Just remember we are all fans


please do your best to not roll one another. Disagree, but be respectful of one another. This stinks for every one of us, but lets not make it worse.

And thanks for visiting the site. I appreciate it even when Iowa loses. We'll make it through...we always do
please do your best to not roll one another. Disagree, but be respectful of one another. This stinks for every one of us, but lets not make it worse.

And thanks for visiting the site. I appreciate it even when Iowa loses. We'll make it through...we always do

Also, please keep in mind that as bad as YOU feel and as much as YOU feel you have invested in this program, it pales in comparison to how bad the coaches and players feel right now.

I say that as an Iowa alum, season-ticket holder, and lifelong fan.

Luckily for them, the coaches and players are able to keep working and try to make us ALL feel better next Saturday. Sort of like they did a couple weeks ago against Michigan State. I think many of you have already forgotten about that.

Just keep the faith. Historically speaking, 9-3 seasons at Iowa are extremely rare and should be considered anything but a 'failure.' If you don't understand that, I'm guessing your Hawkeye fandom is probably still in its infancy.

OK. That's off my chest. Some of you may resume your collective pity party now. (Please excuse the blatant sarcasm, but I feel it's warranted from time to time in a message-board environment.)
Also, please keep in mind that as bad as YOU feel and as much as YOU feel you have invested in this program, it pales in comparison to how bad the coaches and players feel right now.

I say that as an Iowa alum, season-ticket holder, and lifelong fan.

Luckily for them, the coaches and players are able to keep working and try to make us ALL feel better next Saturday. Sort of like they did a couple weeks ago against Michigan State. I think many of you have already forgotten about that.

Just keep the faith. Historically speaking, 9-3 seasons at Iowa are extremely rare and should be considered anything but a 'failure.' If you don't understand that, I'm guessing your Hawkeye fandom is probably still in its infancy.

OK. That's off my chest. Some of you may resume your collective pity party now. (Please excuse the blatant sarcasm, but I feel it's warranted from time to time in a message-board environment.)

Well a couple weeks ago the season still was worth playing for, now were playing for the Toilet Bowl. So dont tell me about keeping the faith on a Dec. 16th Bowl game that everybody is supposed to get pumped up for.
please do your best to not roll one another. Disagree, but be respectful of one another. This stinks for every one of us, but lets not make it worse.

And thanks for visiting the site. I appreciate it even when Iowa loses. We'll make it through...we always do

Sad day in Hawkland.

Go Hawks!
The staff needs to reevaluate their approach against less talented teams. The over conservative plan works against good team...not the rest
Thanks Jon for all you do to provide us with the opportunity to share our thoughts. And most importantly, to keep the game in proper perspective. There's no doubt that everyone would like to see the Hawks play up to their ability every game, when they do they are a pleasure to watch.

Obviously this was not one of our better games, hopefully it revealed some weaknesses that the coaches can address for next week. Actually, even though we will be underdogs against OSU, I expect we will match up better because they don't do anything unusual, especially if Prior feels the need to throw the ball instead of run. They have much more to lose next week than we do so I hope they play tentative and we play inspired football.

Also, I appreciate your willingness to see this Hawk team for what they are, namely a very talented team when they are executing well but much more enigmatic than anyone would like to admit. I know KF would like to put his finger on it, and I sincerely hope that he looks under every rock, not just those that are convenient.
It's truly difficult watching a thing you love so much die a slow, painful and unnecessary death.
Thanks Jon for all you do to provide us with the opportunity to share our thoughts. And most importantly, to keep the game in proper perspective. There's no doubt that everyone would like to see the Hawks play up to their ability every game, when they do they are a pleasure to watch.

Obviously this was not one of our better games, hopefully it revealed some weaknesses that the coaches can address for next week. Actually, even though we will be underdogs against OSU, I expect we will match up better because they don't do anything unusual, especially if Prior feels the need to throw the ball instead of run. They have much more to lose next week than we do so I hope they play tentative and we play inspired football.

Also, I appreciate your willingness to see this Hawk team for what they are, namely a very talented team when they are executing well but much more enigmatic than anyone would like to admit. I know KF would like to put his finger on it, and I sincerely hope that he looks under every rock, not just those that are convenient.

I gave up on that notion weeks ago. The special teams are only now starting to improve. Our clock management has been pretty consistently bad for 12 years.

