Jon(regarding Isu posters)

Tm3308 I disagree with you. There are several ISU posters I would keep. I just don't like to argue with the unbareable ones over moot points. If you want to argue with them go to cyfan.
Then don't argue/post with them. That Fran thread could have been one post long...but everyone bit and HAD to respond.
To be honest I'm surprised that thread is still up. Its embarrassing that its still going.
This thread is a major lolz fail.

Dear Jon,

I'm not able to use the ignore feature or stop myself from clicking on the threads that I supposedly don't like. Can you help me by making sweeping changes to the format of your website?
Tm3308 I disagree with you. There are several ISU posters I would keep. I just don't like to argue with the unbareable ones over moot points. If you want to argue with them go to cyfan.

You didn't make that particularly clear. I tend to ignore most of the crap posts from the ISU trolls, just like I usually don't bother with anything guys like Ryno post during football season, or TChawk with basketball.

Your OP just read a little like a blanket statement to me. My apologies.
I have no problem with ISU fans coming onto this site. It makes things more interesting. Some of them do need to learn where the rivalry forum is though.
The major point of this thread was to point out cyclonevet's incompetency and see if Jon would put and end to that disease.
I would have to agree that the "Fran" thread is a complete trolling attempt. As pointed out in the thread, some of ISU's most beloved coaches have had similar sideline demeanors.
Lighten up some of you. Sports are supposed to be fun and many take stuff like this so serious.
There are 1,000's of posts on here everyday with a few here and there about ISU. So who cares don't read them it is pretty easy to do.

Personally I like coming over here because I am a sports junkie and like conversing with other fans. It is all in fun. Trust me I know as a household we have Iowa and Iowa State season tickets so I know all about a rivalry, mine just happens to be my wife.
Lighten up some of you. Sports are supposed to be fun and many take stuff like this so serious. There are 1,000's of posts on here everyday with a few here and there about ISU. So who cares don't read them it is pretty easy to do.Personally I like coming over here because I am a sports junkie and like conversing with other fans. It is all in fun. Trust me I know as a household we have Iowa and Iowa State season tickets so I know all about a rivalry, mine just happens to be my wife.
So its been a good year for you in the household lol.
I guess I just don't understand their logic. If the hawks are doing something I like or think is cool I come here to post. If isu has something to say they come to our board?

It's the same reason they have license plates made up with the scores of the football games that ISU wins.
It was a stupid thread and I'm a Clone fan. Some people like to stir the pot. I like a lot of the hawk posters over on CF. The ones that post frequently are pretty respectful and honest.

Fans are going to defend their teams. If a hawk fan starts a Cyclone thread on a hawk board, Cyclone fans are going to chime in and vice versa. It happens on every message board across the nation.
I have posted the following hundreds of times: If you see a post that you think crossed a line, send me an email or PM. My email is at the end of every one of my posts. Send me a link to the post you think needs looked at...the permalink would be preferable, and it can be seen in the upper right of each post. Right mouse click on that and copy it and email it.

There are thousands of posts here every day. I can't read all of them and don't want to ;)
I have posted the following hundreds of times: If you see a post that you think crossed a line, send me an email or PM. My email is at the end of every one of my posts. Send me a link to the post you think needs looked at...the permalink would be preferable, and it can be seen in the upper right of each post. Right mouse click on that and copy it and email it.There are thousands of posts here every day. I can't read all of them and don't want to ;)
No need to yell at me gosh. Jk. Will do next time I apologize.
It was a stupid thread and I'm a Clone fan. Some people like to stir the pot. I like a lot of the hawk posters over on CF. The ones that post frequently are pretty respectful and honest.

They have to be or they are banned. Here, not so much. Here, we have to put up with some of the dregs of Clown Nation. There are quite a few Clone posters who come here and add absolutely nothing of value to any discussion except to degrade our programs.
I have an honest question. Where are you? Not being disrespectful but have you seen some of the threads lately involving our ISU "friends" especially the one titled Fran McCaffrey. As a hawk fan I come here to here about the hawks not about cyclone delusions of grandeur. I'm also pretty sure cyclonevet broke several rules by post #5. I know I'm not alone when I say that lately all they are doing is stirring the pot providing nothing to posts and even breaking site rules. Maybe I'm off base but would appreciate less cyclone garbage on here.

All I read from this is:

Jon, a thread was started which I was interested in so I clicked it which generated more hits for your website. Is it possible that you could reduce the revenue you generate by ending relationships with your customers which help you entertain more business?

Butthurt in Mills County
Cool thoughts rasberrytea. But if you read the thread on fran I think you'll find 95% of this board will agree with me. And when that thread gets Yanked Jon will have agreed too.
All I read from this is:

Jon, a thread was started which I was interested in so I clicked it which generated more hits for your website. Is it possible that you could reduce the revenue you generate by ending relationships with your customers which help you entertain more business?

Butthurt in Mills County

I'm calling it. This thread has been won!


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