Jon Podcast - Beathard


Well-Known Member
Lol. Steve is clueless in this Podcast. I hope he's just trying to be the Devils Advocate. If Ferentz was to posturize Beathard (who is a very popular teammate) in front of the team and demotes him to 3rd team cause of his interview?

IMO, He would lose the team and the fans instantly and the first stone will have dropped to his dismissal.
Just wondering if this whole thing is based on a false premise. If all of this is true, why is CJ even still there? Why would he not be demoted already? Or Krik says, CJ has left the team....

And to pull the camera back.

Does it really matter ? Will iowa become a 10 win program with Bethard?
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Just wondering if this whole thing is based on a false premise. If all of this is true, why is CJ even still there? Why would he not be demoted already? Or Krik says, CJ has left the team....

And to pull the camera back.

Does it really matter ? Will iowa become a 10 win program with Bethard?
They would have this year.
Just wondering if this whole thing is based on a false premise. If all of this is true, why is CJ even still there? Why would he not be demoted already? Or Krik says, CJ has left the team....

And to pull the camera back.

Does it really matter ? Will iowa become a 10 win program with Bethard?[/QUOTE

He is still here because he isn't going to leave his teammates hanging. If I remember correctly he made mention of that when Willies left, that he tried to convince him to wait until after the season was over.
One thing I disagree w/ in the analysis is that CJB's statement about it being an open competition "for the first time this year" is controversial. KF came out at the Big Ten Media days, I think, or shortly thereafter, and said "Jake is our starter, that isn't going to change" or something very like it.

I know he was doing it b/c he believed that would quell any QB controversy, but one could hardly be blamed for taking him at his word and presuming that the job was Jake's, that Jake would take all the practice snaps w/ the 1's, etc. I think after the bye week during Indiana prep he said something like "Jake is still our starter; i don't think he's done anything to lose that job".

It wasn't an open competition before or during the season and KF told us so. Not shocking CJB just repeated what his coach reported all along
One thing I disagree w/ in the analysis is that CJB's statement about it being an open competition "for the first time this year" is controversial. KF came out at the Big Ten Media days, I think, or shortly thereafter, and said "Jake is our starter, that isn't going to change" or something very like it.

I know he was doing it b/c he believed that would quell any QB controversy, but one could hardly be blamed for taking him at his word and presuming that the job was Jake's, that Jake would take all the practice snaps w/ the 1's, etc. I think after the bye week during Indiana prep he said something like "Jake is still our starter; i don't think he's done anything to lose that job".

It wasn't an open competition before or during the season and KF told us so. Not shocking CJB just repeated what his coach reported all along

See that is the problem, he promised CJB it would be if he stayed this year, so in other words our coach is a complete liar...
The only tangible piece we might be able to hang onto with regards to Beathard is that if Brian does become OC and he chooses to run a similar offense to what Bellichek runs in NE, we only have one guy that can run that offense and it's CJ. No way is Brian going to want to try and use JR to run their offense. He can't make half the throws that are necessary to run it even remotely efficiently. It at least begs the question if we do in fact turn another direction in OC's that CJ might be the one that benefits the most. Now, that is, if Kirk can get out of his own way and allow all things to happen which he's shown consistently that he can not. That's the only glimmer of hope I can see to this thing working.
Did I miss some announcement saying that the OC position is vacant again, or that BF is a serious candidate?

As far as I have heard, GD is the OC and for all intents and purposes will be next year. Ferentz is on record earlier this year describing him as "stellar."