And the weaknesses shown today are nothing new, either. They've been there for the past 6 years. I hope we get something fixed for next year. But I doubt we see anything different as far as philosophy against NW next year either. We'll win if we execute, rather than giving ourselves a little more margin for error.
I agree Jon, let's try not to be so negative. These are young college kids. They don't try to have bad games. Even though it isn't the season they were expected to have, they still are the Hawks.
please do your best to not roll one another. Disagree, but be respectful of one another. This stinks for every one of us, but lets not make it worse.

And thanks for visiting the site. I appreciate it even when Iowa loses. We'll make it through...we always do

I agree, Jon. We have to keep things in perspective. I still wouldn't trade places with Auburn's situation. They could go undefeated only to have all of their wins vacated.
Also, please keep in mind that as bad as YOU feel and as much as YOU feel you have invested in this program, it pales in comparison to how bad the coaches and players feel right now.

I say that as an Iowa alum, season-ticket holder, and lifelong fan.

Luckily for them, the coaches and players are able to keep working and try to make us ALL feel better next Saturday. Sort of like they did a couple weeks ago against Michigan State. I think many of you have already forgotten about that.

Just keep the faith. Historically speaking, 9-3 seasons at Iowa are extremely rare and should be considered anything but a 'failure.' If you don't understand that, I'm guessing your Hawkeye fandom is probably still in its infancy.

OK. That's off my chest. Some of you may resume your collective pity party now. (Please excuse the blatant sarcasm, but I feel it's warranted from time to time in a message-board environment.)

Sorry, but when you have the talent to win a NC and pay your coach 3.5 mil per, this season is a failure.
I think we were wrong about this. I know I was. I underestimated the loss of Angerer, Spievey and Edds.

Man, can you imagine us with experienced pass-coverage LBs? No offense to Morris, but would make a huge difference with Angerer out there.
The thing that just kills me, and I'm sure it does everyone else too, is that we have arguably had each game in the bag, yet find a way to lose. Arizona we have ALL of the momentum after the pick 6, miss the PAT and give a lot of that momentum back to Arizona.....Up 3 points vs Wisconsin and we make a huge pick to only go 3 and out and kick a field goal..........Up 10 points to Northwestern with a lot of momentum, and Stanzi makes a poor decision and all of the sudden we can not do anything again.

On Average, 9-3(if we win out) is a good season for the Hawks. But with the returning players we had, and all of the expectations going into the season, it is terrible.

I will be spending the next day or so playing Black Ops pretending everyone I kill is a Northwestern/Wisconsin/Arizona fan. haha
The thing that just kills me, and I'm sure it does everyone else too, is that we have arguably had each game in the bag, yet find a way to lose. Arizona we have ALL of the momentum after the pick 6, miss the PAT and give a lot of that momentum back to Arizona.....Up 3 points vs Wisconsin and we make a huge pick to only go 3 and out and kick a field goal..........Up 10 points to Northwestern with a lot of momentum, and Stanzi makes a poor decision and all of the sudden we can not do anything again.

On Average, 9-3(if we win out) is a good season for the Hawks. But with the returning players we had, and all of the expectations going into the season, it is terrible.

I will be spending the next day or so playing Black Ops pretending everyone I kill is a Northwestern/Wisconsin/Arizona fan. haha

Black Ops...Good call. That's how I'll pass the day tomorrow.
I think we were wrong about this. I know I was. I underestimated the loss of Angerer, Spievey and Edds.

I think you are now double wrong, Jon. Next man up, brother.

There is only one thing that I keep coming back to, over and over. Conditioning= 4th quarter blues...

Saw the piece on B10 channel this AM before game about Claiborn and his Mother, who has moved in with him. At first I thought it was cute, then they showed him wolfing down a plate of grease and fat, disguised as fried chicken wings, some gross looking cheesy casserole, and a hard boiled egg dish that looked like a heart attack. Then I saw him trying to put a lard *** spin move on NU's LT in the game today, and I was flash backing to an article in the Indianapolis Star this week about the Colts chef and nutritionist. He was talking about Dwight Freeney, and how he only eats organic food, nothing fried, and "clean" calories. Hmmm, coincidence?? I think not.

Did Iowa wrestling fan base put up with less then zesty 3rd period showings from the squad when Lenny Zelesky was coach? Nope. I think the Iowa coaches need to hear rumblings of displeasure about 4th quarter meltdowns this year... I have never seen an Iowa squad tank so consistently in the 4th quarter as this team does.

Maybe Claiborn's mommy is cooking for the whole darned team?

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