As a fan of your podcasts, you TOTALLY lost my support this past week when you said that Brain has done a very good job so far as OC.....somehow, you must have stricken a couple turd games from the equation. Last year, you did a 180 on us when you all of a sudden pulled some kind of higher than thou act in proclaiming how immature you had been in past criticisms....thus, giving those who still criticize a very underhanded finger wagging and dressing down. Well today, hell actually froze over. Today, our most positive, glass always half full, Hawk fan at our Dallas area Hawkeye watching club yelled out loud when Brain called the 3rd and 7 running play in OT. Brain is as over matched as his stubborn dim witted father Dirk. I am starting to actually wonder if maybe you are on the take....please tell me how you could possibly be in defense of Brain, and why Dirk should not be sent packing sooner than later. And don't give me the buyout...hawk fans are not to blame for that F'd up deal. The ONLY saving grace is that Brain and Dirk are tied at the hip....can we just F'n get rid of EVERYTHING Ferments and move the F on with this sorry ass....occasional tease....of a program. It is one big joke!!!!