Somebody needs to put a lid on Fran. I love his program and what he has brought to the Iowa fans, anyone in that arena last night has to agree Carver hasn't been that loud in probably over a decade. But to those who say why scrutinize or scapegoat Fran over just 2 points, you have to ask yourself why simply give 2 freethrows to a top ten team in a dog fight like this? The refs are going to miss their calls, the players are going to make their mistakes that cost us points, but why simply give the opponent two uncontested shots on the goal? Really? I think by now Fran needs to put a lid on whatever language he is using to get his point across, and channel that energy on coaching our boys to play some good tough big ten basketball. Stop giving away points to teams like MSU and Vadgers. And as a PS, Fran (as well as everyone else in that arena) was right to be miffed by that call, appling picked up his dribble at the 3 point line- watch the replay on How bout having those 2 points back also?