The only tangible piece we might be able to hang onto with regards to Beathard is that if Brian does become OC and he chooses to run a similar offense to what Bellichek runs in NE, we only have one guy that can run that offense and it's CJ. No way is Brian going to want to try and use JR to run their offense. He can't make half the throws that are necessary to run it even remotely efficiently. It at least begs the question if we do in fact turn another direction in OC's that CJ might be the one that benefits the most. Now, that is, if Kirk can get out of his own way and allow all things to happen which he's shown consistently that he can not. That's the only glimmer of hope I can see to this thing working.
Why not just play 2 quarterbacks? Does it really hurt us that much??? I remember the year McCann was the starter, Banks got significant playing time.....
The only tangible piece we might be able to hang onto with regards to Beathard is that if Brian does become OC and he chooses to run a similar offense to what Bellichek runs in NE, we only have one guy that can run that offense and it's CJ. No way is Brian going to want to try and use JR to run their offense. He can't make half the throws that are necessary to run it even remotely efficiently. It at least begs the question if we do in fact turn another direction in OC's that CJ might be the one that benefits the most. Now, that is, if Kirk can get out of his own way and allow all things to happen which he's shown consistently that he can not. That's the only glimmer of hope I can see to this thing working.

As long as KF is the the head coach at Iowa we will run the same offense as we always have. Even Brian won't be able to assert that much change over KF.
In the podcast, Deace was using a hypothetical. "What if Brian(son) became the OC at Iowa and the offense kept throwing to a 3 yard check down on 3rd and eight"? Deace surmised if that happened, the fan base would go even more nuclear than reacting to Iowa's record under KF.. than reacting to CJ transferring. "That might put an indelible stain on the Ferentz legacy".

There was mention of poker in the podcast. Mention of Ferentz playing his stronger hand than the Beathard's hand. IMO, there are all indications KF MAY NOT have such a strong hand. The podcast mentioned, if CJ transferred, there would be a lack of any other QB with playing time considering Iowa's reputation of playing close games and the coaching staff's reputation of not substituting players during games or allowing the 2s to practice with the 1s.

(1)So, when Jake graduates, if CJ has transferred, Iowa's starting QB for the 2016 season will have zero game experience.

(2)IMO, OC Greg Davis may retire from Iowa if CJ transfers. CJ is Davis' QB and works better in Davis' offense. Not sure KF plans for his son to get the Iowa OC job this quickly.

(3)As mentioned earlier in this post and in the podcast, if the son's offense is as horrible as Davis' (according to some stanch Hawk fans) offense, that doesn't bode well for the son. Not something dad KF wants.

(4)Will some Hawk fans cry nepotism? KF caring more for the family than the Iowa program? Possible public relations nightmare.

(5)Less tickets sold to Iowa football games?

(6)Does KF and/or his staff really know how to evaluate, recruit, and use players for Iowa wins(always my contention)?
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Did I miss some announcement saying that the OC position is vacant again, or that BF is a serious candidate?

As far as I have heard, GD is the OC and for all intents and purposes will be next year. Ferentz is on record earlier this year describing him as "stellar."

MrT, I can say that I heard on at least 1 podcast about mid-season, that GD is retiring after this season. I have been operating under the assumption that he is and that BF would be OC next season; which is why I was holding out hope that CJ would eventually become the starter. So, if it plays out, as rumored and BF is OC, then I can only believe that BF is fully onboard with JR, also. That would be disappointing.
See that is the problem, he promised CJB it would be if he stayed this year, so in other words our coach is a complete liar...

I have seen this "coach is a complete liar" on this board several times; not sure if this is a repeat by you or in addition to others. I find it astonishing that you have the kind of inside information necessary to make this statement. You have absolutely no idea what goes on privately, within the team boundaries, between either QB and the head coach, let alone their position coaches. And, that is as it should be: It is none of your business and speculating is just plain silly. But, I guess that is what message boards are all about.
He is gone. This was CJ's family airing out some of their issues, but at same time trying to keep it professional. Nothing BAD was spoken, but CJ's quote about this position being open for the first time at Bowl Prep speaks volumes to KF and his coach speak during the season.

While CJ may not have deserved to start (I think he did) after pulling us back to win against Pitt, and taking control of the PU game, he completely deserved to get playing time after that...and not to run the @#%%# option offense!!! He didn't, and the team suffered for not at least trying something different.

