Josh Jackson Update

I also believe part of the King situation is that he isn't a NFL corner and I believe he's moved to safety. I think that is what affected his draft status, more than coming back to Iowa for his SR season.

Also, if I remember correctly King stayed because he was heavily influenced by his mother wanting him to finish his education. That is really an X factor for some guys and their family. The one pro for staying is you always have something to fall back on and by staying and getting it over with it is done. It is very difficult for most people to stop school and then go back if they leave early. With CTE being in the news so heavily maybe it isn't such a bad choice to get the education and go pro later. Take out insurance in case you get injured. Tough decision but a cool one to be able to have to make.
I also believe part of the King situation is that he isn't a NFL corner and I believe he's moved to safety. I think that is what affected his draft status, more than coming back to Iowa for his SR season.

In the sense that he was probably never a first or second round draft pick, I will agree. He went way too low for a potential starting safety though. Possibly the biggest steal of the draft pick.
We had access to players today. Will post some video in a bit.

Josh was asked about his upcoming decision. He said he's 50-50 about going to the NFL or returning for his senior season. He said he sees pros and cons with both.

He said he would be announcing his decision after the Pinstripe Bowl.
If he's smart he'd go and not look back
If he's smart he'd go and not look back

i do agree with this. I mean...millions of dollars. but, he better be damn certain of his status. remember, he has had only 1 season as a starter. granted it was a break out season, but he might grade out as a 1, 2 or 3 round pick, but come draft day, teams are going to ask themselves if there is enough of a body of work.
The average NFL career lasts around 3.3 years. Better get started ASAP
What does that really mean, that is, does it include guys getting cut because someone better comes along and/or guys getting injured so their career is ended?

I think the best reason (only) is to avoid an injury that could hamper/end his NFL draft prospects. I think if he comes back, and stays injury free, he won't hurt his draft status, but he might enhance it. The fact that he might not get as many INTs next year is likely due to no one throwing at him, not a drop in talent from Josh - a factor I'm sure the NFL understands. If he's projected this year to be a first or second rounder, he should take the leap and go, but be ready that may not occur, and he'll drop and get what a 3rd, 4th, so on round draft pick gets slotted to receive. It's about managing his risks, more commonly known as accepting the bird in the hand, not the two in the bush.

I don't think Desmond King is a good barometer about staying or going, because I think his limitations in the NFL's mind were always his measurables, meaning there's no certainty that he would have gone higher in 2016 than what he did in 2017. Turns out he's just a really good football player, which we knew all along, and now he's seen as a steal by the experts, to which we are saying, we told you so.
i do agree with this. I mean...millions of dollars. but, he better be damn certain of his status. remember, he has had only 1 season as a starter. granted it was a break out season, but he might grade out as a 1, 2 or 3 round pick, but come draft day, teams are going to ask themselves if there is enough of a body of work.

There is also the factors in the draft where if he is deemed not to be a slam dunk it really starts to become a matter of timing and when the teams pick and who is available based on needs. Every year there are good players that get passed up not because they don't have talent or are not good but the need just isn't there for that team.

I will say this if I was in the draft this year and had a chance to play another year in college and looking at my projected draft spot it was aligned with Cleveland I would come back to college. No way would I want to go to that tire fire.
NFL players have more time to devote to learning, but by all means go ahead and risk losing $$ because one would rather learn at the collegiate level. Btw, it is well known that King lost guaranteed $ sticking around another year.

It is not well known at all. The advice he received from scouts was that he was not going to be a 1st or 2nd round pick, those are the only two grades you get when you reach out for early entry advice. Could he maybe have been a 3rd or 4th round pick? Possibly, but they don't give those's either 1st round grade, 2nd round grade, or none of the above. The Mel Kiper's and Todd McShay's that were saying 1st or 2nd round were blowing smoke out of their ass, per usual....
There is also the factors in the draft where if he is deemed not to be a slam dunk it really starts to become a matter of timing and when the teams pick and who is available based on needs. Every year there are good players that get passed up not because they don't have talent or are not good but the need just isn't there for that team.

I will say this if I was in the draft this year and had a chance to play another year in college and looking at my projected draft spot it was aligned with Cleveland I would come back to college. No way would I want to go to that tire fire.

Yep yep. all good points.
There are a lot of people that want that one last year of college. It's more important than the potential lost money.
Jackson graduates in May. He’s done with school. He’d be giving up hundreds of thousands and potentially more money to come back and play again. That would be so, so stupid just for some memories.

His draft stock (and by default his earnings) would drop by coming back because he’d be in the same situation King was. Nobody would throw at him and he’d just frustrate himself trying to make splash plays. There’s realistically no topping what he did this year, he needs to get out, get that money, and set himself up for life. Risking that just to come back to IC and fight off all the college ass trying to hook up with him would be fun, but stupid. Really stupid.
I Wish Josh Jackson nothing but the best with whatever he chooses! But I got to say that some of the stuff I read on this site just makes me just shake my head, because calling someone stupid for a choice he makes is pretty pathetic..

Anyway I personally think he is gone but if he isn’t good for Iowa..
Jackson graduates in May. He’s done with school. He’d be giving up hundreds of thousands and potentially more money to come back and play again. That would be so, so stupid just for some memories.

His draft stock (and by default his earnings) would drop by coming back because he’d be in the same situation King was. Nobody would throw at him and he’d just frustrate himself trying to make splash plays. There’s realistically no topping what he did this year, he needs to get out, get that money, and set himself up for life. Risking that just to come back to IC and fight off all the college ass trying to hook up with him would be fun, but stupid. Really stupid.

Some people care more about money than anything else. Some people don't care about money at all. Most people fall somewhere in between. No one's opinion on how much they value money is stupid.

I wouldn't uproot my family And leave everyone I know just for a job that pays more. Some people would. Neither decision is stupid. It's all about priorities.
I wouldn't uproot my family And leave everyone I know just for a job that pays more. Some people would.
If you had close to no net worth (which most college graduates have) and were offered your dream job for millions of dollars you would.

For you to say otherwise is obtuse.
I Wish Josh Jackson nothing but the best with whatever he chooses! But I got to say that some of the stuff I read on this site just makes me just shake my head, because calling someone stupid for a choice he makes is pretty pathetic..

Anyway I personally think he is gone but if he isn’t good for Iowa..
Good for Iowa either way, if he stays he is a star, if he goes it looks good for the Hawks in the NFL. He will have a degree and a job. Isn't that what college is really for?
If you had close to no net worth (which most college graduates have) and were offered your dream job for millions of dollars you would.

For you to say otherwise is obtuse.

I never said what I would do in his position so not sure what you even mean. Since lots of people choose to return for a year, it's not an obtuse decision.
No reason for him to comeback,King wanted his Degree and he has his.Teams threw to other side Kings Senior year so he didn't have the same opportunities and it cost him on draft day.
No reason for him to comeback,King wanted his Degree and he has his.Teams threw to other side Kings Senior year so he didn't have the same opportunities and it cost him on draft day.

I really don't know if it did cost him. Teams care a lot more about the combine than they do season stats. I'm pretty sure the NFL higher ups are smart enough to understand that he didn't have many interceptions because of lack of opportunities.
No,his decision happy for him either way.Can't blame him if he leaves for a paycheck but would be great if he decided to stay.