Jeff Horner Joining Staff...

Jeff is an easy choice for GA. Takes care of the feel good aspect of having ex-Hawk on staff, leaves spots open for more established coaches and recruiters.
Nice move by Fran. Horner may not be able to recruit on campus, but he does have name recognition for the phone calls. Because of Horner's passion, he'll likely work harder than heck in hopes of a full-time gig at the end of his two-year GA stint.

Now, we just need some good news in the world of recruiting.
I am not sure if I agree that Horner has a more name related association with Hawkeye basketball success than a Bowen, Settles or Woolridge

To current High School athletes he does. I graduated from HS 10 years ago and Woolridge is probably the first player that I remember watching, and those memories are a bit hazy. Current HS kids never saw these guys play, or would remember seeing them at least.
I was wondering the same thing; it's probably quite the pay cut.

I would bet it's not far off if it even is a pay cut- but that's just my speculation. More importantly he would now have college level experience to stay/move on as an assistant in the college ranks if that was his course- which I would assume is a substantial increase from his high school coaching position. A lot easier to do that once you've added the GA to your resume.
I really don't think graduate assistants are responsible for carrying a heavy load in the recruiting process. Will it be a good name to drop, yes. I think his most value will come from his ability to participate in practice. You want to teach Cully Payne how to guard an Evan Turner type player, make him D up the taller, better shooting, stronger Jeff Horner in practice. I am sure Jeff knows every Big Ten offense like the back of his hand, you want someone to run Wisconsin's offense, Jeff can probably play every position. His youth and playing ability will be utilized more than his name on the recruiting trails. A low risk, high reward move.
Still feel the same way about the usefulness of J. Horner. I guess we'll just have to wait for a link to the real story.
Horner could have been offered the job and it leaked out. Both parties would not be happy if the other candidates have not been told yet. If you are trying to build relationships with former players, you do not want to have them find out they did not get the job based rumors on a message board.
I had just spoken to a family member of JH last Sat. and they said FM had not made contact with JH. Next thing I hear is JH is a grad. assit. Thought family member was me or uninformed. They were speaking truth.

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