Just got back from the game


Well-Known Member
Just walked into the house after attending the fiasco of a BB game today. I know there are other threads but here is my take.

It is going to be a long year. There simply is not much talent on this team. TL didn't leave much for Fran to work with. I know Gatens wasn't there and when he returns that will definitly help, but we will also be playing alot better teams in the Big Ten than what we played today.

1) Their guards couldn't miss today. Even when we occasionally guarded them they made the 3s.

2) Cully is still slow and not a very good ball handler. He also isn't much of a scoring threat. The quicker point guards in the Big Ten will eat him alive (like they did last year).

3) Cartwright (sp) is quicker and better defensively, but really didn't impress me. He tried to score more than Cully, but didn't look very good with his shot. Jury is still out on him. Remember he wasn't very heavily recruited.

4) McCabe needs a lot moore strength and stamina. He really looked lost out there on defense. At the end of the game he was standing around alot and getting beat badly on defense.

5) May works hard for his points but isn't a great shooter. Remember last year he would get hot about every 5th or 6th game and can a bunch of 3s. Otherwise he has to work for points. Working hard is good, but he shouldn't be our number 1 option for points. Simply to inconsistant.

6) Basabe (sp) disappointed me. I know he was the leading rebounder, but he really needs more strength and weight (just like McCabe). He didn't look as quick as I had hoped and doesn't look to be a scoring threat.

7) Brommer, another skinny inside player. He looked completely lost most of the time. Sorry, but if he gets a lot of playing time I think we are going to be in a ton of trouble.

8) Cole. He is the one player I thought gave us evrything he had. He worked hard on both ends of the court. He isn't the greatest scorer in the world, but for an undersized center he will give you everything. He was also the only player on the floor that I saw switching on defense. SDST would run a screen and he always switched. Unfortunately our guards never did. I don't know how many times I pointed out to my wife that Cully didn't switch off with Cole and left a SDST player all alone under the basket. Fortunately they rarely took advantage of it, but it made it look like Cole had lost his man and was at fault.

Finally coaching. Hey it was Frans first game and as I said TL didn't leave him much. That said,I didn't come away thinking "this is the guy". In the first half all we did on offense was throw a bounce pass inside and let our bigs try to force up a shot. As far as I can remember we only took maybe 2 3s in the entire half. Even my wife commented that we needed to be more balanced. The 2nd half we took a few more but still not many. I think we only shot 10 3s for the entire game. Fran also didn't call timeouts late in the first half when things got out of hand.

Ok, that's my take from being there and seeing the game first hand. It was bad, but it was only the first game and Gatens will help when he gets back. But, I don't see this team winning very many games this year. The talent isn't there.
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I love when men use their wive's or girlfriend's matching opinion as a validation of their own. As if a woman can see it then it must be obvious. Random post on my part but i just had to say how much I love that. Hijack over.
The reason I mentioned it was because if my wife, who isn't a sports fan, noticed it then it must have been pretty obvious.
i love how people judge players after one game in a entire new system, bunch of newer, younger players and a team that doesn't have one of their best most experienced players on the floor. This team WILL compete, it's going to take some hard work and some time but don't go ripping on any player or coach as of yet. Along with the negatives there were positives to, can we keep it positive instead of being negative nancies? I loved how the post players were fed the ball early and often. Playing better defense would help this team get out and run like we all want to see. I'm not going to get down because of a loss to the jack rabbits, I think the kids and the coaches deserve support, not people ripping on them after one damn game.
blkngold, I was giving an analysis of the game from someone who was there. I said they would be better with Gatens and it was the first game. What pisses me off is people like you who can't read a breakdown of a game without ripping the truth when stated. Nobody is ripping on these guys , but if you think this game was a positive then you sure didn't see the same game I did!

I'm not going to sugarcoat something because your little ego got hurt!
New system, short bench, and a third of them are playing their first D I game.....how you can seriously draw any conclusions from this game is sublime.
Embarassing! ISU has a new system too AND only returns like 3 players yet they have dominated both their opponents.

No excuse for crappy basketball. Big 10 play is going to be ugly and looooong.
Three main questions to ask after the SD St. game.
1. How much will the return of Gatens improve this team?
2. Was that the worst Cully can play?
3. Was Basabe sick?
Embarassing! ISU has a new system too AND only returns like 3 players yet they have dominated both their opponents.

No excuse for crappy basketball. Big 10 play is going to be ugly and looooong.

ISU's opponents weren't very good.
Typically not a ton of switching takes place. Depends, but most of the time bigs will show or hedge on screens when there is a little/big, big/little screen. They then need to recover quickly to their man. Brommer got called on at least one of these where he bumped the ball handler out/away from the basket - ticky-tack.
blkngold, I was giving an analysis of the game from someone who was there. I said they would be better with Gatens and it was the first game. What pisses me off is people like you who can't read a breakdown of a game without ripping the truth when stated. Nobody is ripping on these guys , but if you think this game was a positive then you sure didn't see the same game I did!

