Juan Harris De-Commits from Iowa

I wonder if Iowa has been attempting to have him get his weight under control and working out properly?
This is ridiculous. This kid is starved for attention and would be talking about transferring every year. Let him go to the clowns where they'll shower him with attention and where he'll never realize his dreams. He's going to get it someday but unfortunately it will be after his time has passed. We can do better.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of his better offers are rescinded. This kid is a special kind of drama.
See ya son. Don't let the door hit you on the way out for the third time. Total non surprise. He'll probably play for four different schools before and if he graduates.
I thought it was a crime to be young and uncertain. It's almost like most of the people on here have only every dated one person, never having a change of heart etc.

I hope he does well, wherever he ends up.

Nice spin, moron. It's one thing to be young and uncertain. It's another to commit and then de-commit three times TO THE SAME SCHOOL. It's like dating a chick, breaking up with her, not finding booty elsewhere, then coming back to her, then dumping her again but you still can't find booty elsewhere, so you get back with her yet again, and then once again you have an inflated opinion of yourself so you break up with a very good looking chick to see what's out there, and this time the chick tells you to F off and not come back. And you end up with a nasty skank (Illinois).
Nice spin, moron. It's one thing to be young and uncertain. It's another to commit and then de-commit three times TO THE SAME SCHOOL. It's like dating a chick, breaking up with her, not finding booty elsewhere, then coming back to her, then dumping her again but you still can't find booty elsewhere, so you get back with her yet again, and then once again you have an inflated opinion of yourself so you break up with a very good looking chick to see what's out there, and this time the chick tells you to F off and not come back. And you end up with a nasty skank (Illinois).
I'm not so sure it's quite that simple.... Do you know the kid and his reasons? Look something is up with him that's for sure. It's too bad he's as unsure as he is. If he continues to have these issues once he's at a school I think it'll be better for Iowa to hope he does choose somewhere else. If he ends up at Illinois (that would indeed be a terrible decision Lovie Smith or not)I don't think it'll be due to a lack of options. He has and will continue to have a ton of options better then IL to go to. If he ends up there it's cause Smith cast a recruiting spell of some kind on him and he'll have bought it hook line and sinker...
Nice spin, moron. It's one thing to be young and uncertain. It's another to commit and then de-commit three times TO THE SAME SCHOOL. It's like dating a chick, breaking up with her, not finding booty elsewhere, then coming back to her, then dumping her again but you still can't find booty elsewhere, so you get back with her yet again, and then once again you have an inflated opinion of yourself so you break up with a very good looking chick to see what's out there, and this time the chick tells you to F off and not come back. And you end up with a nasty skank (Illinois).

I apologize, uhhh, Mr. Insecure?

I understand that my analogy may not be the best one. Obviously it is not the same a dating a girl, but people do change. And in the case of Iowa and Harris many things have changed. You may not be aware, but there are usually about 20 players per class. Given that about 40 players have left, and subsequently been replaced, in addition to the 10 players that Juan has interacted with on social media. Well, you can see that much has changed. If you were unaware, Harris had some issues with some of the other recruits on social media. It is possible that this changed his mind. Who really knows. Still, I understand, at least a little, and I guess I believe in cutting a kid some slack.

Harris hasn't done anything illegal or morally wrong, he just didn't choose the school we root for. I would rather have someone that wants to be wearing the black and gold than someone that doesn't want to be here.
I just spoke with him. He is going through some things right now and yes he is back in Wisconsin. He is down 40 lbs and training hard. I am an Iowa fan but this whole recruiting thing is a lot to deal with for any 17 year old. Everyone's got to do what's best for them. Maybe he will still end up with the Hawks.
I just spoke with him. He is going through some things right now and yes he is back in Wisconsin. He is down 40 lbs and training hard. I am an Iowa fan but this whole recruiting thing is a lot to deal with for any 17 year old. Everyone's got to do what's best for them. Maybe he will still end up with the Hawks.

If you see him again, give him the best from Hawk Nation. Well, some of us, at least.
Will he have to sit out all or part of his senior season? When he transferred to NFV he missed most of his sophomore year because Iowa High School rules require transfers to sit 90 days before they can participate in athletics. I have no idea if Wisconsin has any such rule or not.
I just spoke with him. He is going through some things right now and yes he is back in Wisconsin. He is down 40 lbs and training hard. I am an Iowa fan but this whole recruiting thing is a lot to deal with for any 17 year old. Everyone's got to do what's best for them. Maybe he will still end up with the Hawks.

I also wish nothing but the best for the kid but I have a feeling the ship has sailed for him ever ending up in an Iowa uniform. I get that it's a tough decision and kids change their minds every day but they still need to honor their commitment to an extent. I can understand waivering once or even twice for some situations but to decommit from the same school 3 times is unheard of and can't just be chalked up to being young. He's definitely not doing himself any favors throughout this process.