Josh Koeppels take on those that boo


Well-Known Member
Hes on 1600kgym and right now and is addressing those that boo. Its great radio and Ill link the podcast as soon as its up. It perfectly call out those who boo and calls them out for what kind of people they are and what their impact is for kids on the field. Before someone calls him out for being an example of the oussificstion of America remember hes the kid who got trucked (literally) while on a moped.
Hes on 1600kgym and right now and is addressing those that boo. Its great radio and Ill link the podcast as soon as its up. It perfectly call out those who boo and calls them out for what kind of people they are and what their impact is for kids on the field. Before someone calls him out for being an example of the oussificstion of America remember hes the kid who got trucked (literally) while on a moped.

Thanks for posting. Is there a recorded podcast?

One tough dude.
As a player, if you FEEL the boos, then you don't need to be out there. Hear them, but don't feel them. Sounds like some butthurt fans/ex players.

JVB gets it.
As a player, if you FEEL the boos, then you don't need to be out there. Hear them, but don't feel them. Sounds like some butthurt fans/ex players.

JVB gets it.

JVB gets that if he doesn't answer the question that way then EVERYONE piles on the kid. The fact the question had to get asked at all makes me embarassed for everyone that was in attendance on Saturday.
Fans who boo their team are idiots.

Lots of idiots... Maybe something contaminated the water supply, and turned otherwise upstanding Iowans into idiots? I know I'm feeling a lot stupider after watching that game on Saturday.
I have never boo'd and can't imagine a scenario where I actually would. I'm more of a curser I guess. And I only use pronouns when I am cursing, rather than actual player names. Booing isn't specific enough for me. If all I did was boo, nobody would know why I was ****** off. Or who I was ****** off at.
physical tough and mental tough are different things. A lot of talk lately about hurting people's feelings. If you can take a truck on from a moped, you shouldn't whine about a few boos.
physical tough and mental tough are different things. A lot of talk lately about hurting people's feelings. If you can take a truck on from a moped, you shouldn't whine about a few boos.

I invite you to call into the show next Monday between 4:45 and six oclock and explain that to him.
I invite you to call into the show next Monday between 4:45 and six oclock and explain that to him.

Calling into radio shows is not my thing, but you can gladly relay the message. No wonder we suck on the road if everyone cries about being booed.
JVB gets that if he doesn't answer the question that way then EVERYONE piles on the kid. The fact the question had to get asked at all makes me embarassed for everyone that was in attendance on Saturday.

I invite you to call into the show next Monday between 4:45 and six oclock and explain that to him.

Fans who boo their team are idiots.

I let out one idle, short boo, somewhere in 2nd half, I regretted it. It wad at the point where a lot of us cracked. I think it wad the 2play TD drive. I then was among the group that cheered a first down in the early 4th....I'm not sure which was the most insulting
JVB gets that if he doesn't answer the question that way then EVERYONE piles on the kid. The fact the question had to get asked at all makes me embarassed for everyone that was in attendance on Saturday.

Exactly, what else is he supposed to say.

I say the reporter is an idiot for asking that question to JVB and he should have asked KF about the booing.

I think Iowa fans are way to quick to boo, just sit on your hands and groan.
JVB gets that if he doesn't answer the question that way then EVERYONE piles on the kid. The fact the question had to get asked at all makes me embarassed for everyone that was in attendance on Saturday.

He could just as easily answer that with something along the lines of this:

I just try to ignore all that stuff and focus on what I have to do on the field. I don't let it affect me.

That is every bit as acceptable, and doesn't admit he deserved it.
BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Come on, lets be honest for ONCE around here!!! The fans were BOOING because we STUNK like skunk road kill last week!!! What do they expect? CHEERS!?!?
Exactly, what else is he supposed to say.

I say the reporter is an idiot for asking that question to JVB and he should have asked KF about the booing.

I think Iowa fans are way to quick to boo, just sit on your hands and groan.

Too quick to boo? I'm not saying they were right, but they waited until the 8th game to start. And I haven't heard our fans boo the team very often, if ever before, in my 4+ years on campus.

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