Kansas Senator threatens Federal action

This is friggin nuts, what the **** does the U.S. Goverment half to do with college football.

Unfortunately this has been a trend of theirs for years now. Get involved in everything they can and then screw it up until it can't ever be fixed. Rant over.
I hope he is just saying that to please his voters. We do not need lawmakers involved in the business of college sports...we don't want them to destroy that as well.
Unfortunately this has been a trend of theirs for years now. Get involved in everything they can and then screw it up until it can't ever be fixed. Rant over.

Want to provide one bit of evidence to prove this point? Because it actually looks just the opposite to me. Lack of Government regulation resulted in the meltdown of our financial markets and failure of government to appropriately monitor off-shore drilling practices has resulted in the worst environmental disaster in US history. Additionally, failure to enforce mining penalties resulted in one of the worst mining accidents in recent history, and finally, failure to secure our national borders or enact effective immigration reform has left our borders wide open for illegal immigration and drugs and weapons traffic.

I know government is an easy target because they are a massive beast that most people don't really understand, but they do keep bridges over rivers and planes in the air, and keep us from dying from flu epidemics, and protect us from deadly toxins in our food, water and toys etc.

As far a weighing in on the college football landscape, for the most part we are talking about public universities that recieve federal funding inthe form of direct subsidy and massive dollars in research grants that help fund projects supported by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, etc. You know, government organizations that have promoted the public good and advanced ingenuity and knowledge?

While every state that has appeared to be negatively affected by the bizarre college bowl structure has weighed in on the wierd system, no government legislation has been enacted! Government has NOT got involved and messed anything up.

Now, saying this, I would expect them to get involved if college football goes to a 4 - 16 team conference structure that leads to a 4 champion playoff. Why? Because then you would be leaving out some large landgrant universities that could very reasonably argue that they had been unfairly locked out by a monopolizing practice. Clearly Kansas would have a very reasonable case.

Nobody really expects congress to enact college football regulation, unless you are talking about anti-steroid and anti-gambling type regulations. But it is entirely reasonable for our legislators to chime in from time to time when it appears as if an organization might be headed down a path that conflicts with our federal anti-trust laws.
Where do you live carr? Get your head out of the sand. Your big govt has bankrupted this country. And I include the crooks from both parties!
at the simplest level- having "big" government would not have prevented the meltdown, it only adds more fools to hold their hand out, look the other way and not do the right thing.

getting BACK to the matter at hand... this is a pure get your name in the paper ploy to drum up political support for this guy. there is absolutely no way that government can improve sports.
Want to provide one bit of evidence to prove this point? Because it actually looks just the opposite to me. Lack of Government regulation ......

Bla-Bla-Bla....The Government doesn't create wealth, offer Freedom or prosperity, and everything...EVERYTHING it touches it ruins. Bailouts for the rich, Obamacare (which is not free health care-it forces you to purchase insurance) are just a few of the latest high points. Please tell me that taking my money and throwing it at GM and Chrysler, and basically taking those two companies over was fixing the problem. I can't even start on Obamacare without swearing.....

Where do you live carr? Get your head out of the sand. Your big govt has bankrupted this country. And I include the crooks from both parties!


Both Iowa and ISU will be better off if the politicians just shut up and go away. Most of ISU athletic programs will go untouched and unnoticed (just like now) if they are picked up by a 'lesser' conference. And lets be plain and honest-ISU has NO FOOTBALL HISTORY!! If memory serves, they have one (count em-one) football conference title-which was shortly after WW1. (1931?) You cannot lose what you do not have. And--you may actually fare better in a league with less good competition.
Where do you live carr? Get your head out of the sand. Your big govt has bankrupted this country. And I include the crooks from both parties!

just wanted to point out 10 years ago the US had a record surplus. it took just 1 president to change that. everyone knows it is hard to dig out of a hole.

I'm not in favor of politicians getting involved with college athletics.
Where do you live carr? Get your head out of the sand. Your big govt has bankrupted this country. And I include the crooks from both parties!

