Jewell Hampton Pleads Guilty

Im 20 years old and white and the fights in bars in iowa are typically started by a white kid with his tap out shirt or his collar popped, just sayin. not sayin its like that every time but i think you guys are just blowin the term "redneck cracker" way out of proportion

Hahaha! The more things change, the more they stay the same. I am an old fogey Hawk and these same sad rules applied when I was a student in the 1980s. (Except "tap out" didn't exist, but other faux-macho wannabe signifying did.)
Good call, Havnasty.
WestCoastHawk would probably get ****** if i called him a "Too Tan Porch Monkey"....
its ok for him to call whites "red neck crackers?"
here's a big F U buddy.
its too bad the name i said is deemed racist. while we are expected to let what he said slide. its complete $#!t
A. To be racist you have to oppress someone. I don't see how any white folks are oppressed by my post.

B. Its impossible to be racist towards white people in the US as they are the race in power.

Its all good homey.

C. It is people like you that claim racism as the only excuse for people of other ethnic backgrounds being arrested. Nevermind the fact that they were doing something illegal. Take responsibility for yourself. People who claim racism as a reason for being arrested are cowards. You are a coward in my book...
Didn't understand the tapout reference. Looked it up. Most idiotic stuff I've ever seen.

Should just cut out the middleman, buy a cheap black t-shirt and iron on gigantic letters "I Am A Poseur"

EDIT: Considering the target market, French spellings might be a stretch, make that "Pozer"
Didn't understand the tapout reference. Looked it up. Most idiotic stuff I've ever seen.

Should just cut out the middleman, buy a cheap black t-shirt and iron on gigantic letters "I Am A Poseur"

EDIT: Considering the target market, French spellings might be a stretch, make that "Loozer"

Im 20 years old and white and the fights in bars in iowa are typically started by a white kid with his tap out shirt or his collar popped, just sayin. not sayin its like that every time but i think you guys are just blowin the term "redneck cracker" way out of proportion

Then my theory is reinforced.

Only trashy white people from the midwest wear tapout and pop their collars.

As I said. The state is a decade behind the major coastal cities.
As I said. The state is a decade behind the major coastal cities.
Not as far as race relations my friend. You can have your major coastal city where nobody cares about anyone else and there is no sense of community. You can have the crime and traffic. I love the fact that I can run down to the grocer who knows me by name and be back home in just a few minutes as opposed to an hour or two. I love the fact that I can call my dentist at 9 oclock on friday night with a tooth ache and he tells me to meet him at the office. You can have your west coast. DONT come running here when it starts to fall into the pacific.
Um, I believe that the most powerful office in this country is held by someone who is half-white, half-black.

Um, - the most powerful office in this country is held by (predominantly white) corporattions. Half white half black dude in that office is them (corporations) saying: "Look, we got you a half black dude for President - now you can feel good while we are screwing you up"
Wow, the moderators either dont monitor or dont care as this theard has went from JH guilty plea to racial slurs to politics.