And for BF taking over as OC....what qualifications does he have? While we've all groaned about Greg Davis, the dude does have a good resume. He's won a national title, and had some very explosive players and offenses under him. Yes, you can make excuses for the talent level....but on a resume, at least Great Davis has something.

What does BF have? We are all projecting that because he worked for some innovative coaching staffs in the Pro's, that is exactly how he'd run things here. I would love to think BF would involve the TE's more in the passing game, much like New England...but we don't know. As it was mentioned earlier, if he runs his dad's offense and it's still crud...he will take a lot of heat and potentially hurt his career.

This program is a mess, it's stale, and it's sinking. We cant recruit, we can't keep explosive players, and we're just boring.
I have seen this "coach is a complete liar" on this board several times; not sure if this is a repeat by you or in addition to others. I find it astonishing that you have the kind of inside information necessary to make this statement. You have absolutely no idea what goes on privately, within the team boundaries, between either QB and the head coach, let alone their position coaches. And, that is as it should be: It is none of your business and speculating is just plain silly. But, I guess that is what message boards are all about.

Right On DOC.
He is gone. This was CJ's family airing out some of their issues, but at same time trying to keep it professional. Nothing BAD was spoken, but CJ's quote about this position being open for the first time at Bowl Prep speaks volumes to KF and his coach speak during the season.

While CJ may not have deserved to start (I think he did) after pulling us back to win against Pitt, and taking control of the PU game, he completely deserved to get playing time after that...and not to run the @#%%# option offense!!! He didn't, and the team suffered for not at least trying something different.

And for BF taking over as OC....what qualifications does he have? While we've all groaned about Greg Davis, the dude does have a good resume. He's won a national title, and had some very explosive players and offenses under him. Yes, you can make excuses for the talent level....but on a resume, at least Great Davis has something.

What does BF have? We are all projecting that because he worked for some innovative coaching staffs in the Pro's, that is exactly how he'd run things here. I would love to think BF would involve the TE's more in the passing game, much like New England...but we don't know. As it was mentioned earlier, if he runs his dad's offense and it's still crud...he will take a lot of heat and potentially hurt his career.

This program is a mess, it's stale, and it's sinking. We cant recruit, we can't keep explosive players, and we're just boring.

Doc, BF doesn't have the experience to be an OC at any B1G school. However, his dad will do whatever he wants to do and the next logical step for BF's career is OC, at some point. Why would kfootball engineer that at Iowa where he, for the most part, has complete control over every aspect of the program? I think there are very few that want BF as OC at Iowa. I know I don't on principle, alone. But, that doesn't mean it won't happen. In fact, it is beginning to feel likely.
The one point I disagree with Jon is that Iowa is screwed in 2016 if Beathard leaves. Weigers is a 4 star recruit who would be in his RS soph year.
I have seen this "coach is a complete liar" on this board several times; not sure if this is a repeat by you or in addition to others. I find it astonishing that you have the kind of inside information necessary to make this statement. You have absolutely no idea what goes on privately, within the team boundaries, between either QB and the head coach, let alone their position coaches. And, that is as it should be: It is none of your business and speculating is just plain silly. But, I guess that is what message boards are all about.

You probably weren't a very good history student. Maybe the arts were your thing.
TOS has a post stating Marc Morehouse tweeting that He spoke to GD, and Greg mentioned both QB's will play. The position is open, and has been due to the result against Nebraska.

Guess we'll know on Friday
The one point I disagree with Jon is that Iowa is screwed in 2016 if Beathard leaves. Weigers is a 4 star recruit who would be in his RS soph year.

With next to zero game experience. As far as his recruiting ranking goes, Jake Christensen and Beneventi were both 4-star quarterbacks. I'm not going to feel comfortable about our QB situation if all I have to go on is the kid's star rating.