Actually I am not a fan of big government. But I do believe in reasonable Government oversight, which polls show most Americans also believe in. I just have a hard time with these huge generalization sound bite comments that fail to understand the necessary and complex nature of running a massive country.

BTW - The last time I checked America was not bankrupt. Are we in debt after fighting two unfunded wars and an unprecedented period of Wall Street money grabbing? Sure. But we are not bankrupt and I have total faith we will pull ourselves out of our current debt.
Okay, so here is my suggestion. All of you who think the Government is ruining this country you should stop being a fan of a PUBLIC university and instead pledge your allegiance to a private college that accepts no federal funding for academic research.

I mean how can you live with yourselves when institutions like the UofI medical center take all that CDC money to fight cancer? Shouldn't you be pickiting outside the hospital until they cease the practice of assisting the bankrupting of our country? Also, you should all stop driving on I-80, because those federal transportation dollars that go to maintain that highway are a travesty.
The only way political pressure will have any sway, is if the senior minority member of the Senate Finance committee gives Delaney a call and says,:

"Your actions in expansion will be very revealing as to whether or not Big 10 athletic departments can maintain their non-profit status.

If proximity, academic integrity and research prowess are truly your motives, Iowa State University will be invited. If it is a pure profit play, Iowa State will not be invited.

Once your motives are revealed, we will look at how to handle the collection of taxes and loss of deduct-ability for Big 10 athletic department contributions."
The only way political pressure will have any sway, is if the senior minority member of the Senate Finance committee gives Delaney a call and says,:

"Your actions in expansion will be very revealing as to whether or not Big 10 athletic departments can maintain their non-profit status.

If proximity, academic integrity and research prowess are truly your motives, Iowa State University will be invited. If it is a pure profit play, Iowa State will not be invited.

Once your motives are revealed, we will look at how to handle the collection of taxes and loss of deduct-ability for Big 10 athletic department contributions."

The issue there is that athletic departments are not stand-alone entities. The money can always get used by the universities in order to compensate for university short-falls. Public universities are hurting these days fiscally and are increasingly becoming public in name only.

The fact that local government has continued to cut state funding to universities combined with the fact that universities are not going to be able to indefinitely raise tuition ... public universities need to do something in order to bolster their streams of funding. While other conferences tend to just be about sports, the Big 10 is BOTH an academic and athletic coalition.
Okay, so here is my suggestion. All of you who think the Government is ruining this country you should stop being a fan of a PUBLIC university and instead pledge your allegiance to a private college that accepts no federal funding for academic research.

I mean how can you live with yourselves when institutions like the UofI medical center take all that CDC money to fight cancer? Shouldn't you be pickiting outside the hospital until they cease the practice of assisting the bankrupting of our country? Also, you should all stop driving on I-80, because those federal transportation dollars that go to maintain that highway are a travesty.

CAARHawk -

Many of the same folks who complain about the government are some of the same folks who contribute to the movement that is responsible for all the funding cuts to higher education.
Its a double standard! Congress cannot say its OK for one school (mizzou) to go to the big ten only to say "we are stepping in" if another school (nebraska) goes to the big ten.

There are so many arguments against the fed involvement it isn't even funny. why pick on nebraska!?!?!?!? why doesn't the Govt say Notre Dame must belong to the big ten...that would likely kill the whole scenario.
Its a double standard! Congress cannot say its OK for one school (mizzou) to go to the big ten only to say "we are stepping in" if another school (nebraska) goes to the big ten.

There are so many arguments against the fed involvement it isn't even funny. why pick on nebraska!?!?!?!? why doesn't the Govt say Notre Dame must belong to the big ten...that would likely kill the whole scenario.

Ozhawk -

Not true. Nebraska is a much more nationally recognized program than Mizzou. Nebraska gives the Big 12 north legitimacy. The Kansas folks knew that Nebraska was the lynch-pin that was holding the Big 12 together. If Nebraska were to bolt, it would obviously then lead to the disintegration of the Big 12 (as we know it).

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