Just ran into and chatted with Jaleel Johnson in the Orlando airport


Well-Known Member
Nice guy. I was standing with my oldest two kids. All three of us were wearing Iowa gear. He asked if we were from Iowa and I had to give the kind of awkward well I live in Nebraska but I’m from Iowa originally answer. If it were just me I’d probably say yes because I am from Iowa but my kids have never lived there. Then I pointed at my wife and third kid who were already in line and said that’s my wife and we both went to school at Iowa. Then he said he just graduated from Iowa and I think he could tell I was looking at him and was thinking you had to have played there so he put me out of my misery and said he played football. I’m the kind of person who won’t call a person by their name unless I’m 1,000% sure so I gave him that side eye what’s your name. And he told me and then we chatted for a bit. I asked if he enjoyed his time at Iowa and he gave an enthusiastic and sincere yes.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk to Dwight, Hodge, Greenway, Clayborn (and family), Mitch King, and Marv Cook. Every single one of them were very cool and willing to talk for a few minutes. In fact the only negative interactions I’ve ever had with Iowa athletes were Jermelle Lewis & Steve Alford
He sounds like a nice guy.

One of the best memories I have of him is the Michigan game where his safety really helped turn the momentum of that game in Iowa's upset victory. He is just a great guy to cheer for. I hope he has years of success in the NFL
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk to Dwight, Hodge, Greenway, Clayborn (and family), Mitch King, and Marv Cook. Every single one of them were very cool and willing to talk for a few minutes. In fact the only negative interactions I’ve ever had with Iowa athletes were Jermelle Lewis & Steve Alford
Mitch King and I shared a urinal once - busy bar - no homo
I ran into Dallas Clark
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk to Dwight, Hodge, Greenway, Clayborn (and family), Mitch King, and Marv Cook. Every single one of them were very cool and willing to talk for a few minutes. In fact the only negative interactions I’ve ever had with Iowa athletes were Jermelle Lewis & Steve Alford

I ran into Dallas Clark a few months back in Ankeny at a Which Wich. I turned around and it's freaking Dallas Clark!

I said "Hey man, huge fan. Go Hawks!" He said, "Thanks man!"

We're pretty much besties now.
I got in the way of either Tom or Terry Brands at the Field House gym once. We did the thing where I went left the same time he went right as we were walking towards each other. Tom/Terry gave me an annoyed look as if saying how could you dare delay me getting to my destination by a second. I chuckled but he surely did not.
I got in the way of either Tom or Terry Brands at the Field House gym once. We did the thing where I went left the same time he went right as we were walking towards each other. Tom/Terry gave me an annoyed look as if saying how could you dare delay me getting to my destination by a second. I chuckled but he surely did not.

One time on a hot August day (85+ degrees with insane humidity) I saw one of the Brands running in Iowa City wearing a full grey sweatsuit. My car was 3 inches in the crosswalk as he was approaching. I eased it into reverse and pulled backward leaving at least a foot of clearance between my bumper and the crosswalk. I tried to look down, acted like I was playing with the radio, but his alphaness forced me to look up. As I did there was a look of sheer venom in his eyes, for who was I to let my Ford Contour inch into his crosswalk? I gave a head nod, begging for acceptance of my apology, but nothing came in return. My leg shook on the brake pedal. I narrowly managed not to soil myself, but someone honked and I realized the light had turned green but I was so terrified I could barely drive. I can empathize with your feeling of terror that came from inconveniencing a man who could easily kill you with his bare hands. One minute you're just there, doing some tricep pushdowns and flexing your triceps in the mirror, picturing yourself in your "Sun's Out Guns Out" tank top scooping chicks at the Res, the next minute you're asking yourself over and over, "Should I go apologize or maybe say 'hey coach, how's the team looking?'"
I got in the way of either Tom or Terry Brands at the Field House gym once. We did the thing where I went left the same time he went right as we were walking towards each other. Tom/Terry gave me an annoyed look as if saying how could you dare delay me getting to my destination by a second. I chuckled but he surely did not.

Dumbshit was walking on the wrong side of the path then. You had right away - As far as I'm concerned, the same principles of driving carry over to walk path etiquette. Should have given him the forearm shiver.
Did you cross the streams
We did not, nor swords.

I met Canzeri in the mall once. It was just after his freshman yr. He played a little bit that year and then sat out the next due to being hurt I think. He was from upstate NY. I'd recognized him and we chatted for a bit. I have family of similar age to him that played football up that way not far from where he was from so I was curious if he'd heard of him or played against him but he hadn't. (My cousin was a heck of a 2 way player in HS that played at a D3 school in NY.) Couldn't have been a nicer guy. I told him we fans were glad to have him and I was sure he'd play more and be a contributor for us. One of the few predictions I was right about. If anything I undershot him. But man he wasn't a very big guy at all especially then. He didn't look like a D1 athlete but he sure played like one.

