Jon(regarding Isu posters)


I just don't see the point in complaining... The only way you would force a change is if the majority of fans chose to use a different site where this problem doesn't exist (ha!) and thereby committing the proprietor to alter his product.

IMO, that would be petty. Jon has a right to provide his customers all forms of entertainment. He has the right to earn a living and he shouldn't have to be accountable for your inability to stay away from these threads/ignore certain users etc. Just sounds like whining and ******** which I see too much of here lately which causes me not to visit as often as I used to.
Cool thoughts rasberrytea. But if you read the thread on fran I think you'll find 95% of this board will agree with me. And when that thread gets Yanked Jon will have agreed too.

I read it, understood what was going on in about 10 seconds, and left the thread and went on with my day.

Complaining to daddy was not a thought that crossed my mind...
They have to be or they are banned. Here, not so much. Here, we have to put up with some of the dregs of Clown Nation. There are quite a few Clone posters who come here and add absolutely nothing of value to any discussion except to degrade our programs.

There's a difference between being respectful and kissing a**. Basically, things are a little too loose around here from time to time. It's not that CF is run by a bunch of Nazis.
So 2 people in this thread disagree. 20 or more agree. I must be wrong.

Whatever softens the butt hurt...

So 2 people in this thread disagree. 20 or more agree. I must be wrong.

Add me in the disagree crowd. If you let things like that affect you, I don't know how you go through you day in peace. It's not that big of deal and all it takes is 2 seconds to hit the "back" button and click on another thread. It's not like those threads are filling up the front page.
DING DING DING! The posters who can't contain their hatred for ISU are more often than not the real problem around here, just like posters like Jambalaya at CF who bait Iowa posters. Most of the time, the "foreigners" aren't posting anything all that inflammatory.

Ugh. I really wish Jambalaya would get the ban hammer at CF.
Ugh. I really wish Jambalaya would get the ban hammer at CF.

That is one thing the mods don't do as well over there. Can you imagine if a Hawk were to post a third of what that guy posts? Gone in a day. Hell, he posts more about the Hawks than he does about the Clones, and almost all of it is flaming.
So 2 people in this thread disagree. 20 or more agree. I must be wrong.
Whatever softens the butt hurt...
I'm picturing a an iq of around 100 with you am I close? You drive a big truck with balls on the hitch? Think a nice date is taking your wife to the bar to get drunk? If you have kids they probably have Mohawks and swear every other word. This may not be you at all but this is the picture you draw when you post. Just a thought.
I'm picturing a an iq of around 100 with you am I close? You drive a big truck with balls on the hitch? Think a nice date is taking your wife to the bar to get drunk? If you have kids they probably have Mohawks and swear every other word. This may not be you at all but this is the picture you draw when you post. Just a thought.

It would just be flat stupid to let your wife drink when going to the bar. You need someone to drive you home...
They have to be or they are banned. Here, not so much. Here, we have to put up with some of the dregs of Clown Nation. There are quite a few Clone posters who come here and add absolutely nothing of value to any discussion except to degrade our programs.

If you're letting Cyclones fans degrade your programs then that's your problem. I would expect most hawk fans to take comfort in the historic superiority of the football, basketball and wrestling programs. But hey, I'm surprised by the volume of Iowa State threads in the rivalry forum too. And I'm kinda surprised at the cheap shots at Stevie Hicks I keep reading but every fanbase has their classless ***holes...
I'm picturing a an iq of around 100 with you am I close? You drive a big truck with balls on the hitch? Think a nice date is taking your wife to the bar to get drunk? If you have kids they probably have Mohawks and swear every other word. This may not be you at all but this is the picture you draw when you post. Just a thought.

That's exactly the opposite of what I thought. Obviously Ghost has the skills to 2) think of a suitable phrase to respond to you with, 1)find a jpg with both the phrase and a picture that corresponds hilariously with the phrase, 4) post this jpg on an internet message board, 3)and still rock TruckNutz.

And I'm a little offended by your sweeping generalizations of guys that take their wives to the bar on dates. That is ridiculous, I take me and my 100 IQ and my GIRLFRIENDS to the bar while my wife stays home with the kids with mohawks. And we get there and home in a big truck. Stop being butthurt about it.
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That's exactly the opposite of what I thought. Obviously Ghost has the skills to 2) think of a suitable phrase to respond to you with, 1)find a jpg with both the phrase and a picture that corresponds hilariously with the phrase, 4) post this jpg on an internet message board, 3)and still rock TruckNutz.

Is that Jim Morrison @ the Hollywood Bowl? Impressive.
I'm picturing a an iq of around 100 with you am I close? You drive a big truck with balls on the hitch? Think a nice date is taking your wife to the bar to get drunk? If you have kids they probably have Mohawks and swear every other word. This may not be you at all but this is the picture you draw when you post. Just a thought.

Now kids, this is a textbook case of what psychologist call "projection". See, Major Butthurt here knows he is in over his head, and rather than admit his own faults and insecurities, he has decided to project them onto me as a defense mechanism, that way he has an avenue to vent at his own failures without attributing them to himself.

That is why you live in a backwoods, Missouri River, rural hell hole, and I live in the epicenter of class and culture in the state.
That's exactly the opposite of what I thought. Obviously Ghost has the skills to 2) think of a suitable phrase to respond to you with, 1)find a jpg with both the phrase and a picture that corresponds hilariously with the phrase, 4) post this jpg on an internet message board, 3)and still rock TruckNutz.

And I'm a little offended by your sweeping generalizations of guys that take their wives to the bar on dates. That is ridiculous, I take me and my 100 IQ and my GIRLFRIENDS to the bar while my wife stays home with the kids with mohawks. And we get there and home in a big truck. Stop being butthurt about it.

This. Ghost may be a jerk a lot of the time, but the last thing you can accuse him of is being unintelligent.
This. Ghost may be a jerk a lot of the time, but the last thing you can accuse him of is being unintelligent.

Who's accusing me of being a jerk? Calling a guy butt hurt for acting butt hurt is not a jerk move. Have you ever met an angry proctologist?

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