Jeter "HBP"


Well-Known Member
Anyone else see Jeter's acting job last night? Jeter squares to bunt, ball thrown inside hits the knob of the bat, and Jeter starts jumping around like he's been hit. Umpire awards him first, next batter hits a two run shot.

Two things - First, Fail on the part of the umpire, he should have seen it and he shouldn't have bought into Jeter's theatrics. Second, Jeter is a Doosch. I don't want to hear how classy and what a sportsman he is anymore. He's now on the same page with A-Rod, after trying to knock the ball out of the First-baseman's glove during the 2004 ALCS, in my book.

Yankees Suck!
It is Jeter's job to get on base, the ump's job to make the right call. The ump, not Jeter, was the one who didn't do his job. Selling a call (framing pitches, flopping in basketball, etc) happens in sport all the time, so to vilify Jeter for it is a little absurd.
It is Jeter's job to get on base, the ump's job to make the right call. The ump, not Jeter, was the one who didn't do his job. Selling a call (framing pitches, flopping in basketball, etc) happens in sport all the time, so to vilify Jeter for it is a little absurd.

Just because it happens doesn't make it right. I agree the ump got the call wrong and is as much to blame as Jeter, but the spectacle that Jeter made was way over the top. He's the anointed "Golden Boy" of baseball, he should be above this.

Where would your non-outrage be if Bonds had done this in his day? We'd be seeing replays all day on SportsCenter and every analyst in the world would be calling for Bonds' (very large) head.
Anyone else see Jeter's acting job last night? Jeter squares to bunt, ball thrown inside hits the knob of the bat, and Jeter starts jumping around like he's been hit. Umpire awards him first, next batter hits a two run shot.

Two things - First, Fail on the part of the umpire, he should have seen it and he shouldn't have bought into Jeter's theatrics. Second, Jeter is a Doosch. I don't want to hear how classy and what a sportsman he is anymore. He's now on the same page with A-Rod, after trying to knock the ball out of the First-baseman's glove during the 2004 ALCS, in my book.

Yankees Suck!
If you dislike the yankees go for it. However, Jeter is a consummate professional and has done nothing but represent himself and the sport in an admirable way. Even both announcers last night said they had done the same thing and his job was to get on base pure and simple. Take your Yankee hate somewhere else but don't rag on Jeter.
I can't stand Jeter or the Yankees, but there's nothing wrong with what he did in that situation.
If you dislike the yankees go for it. However, Jeter is a consummate professional and has done nothing but represent himself and the sport in an admirable way. Even both announcers last night said they had done the same thing and his job was to get on base pure and simple. Take your Yankee hate somewhere else but don't rag on Jeter.

Thank you.

OP obviously is 'that guy' who looks for every excuse to rain on the Jeter parade.
If you dislike the yankees go for it. However, Jeter is a consummate professional and has done nothing but represent himself and the sport in an admirable way. Even both announcers last night said they had done the same thing and his job was to get on base pure and simple. Take your Yankee hate somewhere else but don't rag on Jeter.

Don't get me wrong I do hate the Yankees, but have always liked Jeter for the reasons you described above. But, that play and acting the way he did is beneath him.

If we were talking about any other player or team, or if the Yankees won that game there would be more outrage then there is. But because it was Jeter he was just "doing his job".

Bottom line is the Ump blew the call but Jeter acted like a drama queen.
If you dislike the yankees go for it. However, Jeter is a consummate professional and has done nothing but represent himself and the sport in an admirable way. Even both announcers last night said they had done the same thing and his job was to get on base pure and simple. Take your Yankee hate somewhere else but don't rag on Jeter.

If A-Rod had done the exact same thing, I guarantee people would be saying he doesn't respect the game or ripping on him for doing it.
First of all it's getting MORE attention because of who he is and who he plays for not less.

Secondly he did exactly what he was supposed to do, namely get on base. Baseball is the only sport in which "stealing" is allowed (both signs and bases). It's no different than trapping a ball and trying to sell it as a catch. It's no different than Derrick Lee comming of 1'st base a hair early trying to sell a ground out.

You can have all the hatred for the Yankees you want but Jeeter did the same thing any other baseball player would do in that situation, at least those that were smart enough to think about it.
If A-Rod had done the exact same thing, I guarantee people would be saying he doesn't respect the game or ripping on him for doing it.
While this is probably true, it's a matter of what you have done throughout your career being taken into account when a matter like this happens. Fair or not, Bonds and A-Rod have integrity issues within the game and Jeter does not (with most folks, including the umps).

This is a completely different subject, but goes to the core of how people are viewed. When Favre said he was going to retire, no one believed him. When Kurt Warner said he was going to retire, everyone believed him.
Baseball players of all ages have been doing this since the game was invented. It was the umps responsibility. I think your dislike for the Yanks takes a little precedence here...

Do you think the best pro BB players should stop the game and tell the refs that they got the play wrong just to prove they are "above that sort of thing?"
The bottom line is this....

In baseball (and many other sports) it is perfectly acceptable to try and decieve the umpires or officials in order to gain an advantage. The only time it's considered "dirty" is if your deception is aimed at harming or injuring another player.
my bubble is not burst.

I can't imagine if you considered yourself a big Jeter fan you'd ever call him a 'doosh' (sic).

I can see why you'd think that based on my OP, however, I never said I was a "big" fan, just a fan.

I relate the "Doosh" comment on Jeter the same way I feel about Farve. I like Farve, the way he's played and what he's accomplished in his career (even when he was beating up my favorite team), but I think he's a Doosh for what he's pulled the last few seasons.

I like Jeter, there is no doubt that he is a great ballplayer, but I think he was a Doosh last night.
Don't get me wrong I do hate the Yankees, but have always liked Jeter for the reasons you described above. But, that play and acting the way he did is beneath him.

If we were talking about any other player or team, or if the Yankees won that game there would be more outrage then there is. But because it was Jeter he was just "doing his job".

Bottom line is the Ump blew the call but Jeter acted like a drama queen.
One of the most famous plays in World Series History was the 69 series between Mets and Orioles...pass ball that went in the dug out and the manager Gil Hodges ran the ball out to the ump to show him shoes polish on the ball, the player was allowed to take first. Gil later admitted to putting his own polish on the ball. It is called "gamemanship" in baseball. Jeter even admitted it after the game that his job was to get on base PERIOD.

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