I'm not going to sugarcoat something because your little ego got hurt!
I'm sorry i hurt your feelings. I'm not going to let some guy that "was at the game" determine what I saw on TV, it was the same game wasn't it? I get that your a negative kind of guy and like to keep it that way but I don't like the way you look at the game, the players or the coaches. It was one game of a new era, if they look the way they did tonight in game 25 then I might be in the same boat as you.

You do understand that this was a games of firsts' for a lot of things for Iowa BB. The ooposing team has experienced players and have played on the same floor together numerous times. Iowa on the other doesn't have the game time experience, are very young and so on and so on.

Thank God I don't have to read any of your future posts' about Iowa BB because IMHO they suck.
I actually agree with Fran not calling a TO on that horrid stretch of turnovers in the first half. We are an extremely young team and he got to see how they would respond to adversity. It also gave him the opportunity to see who would step up, be a leader, and get the team back on track.
These freshman will come back next year each with another 10 lbs of muscle. We will be just fine next year, if they all come back.
Just walked into the house after attending the fiasco of a BB game today. I know there are other threads but here is my take.

It is going to be a long year. There simply is not much talent on this team. TL didn't leave much for Fran to work with. I know Gatens wasn't there and when he returns that will definitly help, but we will also be playing alot better teams in the Big Ten than what we played today.

1) Their guards couldn't miss today. Even when we occasionally guarded them they made the 3s.

2) Cully is still slow and not a very good ball handler. He also isn't much of a scoring threat. The quicker point guards in the Big Ten will eat him alive (like they did last year).

3) Cartwright (sp) is quicker and better defensively, but really didn't impress me. He tried to score more than Cully, but didn't look very good with his shot. Jury is still out on him. Remember he wasn't very heavily recruited.

4) McCabe needs a lot moore strength and stamina. He really looked lost out there on defense. At the end of the game he was standing around alot and getting beat badly on defense.

5) May works hard for his points but isn't a great shooter. Remember last year he would get hot about every 5th or 6th game and can a bunch of 3s. Otherwise he has to work for points. Working hard is good, but he shouldn't be our number 1 option for points. Simply to inconsistant.

6) Basabe (sp) disappointed me. I know he was the leading rebounder, but he really needs more strength and weight (just like McCabe). He didn't look as quick as I had hoped and doesn't look to be a scoring threat.

7) Brommer, another skinny inside player. He looked completely lost most of the time. Sorry, but if he gets a lot of playing time I think we are going to be in a ton of trouble.

8) Cole. He is the one player I thought gave us evrything he had. He worked hard on both ends of the court. He isn't the greatest scorer in the world, but for an undersized center he will give you everything. He was also the only player on the floor that I saw switching on defense. SDST would run a screen and he always switched. Unfortunately our guards never did. I don't know how many times I pointed out to my wife that Cully didn't switch off with Cole and left a SDST player all alone under the basket. Fortunately they rarely took advantage of it, but it made it look like Cole had lost his man and was at fault.

Finally coaching. Hey it was Frans first game and as I said TL didn't leave him much. That said,I didn't come away thinking "this is the guy". In the first half all we did on offense was throw a bounce pass inside and let our bigs try to force up a shot. As far as I can remember we only took maybe 2 3s in the entire half. Even my wife commented that we needed to be more balanced. The 2nd half we took a few more but still not many. I think we only shot 10 3s for the entire game. Fran also didn't call timeouts late in the first half when things got out of hand.

Ok, that's my take from being there and seeing the game first hand. It was bad, but it was only the first game and Gatens will help when he gets back. But, I don't see this team winning very many games this year. The talent isn't there.

I was also at the game and while I agree with some of your points.

Cully struggled today. The early traveling calls got in his head and he was very tentative. He made a couple of nice drives but wasn't aggressive today.

Cartwright- he is going to be a very good on the ball defender. His offense is coming around. He isn't afraid to take a jump shot.

McCabe is a freshmen and isn't the most athletic guy on the court but he is extremely heady and smart. He is only a freshmen and will get quicker and stronger over time.

Basabe is another freshmen. He is going to be a good player. Give him time to catch in the weight room. He is another very smart player.

May looked very good today. He still needs to work on his ballhandling and how he attacks off the bounce. He had the ball knocked away from him today quite a few times.

Brommer has been a frustrating player to watch during his time at Iowa. He is trying but it always seems like he is a step slow or reacts a split second too late.
You didn't walk away today with the feeling that Fran is "the right guy"? Good God. It was ONE GAME!!!!! I wonder how many people had the feeling that Alford was "the right guy" after his first game? How did that turn out?

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