilien's at Michigan. Given the time he has been able to bring in quality recruits and implement the system he wants to play.
Result - serious Big10 contender next year. Did this happen in his first year? No. His second? No. His third? no. This will be year 5. Which seems to me realistic for polishing a turd.
However after a little after one year of being on the job you are already flagging signs for the end of McCaffery and his staff.
Wow. Its a wonder we have such a difficult time getting the Elite coaches and players.
Fran is definitely the right man for the job, not only because he is a great coach but because he has the right mentality and strength of his convictions to ignore the minority of Hawkeye Nation that is so vocal with their negativity.
Very similar to our football coach.
He has turned out to be pretty damn successful but of course that happened immediately (sarcasm).
I never viewed Katenda as a real possibility anyway to be honest. 3 months ago we weren't even in the running for his services according to a lot of sites. Only Olesani getting involved changed that.

If we can somehow pick up Glover, Hubbard, and Olesani(it's really looking like Oklahoma isn't going to offer), I think everyone will be thrilled. And hopefully the panic switch can be turned to the OFF position. It's stupid to be talking about deadlines and ultimatums for next spring already.
If we can somehow pick up Glover, Hubbard, and Olesani(it's really looking like Oklahoma isn't going to offer), I think everyone will be thrilled.

I would 2nd this. For some odd reason I view Hubbard as the must get for this class. I know PG and a big man are pressing needs but I just think Hubbard can step right in next year and possibly start, be that slashing type scorer we need.

I think if Hubbard picks us Saturday, Glover will not be far behind and then we get Olesani just before the signing period ends as he does not get the OU offer. Kind of a crummy way to get him but we need a big guy and we need to upgrade our talent/depth and he would do that. Beggars cant be choosers.
The answer to our prayers......

The Recruitmeister, John Calipari......


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