JBo Reddit Thread Highlights

Nope. Got a PM. Right after Andrew Downs left.
So why did they ask you? If I remember right, you announced you'd do it on the board. Did they seriously out of the blue ask you? I mod a 2500 member group. I wasn't asked. You did put yourself forward.
So why did they ask you? If I remember right, you announced you'd do it on the board. Did they seriously out of the blue ask you? I mod a 2500 member group. I wasn't asked. You did put yourself forward.
Remember they replaced Howe. Why replace someone with an exact replica?
So why did they ask you? If I remember right, you announced you'd do it on the board. Did they seriously out of the blue ask you? I mod a 2500 member group. I wasn't asked. You did put yourself forward.
If you remember, last summer when things were falling apart here and Rob I mentioned starting another Hawkeye forum with no politics/religion/etc allowed on the sports board. That’s when I got the PM. I didn’t ask if someone suggested my name or not.

Never approached anyone.
the reason they got rid of Rob as a moderator
It wasn't like that.

Rob, whether you agree with his views or not, is a seriously stand up guy. He's a professional person that I respect and he he's got the added weight on his shoulders of having his name out there.

Let's face it, even if you don't like or agree with how last summer was in the media, he took (and continues to take) a lot of shit online and elsewhere for his reporting. That takes balls either way you look at it because your livelihood is potentially at stake.

I respect the heck out of someone willing to put their neck on the line for what they believe in. I agree with some of his views and disagree with others, but the shit storm that rained down on him I wouldn't wish on anyone, present company included.
OK, let's go. I'll do it by point. Fry v Gold

1. You make outlandish statements by your last one where you are wrong.
2. You do gaslight.
3. You hold power so it loses credibility.
4. The IP address thing is easy enough to manipulate. More hot air which is common for you. What is the difference between hot air and lying? Hard to tell sometimes.
5. Prior to moderating, yourself, Dean, DD and a few others were the most mean-spirited/insulting people on here. At times you are funny about it, other times, it's just plain mean, rude, inconsiderate and so forth and oft not called for except to boost yourself (it seems).
6. Totally think it's ironic it comes to a head in this thread. Why? Because you are the JBo of HN. You act like him. Some think it's cute. Some like the brashness/rudeness. Many do not. To be frank, if you think JBo had is coming, Fry also has this coming. What do I think about JBo? If I grow tired and at times wish he'd leave the program. Other times it's entertaining. Did he have it coming? Sort of. Should he have been stopped? For sure by friends/coaches (this and other situations). Mostly I feel embarrassed for him. I don't know why he acts the way he does. Maybe he's a spoiled brat youngest child. Maybe he just does it by nature. Maybe it has to do with Barnstormer BB issues. I don't know. None of us know. There were a lot of victims. Abuse does cause varying behaviors
7. You are one of the top negative posters on this board. Yet you criticize those being negative.
8. You prohibit certain discussions on non-open discussion threads. Mostly this is good, though some subjects naturally lead out of certain discussions in re to Iowa sports and it's not easy to just ignore the elephant in the room, especially with a lawsuit going on. What I find particularly troubling is that (OK, not as bad as it used to be), you allow and at times participate in demeaning comments directed towards women. As a married guy with 3 daughters, I do find this quite offensive and is not different than stupid banned other comments. You do have characteristics that seem like you have a strong dislike for women. It's loud, but not as prevalent since you mod and lately has disappeared.
9. There are several accounts where words match up in words used (that others don't use). Also there is a cadence/style similarity. I have taught college credit classes before and have caught several cheaters over the years using others papers. There is software, but with you it's just experience. Drum Roll, the one that matches up most is Deano. After that it's DD. There are others, but they don't match up as well. To be frank, I've mentioned this several times directly to you and you didn't respond at all.
10. You do exhibit narcissistic behavior. You have a number of similarities with sociopathic behavior.
11. Since I took swipes at you, a bit about me. Why do I disappear? I have my own business now and at times, I'm too busy. Right now, I need breaks from mentally tedious work. This place provides that. At times I"m too busy. I need to guard where I'm at on busyness. That is because I've had a lifetime struggle with PTSD from severe childhood abuse. Over the winter I withdrew from a lot of things, including HN and didn't feel well enough to interact much. The abuse started with my parents. Frankly I don't know how I survived. Being sucker punched by your father isn't very fun. Seeing this happen to Jordan has been trying ( and yes I think he is responsible for his actions so I have mixed feelings). I also have strong emotions about the Barnstormers for similar reasons and know how such stuff impacts people. Btw, my dad wore a badge and he should never been allowed to continue to wear one. What was sad looking back at myself as a child was that MANY people knew about it and no one stopped it or asked questions, including the doctor treating my injuries.
12. One of the mental escapes I had in my life was Hawkeye sports.
There is absolutely no chance that Deano is Fry. Zero.

1) Their opinions on Hawkeye sports are completely different. Fry is more of a "realist"/pessimist and Dean was always an optimist.
2) Their deliveries are completely different.
3) Word usage and diction not in the same neighborhood.

Just because you didn't get along with them doesn't mean they're Fry's alts. More than one person is allowed to be mean and not get along with you.