Jewell Hampton Pleads Guilty

Don't need any.

I lived in Iowa for 19 years.

It's not as bad as the south, but blacks get funny looks and talked badly about.

I'm 50% norwegian and the rest is Irish/German/English.

It was mind opening moving out of Iowa.

Comments about cops saying to eachother "Let's go see what we can get dreadlocks for" do not surprise me AT ALL.

A brother has a hard time in Iowa, even a liberal city like Iowa City.

My thoughts go out to everyone treated poorly because they are in a part of the country that is a decade behind the major coastal cities.

Jewell and Jordan, I feel for you guys! Hope everything works out.

Being a minority myself, and not African American, I have also felt the racism in Iowa. I think it's not an Iowa problem but a problem world wide. I'm not going to call out other races in this because who knows what happened. You make us all sound ignorant, and please... just keep your racist comments to yourself. It becomes a vicious cycle.
And he hasn't responded yet... wonder if Jon gave him the boot. One poster who said he witnessed Jewel being escorted to the squad car said he heard one of the cops make the dreadlock comment. One poster... I'm assuming that's all the information you have to make the assumption that this was racial. I think it would have more to do with the fact that they are football players than the fact that they are black. If Jewel was in a bar and involved in several altercations it's our law enforcement officers jobs to take care of it. If JB interfered with the officers trying to arrest Jewel then he got what he deserved, if he didn't then he has a decent chance at having his charges dropped plain and simple. Even if all he did was argue with them, if he didn't stop when they told him to they had the right to throw him in the back of the car.

Playing the race card here is ridiculous and completely unnecessary. What if the officer who arrested Brian Ferentz and those guys was black? Or Riley Reiff? Please man, if the players put themselves in these type of situations then they have to face the consequences. It looks like Jewel has already admitted his mistake. Now I agree with the previous poster, I've heard from several people who are familiar with Jewel say that this wasn't a situation he usually puts himself in and that he's a quality young man. I know I've made stupid decisions involving alcohol in my dad I was just fortunate enough not to get caught. I do have several friends that have similar charges on their record. It's not uncommon for things like this to happen to kids his age. Let's leave it at that and keep this racial crap out of it unless there is credible evidence please. Ferentz will handle it appropriately, and I'm guessing no one is going to be harder on Hampton than himself.
Jewel has plead guilty, he has learned a tough lesson and now he can move on with his life. Some of you should do the same.
Wow what a garbage post...since when are racist comments allowed on the board?

A. To be racist you have to oppress someone. I don't see how any white folks are oppressed by my post.

B. Its impossible to be racist towards white people in the US as they are the race in power.

Its all good homey.
Per relatives of Jewel's roommate (Wienke), Jewel rarely if ever goes out and drinks. Didn't deny Jewel was guilty but said this was out of character and sort of fluke circumstances.

That's like the pregnant young woman protesting "but we did it only one time!" Whether you do it rarely or do it often, you run the risk of getting caught being somewhere you shouldn't be or doing something you shouldn't be doing.

He needs to put it behind him, accept his punishment and work hard to have a helluva season.
A. To be racist you have to oppress someone. I don't see how any white folks are oppressed by my post.

B. Its impossible to be racist towards white people in the US as they are the race in power.

Its all good homey.

It's all crap, sir, with all due respect...

B. Its impossible to be racist towards white people in the US as they are the race in power.

Um, I believe that the most powerful office in this country is held by someone who is half-white, half-black.

Either way, it's a far stretch to make "blanket" assumptions about everyone in the state of Iowa. I live in a town with a very large Hispanic population and couldn't be happier that they are here. The ignorance of a few people is not representative of the overall beliefs of an entire state.
Um, I believe that the most powerful office in this country is held by someone who is half-white, half-black.

Either way, it's a far stretch to make "blanket" assumptions about everyone in the state of Iowa. I live in a town with a very large Hispanic population and couldn't be happier that they are here. The ignorance of a few people is not representative of the overall beliefs of an entire state.

Oh, well there are these things called the executive, judicial and legislative branches buddy. Pretty sure the white's have the majority.

and secondly... a large hispanic population? compared to what? A state that is 95.7% white sounds to me like it's teeming with diversity.
Hey WestCoast, you're missing the point.

You're making an allegation about a specific incident, based on general societal observations. That's illogical, unsupported, and b.s. In fact, it is also the definition of racism - making assumptions about individuals or their behavior based on stereotypes about their race.

Said another way, nothing you've allegedly learned since moving out of Iowa has a damn thing to do with Jewel Hampton the other night in a bar.
Oh, well there are these things called the executive, judicial and legislative branches buddy. Pretty sure the white's have the majority.

and secondly... a large hispanic population? compared to what? A state that is 95.7% white sounds to me like it's teeming with diversity.

He lives in Marshalltown, buddy. He said he lives in a TOWN with a large Hispanic population. And there are several places in Iowa where the Hispanic population IS quite large.
A. To be racist you have to oppress someone. I don't see how any white folks are oppressed by my post.

B. Its impossible to be racist towards white people in the US as they are the race in power.

Its all good homey.

Nomination for "Dumbest Post Of The Year".
congrats on making my ignored list with your intelligent commentary

Wow, some of you need to take a deep breath,all of this name calling is out of hand.The kids screwed up like we never have before.The hardest thing to do is walk away from a altercation after having a few drinks.Life lessons aren't always fair but at least nobody got hurt.Coach will take care of this and move on just like we should.
Careful guys he's gonna be calling us all racists rednecks because we're calling him out for making an idiotic post.

So basically if you make an assumption like you did... "The fight was in an IC bar so it was probably started by a couple redneck white guys that said something stupid" that's not racist? The only thing that is known is that Jewel was in several altercations and the bar staff felt the need to call the cops on him. You don't place any blame on him for being drunk and out of control, and instead decide to play the race card (by making up some idea that Jewel was defending himself because of a couple white rednecks). So basically you're saying the only people that can be racist are white people? Your lack of intelligence is amusing.
Im 20 years old and white and the fights in bars in iowa are typically started by a white kid with his tap out shirt or his collar popped, just sayin. not sayin its like that every time but i think you guys are just blowin the term "redneck cracker" way out of proportion
Im 20 years old and white and the fights in bars in iowa are typically started by a white kid with his tap out shirt or his collar popped, just sayin. not sayin its like that every time but i think you guys are just blowin the term "redneck cracker" way out of proportion

If that's the case, then I would suggest "*********" as an appropriate term, rather than "redneck cracker".