It's always nice when Iowa gets kids from that far away to come and enjoy their time and do well. He wasn't a 4 star kid we targeted and was after for 2 yrs. He was a last min offer I believe. He was an easy guy to like and root for.
Dumbshit was walking on the wrong side of the path then. You had right away - As far as I'm concerned, the same principles of driving carry over to walk path etiquette. Should have given him the forearm shiver.
I've always wondered - In Europe when walking do they stay to the left?
I met Canzeri in the mall once. It was just after his freshman yr. He played a little bit that year and then sat out the next due to being hurt I think. He was from upstate NY. I'd recognized him and we chatted for a bit. I have family of similar age to him that played football up that way not far from where he was from so I was curious if he'd heard of him or played against him but he hadn't. (My cousin was a heck of a 2 way player in HS that played at a D3 school in NY.) Couldn't have been a nicer guy. I told him we fans were glad to have him and I was sure he'd play more and be a contributor for us. One of the few predictions I was right about. If anything I undershot him. But man he wasn't a very big guy at all especially then. He didn't look like a D1 athlete but he sure played like one.

It's always nice when Iowa gets kids from that far away to come and enjoy their time and do well. He wasn't a 4 star kid we targeted and was after for 2 yrs. He was a last min offer I believe. He was an easy guy to like and root for.

I saw Wade Lookingbill once in Fort Dodge.
4 stories from U of I around 2002-2004 . . .

The first week in IC after starting at the U, I was at the SpoCo under age and witnessed Benny Sapp about kill a man.

I was working for the concessions at CHA during the basketball season. Part of the job was loading up carts full of Ice from the basement and bringing them up the booths. I had two carts loaded and got in the elevator with my coworker, who had two more. We went up one floor, and the door opened and there was Steve Alford. We started to move the carts to make room for him, but instead he told us to get out of the elevator so he could ride up alone. I stared at him dumbfounded, but then my co-worker hit the close door button and, as the doors closed, i saw Alford seething at us. I ran and hid in a concession for the rest of the shift, fearing for my job.

Later, I took a job as a cabbie. I was working an early morning shift, and had gone in to buy some smokes, when I saw Kirk Ferentz standing at the coffee station filling a large thermos. It was still so early the sun had not come up yet. At this time, there were no mixed feelings about Kirk. From 2002-2004, he was a living God in IC, and I was awestruck to the point that, not only did I not say anything to him out of fear of his greatness, but I bought some gum instead of the Marlboros because I didn't want to besmirch myself in his greatness and knew he was fond of gum.

Finally, one night I was wasted at a house party west of the river. I was starting to get sloppy, and carelessly turned with drink in hand. I bumped a girl, with my drink, and it spilled over a large, blonde guy, who I soon realized to be Steve Mocco. Sure that I was about to die a violent death, I apologized profusely and made a point of letting everyone know I was leaving immediately.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet and talk to Dwight, Hodge, Greenway, Clayborn (and family), Mitch King, and Marv Cook. Every single one of them were very cool and willing to talk for a few minutes. In fact the only negative interactions I’ve ever had with Iowa athletes were Jermelle Lewis & Steve Alford

I got in the way of either Tom or Terry Brands at the Field House gym once. We did the thing where I went left the same time he went right as we were walking towards each other. Tom/Terry gave me an annoyed look as if saying how could you dare delay me getting to my destination by a second. I chuckled but he surely did not.

He's probably pizzed that Iowa consistently plays second fiddle to Penn St now.
I got in the way of either Tom or Terry Brands at the Field House gym once. We did the thing where I went left the same time he went right as we were walking towards each other. Tom/Terry gave me an annoyed look as if saying how could you dare delay me getting to my destination by a second. I chuckled but he surely did not.

In hindsight after reading OK4Prez's post, you should have just jacked his azz!!
I med Red Grange at a speakeasy in Chicago before the war. He had bad breath. I told him that his team never plays on TV. He looked at me like I was crazy. I also said, why don't you wear orange and blue instead of black, gray and white. Again, he looked at me oddly
I got one you'll never believe! Two years ago I saw Eddie Podolak at IAH in Houston sitting at a bar waiting for a flight to Des Moines. Can neither confirm or deny it was an alcoholic drink.

Also want to throw in I once cleaned a bathroom that was used by Nate Kaeding while I was working at the Marshalltown Taco Johns. (his wife is from mtown). I can confirm that his accuracy in the john is just as good as that in the NFL regular season. Immaculate!

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