Jake Sullivan


Well-Known Member
I heard he went off in some blog or email that got posted in a blog somehere. Can anyone tell me what this was about? and is it worth trying to fnd link to it? I heard matt and miller talking about it, buit got in at the tail end, so i never figured out what it was all about. they went right into the pump bros scandle from there. Are they tied into each other?
I personally don't have a problem with his letter. Maybe he is a jerk, but when a guy is trying to prepare a player for the next level, the players should be told what they NEED to hear, not what they WANT to hear. That doesn't get you anywhere. I feel very fortunate that I had an old-school dad in a time where that's getting very rare (I graduated high school in 2008). He also happened to be my baseball coach. He didn't feed me full of fluff, he told me what I needed to hear to be the best player I could possibly be. And that's what got me to be that player.
I heard he went off in some blog or email that got posted in a blog somehere. Can anyone tell me what this was about? and is it worth trying to fnd link to it? I heard matt and miller talking about it, buit got in at the tail end, so i never figured out what it was all about. they went right into the pump bros scandle from there. Are they tied into each other?

he just responded to that long thread on cyclownfanatic with a long post of his own, that is now creating some controversy. it is on their front forum page.
Wow, after reading that I sense a little Alford coming out in him. Act like a jerk and when you get called out for it, invoke god and religion to get people off your back.
Serious question here, I have no idea who Jake Sullivan is. Someone of signifigance?

He was a stud Iowa State player awhile ago and is now an AAU coach with Kingdom Hoops. He is also a grade A A-hole and one of the bigger jackasses that I have ever reffed.
Wow, that letter is not impressive at all. Jake sounds pathetic. He is coaching 15u boys...and he is not Roy Williams, good grief!
I have met Jake Sullivan numerous times. Personally, I found him to be a solid teacher.

My experiences was watching him work out with some high school kids, girs and boys. I don't claim to be a close friend with him, or know him beyond my handfull of dealings with him, but I was always impressed with his passion and intensity.

I know first hand that a lot of kids he has helped and parents of those kids respect the hell out of him. I do know a number of them very well.

Stories are like bread no matter how thin you slice them there are always 2 sides. After reading this and knowing some of the kids I do, I would venture to suggest that Jake is not the monster some are making him out to be, some of the kids and parents probably have or had different expectations and that there is probably some right and wrong on both sides of this issue.
We signed my high school daughter up for Jake's Point Guard Camp a couple years ago. He had e-mailed me a couple times to confirm payment...so he had my contact information. The camp was to start on a Sunday morning. My wife and I drove our daughter 2 hours to Ames. We showed up at Ames and had trouble finding the site. I had Jake's cell phone number from the registration information. After several attempts of calling him Jake finally answered his phone. It sounded like I woke him up. He informed me that the camp had been canceled due to lack of numbers. It would have been nice to have gotten a call or an e-mail stating the camp had been canceled BEFORE we had made that 2-hr trek to Ames. Basically made a 4-hr (round trip) trip to Ames to eat at Applebees on that Sunday morning. If this is how Jake runs programs I'm not surprised that people are becoming dissatisfied.
We signed my high school daughter up for Jake's Point Guard Camp a couple years ago. He had e-mailed me a couple times to confirm payment...so he had my contact information. The camp was to start on a Sunday morning. My wife and I drove our daughter 2 hours to Ames. We showed up at Ames and had trouble finding the site. I had Jake's cell phone number from the registration information. After several attempts of calling him Jake finally answered his phone. It sounded like I woke him up. He informed me that the camp had been canceled due to lack of numbers. It would have been nice to have gotten a call or an e-mail stating the camp had been canceled BEFORE we had made that 2-hr trek to Ames. Basically made a 4-hr (round trip) trip to Ames to eat at Applebees on that Sunday morning. If this is how Jake runs programs I'm not surprised that people are becoming dissatisfied.

That would **** me off.
I have met Jake Sullivan numerous times. Personally, I found him to be a solid teacher.

My experiences was watching him work out with some high school kids, girs and boys. I don't claim to be a close friend with him, or know him beyond my handfull of dealings with him, but I was always impressed with his passion and intensity.

I know first hand that a lot of kids he has helped and parents of those kids respect the hell out of him. I do know a number of them very well.

Stories are like bread no matter how thin you slice them there are always 2 sides. After reading this and knowing some of the kids I do, I would venture to suggest that Jake is not the monster some are making him out to be, some of the kids and parents probably have or had different expectations and that there is probably some right and wrong on both sides of this issue.

I have never met him, saw him around Ames a couple of times. What I know about him comes from that letter and the post on CF that he wrote himself and he comes across as whiny and bitter. He definitely holds a grudge (see HB info in the letter). He may be a great guy, but if he wants to be thought of like that he should probably refrain from writing any more letters because he sounds like a jerk in them.
Jake is a Clone...so I love it. Read the comments from CF posters. A few like him, but for the most part, they consider him an a-hole.
Wow, that letter is not impressive at all. Jake sounds pathetic. He is coaching 15u boys...and he is not Roy Williams, good grief!

Read the letter again. He never once claimed to be Roy Williams. He was trying to make the point that college coaches, especially the elite ones like Williams, are not guys that you text after a tough game, asking why you got chewed out. He's not likening himself to Roy Williams. He was trying to make Barnes realize that college coaches will treat him in that manner at times. I will say, however, that I seriously doubt that that one incident was what made Barnes leave. He seems to have a much more level head on his shoulders than that.
That E-mail isnt sent if it didnt concern the best player on his roster leaving. Thats the truth and thats what has Jake bent out of shape enough to write it. He's a crybabay. Sometimes you lose your best players.
Sometimes parents are a pain in the rear.
If he is well compensated (and judging by the amounts thrown around, I'd say he is) then he should expect to glad hand with the parents.
Thats Business 101: Do what you have to do to keep your customer happy.
That E-mail isnt sent if it didnt concern the best player on his roster leaving. Thats the truth and thats what has Jake bent out of shape enough to write it. He's a crybabay. Sometimes you lose your best players.
Sometimes parents are a pain in the rear.
If he is well compensated (and judging by the amounts thrown around, I'd say he is) then he should expect to glad hand with the parents.
Thats Business 101: Do what you have to do to keep your customer happy.

The problem is that parents are stupid these days. His job is NOT to make the parents happy. He is being paid to prepare those parents' sons for the next level. If he treats them in a fashion similar to that of a college coach, and the parents/kid don't like it, and decide to leave, that's not on Sullivan's shoulders. It simply means that the parents/kid need to get over it, because that's what it will be like at the college level. If they never learn how to handle that, then they don't belong at that level at all.

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